Thursday, August 30, 2012

Baptismal covenant.

30 August 2012   
Mark 16:16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.

One may study the Bible and try at all costs to find the baptism covenant or that of confirmation and it is simply not to be found. In the wisdom of our Patriarchs or the first Believers, baptism was a sign of acceptance of the conditions of believing that Jesus Christ died, was raised by the Holy Spirit to life, lives and reigns at the right hand of the Father and will be returning to this earth. We see this in the various creeds and in the Bible and the Church in its wisdom has given to us those vows that are said both at baptism and confirmation. We proclaim this by accepting Jesus Christ as LORD over us in every way.

These vows are not made to the Church but to God, so God and the person making the vows  are both committed to that covenant which is sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ. So many people today make these vows but are not committed to keep them, they continue to allow evil to control them, so breaking their covenant with God. It is better for them to be made well aware of the relationship that God expects from them and this is done through example of others, bible study, regular church attendance and a life committed to fellowship and following Jesus.

Be encouraged today to read your baptism vows and be reminded of your covenant.
Point to ponder: Baptism brings us into covenant with God.

Question to consider: Do you keep your baptism vows?

Honour the Lord

29 August 2012     

Psalms 33:6 By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all their host by the breath of his mouth.

When we look up at the heavens and stand amazed at the magnitude of the universe, and we realise how small and insignificant we are in all of creation, we then need to stop and think. The LORD placed the galaxies in their place, in perfect order and He gave us on this small planet Earth His Word, He gave us Himself. He placed you and I on this earth to do those things that are right and pleasing to Him. For us to love those things that He loves and to do those things that pleases Him.

When we believe that we can do what pleases us and disregard what pleases the LORD then we cannot expect the LORD to be pleased with us. The LORD made us in His image and when we sin we distort that image, and the world sees that distorted image and is deceived by sin into believing the distortion rather than His Word. We need to stop, look up and see the greatness of the LORD in His created heavens, repent and fall down before the LORD, begging His mercy for our arrogance and pride. Honour the LORD by doing what is righteous in His sight, be obedient to His Word, living a life which is worthy of His image, not our own.

Be encouraged today to honour the LORD in all you do, and teach.
Point to ponder: Bring honour to the LORD.

Question to consider: Do you honour the LORD your God?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Make today count

27 August 2012     

Psalms 118:24 This is the day which the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it! When we come to this day and we have a heart that is filled with rejoicing and we are glad because we have this day, then surely we should make today count. Each day should have it’s moments of extraordinary within the ordinary, those anointed moments that brings joy and laughter, hope and love, peace and surety to ourselves and to those we meet. Make today count.

To do this we need to be firstly obedient and secondly submissive to the word of God, to start to understand that we are appointed and anointed, we are somebody in the eyes of God. Once we have that in our hearts then we do what we have to do in the day with a joy and a delight, because we do it as if we are working for the Lord. We give of our best because Jesus is the best, and as we do this in this day, we make today count for Jesus.

Be encouraged today to make today count.
Point to ponder: Make today count.

Question to consider: Have you ever wasted a day?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Good Words

24 August 2012    

John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.

In my opinion one of the reasons I believe that I am made in the image of God my Creator Father, is that I have a voice and a language I speak. All other parts of creation may have a voice but it cannot speak. My God speaks and communicates with words and He is the Word, all of creation knows and hears His voice.

So when we speak, we should speak words with careful thought, rather to praise than condemn, to love rather than hate, to be positive rather than negative, for it is by our words that others judge us. Idols in our lives cannot speak, yet they are able to control how we speak and of what we speak. If we have the idol of money then all we speak about is money, how much we have or how much we won, if our idol is our work, then that is all we speak about and so on. In the same way our problems become our idols and these dominate our thinking, rather than us bringing our problems to God and to speak to Him about them.

Be encouraged today to be mindful of your words.

Point to ponder: Our words tell others about us.

Question to consider: How do you speak?

Keep it flowing

23 August 2012     

Jeremiah 17:8 He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit."

When you pipe water from one point to another it is not as complicated as having to dig a furrow and to lead the water to where you need it. Often the walls of the furrow collapse and the water flows every where but where you need it. It is like playing sand castles on the beach. We have a bricked and cemented furrow running from the main conservancy dam to all the 7 properties feeding the dams on those properties. To small holdings up from us the cattle have broken the furrow causing no water to flow except to drain away into their land causing a swamp.

When we think of it the love of God is bigger than the biggest dam and through His Holy Spirit He has formed furrows for His love to flow to where it is needed. When we maintain the furrow it flows to where it is needed but when for what ever reason we do not maintain the furrow or allow it to be damaged then that flow cannot get to where it needs to be. We maintain and care for that furrow through prayer, praise, thanksgiving and fellowship  and in that way God’s love comes to those in need. Each of us are accountable to ensure that God’s love continues to flow.

Be encouraged today to keep God’s love flowing.
Point to ponder: God’s love is like a river keep it flowing.

Question to consider: Are you the blockage in the furrow?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Follow Jesus

22 August 2012     

Mark 1:17 And Jesus said to them, "Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men."

For many of us our greatest desire is to do something for Jesus in return for what He has done for us. This longing and wanting to have a meaningful relationship often drives us into studying the Bible, theology, going to conferences and seminars, retreats and even into the ministry. Many seem to think the only meaningful ministry is that found within the congregation, yet is this true?

When we follow Jesus the fact that He has given us sight, opened our ears to hear His voice, given us legs to walk and hands to help a mind to think, a heart to feel and a mouth to taste and a nose to smell, is this only to used in the pulpit or the church pew? Following Jesus means to be in the places that  He would be, those that are hurting, the broken hearted, the hungry, those in captivity, the sick and the disabled. It is for such as these that Jesus came to bring life and life abundant. So when we desire to do something for Jesus when we do for the least of these we do it for Him.

Be encouraged today follow Jesus and do something for Him.
Point to ponder: Do it for Jesus.

Question to consider: Have you ever done something for someone that could never repay you?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


21 August 2012     

Matthew 9:36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Like many of us we accumulate the things that have passed their sell by date or has broken and we keep it for just in case. Every now and again we need to have a bit of a clean up in order to decide what to keep and what to dump. Yesterday was one of those days and as a result I went with a load of scrap to the scrap yard to see what I could get for it. Sometimes this is cheaper than going to the landfill site where you have to pay for disposal and it is also recycling rather than dumping.

When I was there I joined the queue, in front of me was a donkey cart, next to that was a bakkie well aged, then I. When my turn came the items were off-loaded and I was paid a reasonable price even though they said that the steel price had dropped four times this year.  When they realised I was a minister in the healing business at the end of the trade I was asked to pray for healing and for God’s help, then another customer needed prayer. Looking at the faces of the people I realised that many had been scavenging for something to sell, poor desperate people, hungry and without work. I then realised how Jesus felt when He looked on the crowd and had compassion for them. He understood their need.

Be encouraged today to be mindful of those who have less than you do.
Point to ponder: Jesus is filled with compassion and knows your need.

Question to consider: How great is your need?

Please uphold Phyllis in prayer

 Hi friends,

Not very good news I’m afraid. The doc says that Phyllis’s bones keep splintering and it looks as if the hinge is not holding. As a result, he has put the leg in a cast for 6 weeks. She probably will never regain full use of that leg. She may come out early next week.

The Marksman Editorial Team

Monday, August 20, 2012


20 August 2012     

2 Corinthians 5:18-19 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.

When brothers agree and bring peace into a situation it is truly a wonderful blessing to see and experience. Over this last weekend I conducted a men’s retreat with the theme: ‘Being a man for Christ’ and in the process the role as reconciler was discussed. It was truly a time of blessing.

When we understand that the key to the message of the Gospel is reconciliation and that where we are reconciled peace reigns and war has no place nor meaning. When our desires are more important than others, when what we want and demand is the bases of reconciliation, then it is unlikely that reconciliation will happen. It is only when we understand that we need to put the needs of others first that we are able to begin to be reconciled. It is also the need to understand that we are reconciled because Jesus reconciled us to God the Father, by dying on the cross for us. In His death we are fully reconciled to God, and in so doing we become reconciled to each other, especially when we die to self. Sadly this is only possible for Christians that believe in what Christ has done for them.

Be encouraged today to be reconciled to others.
Point to ponder: God has reconciled with you.

Question to consider: Are you reconciled to God?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Phyllis may be home on Monday

Hi all
There was nothing serious that showed up on x-rays, but the doctor has decided to put the leg in a cast and she may come out on Monday .
Enjoy your weekend,

Update on Phyllis's operation

Hi friends,
I’ve just spoken to Maureen. She says thanks very much for phone calls and prayer. Phyllis came out of ICU yesterday and is doing well. She’s chirpy and has a good colour. Should start walking today and will be in hospital for another week.
Much love 

Friday, August 17, 2012


17 August 2012    

Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, As we also have forgiven our debtors;

There is almost no sin that we will not be tempted to commit, there is that temptation which exists in and around us that makes it very hard to resist, especially if we had to sin with no chance of us being caught out. This must cause us to all think and ask ourselves should we have been in that situation what would we have done? So it is better to find a path of reconciliation rather than that of judgement, for we never know when those we judge may be the ones that judge us.

Everyday we give thanks for Jesus Christ who was tempted to sin in everyway, yet was without sin, and because of that He was the perfect sacrifice, without blemish of sin. The difference between Jesus and us is that we have sinned and we will continue to sin. When we come across the horrors of the consequence of sin, murder, rape, sexual abuse, robbery, we find ourselves filled with abhorrence for the deeds and anger against the perpetrators, in our minds we have judged and vengeance must happen. Yet we do not know, we do not often even want to understand, we just want our justice at all costs.

The hardest thing to do is to forgive those that have sinned against you and have killed those you love, yet Jesus Himself cried out: ‘Father forgive them, they know not what they do’.

Be encouraged today to know that we forgive for God has forgiven us.
Point to ponder: We are forgiven because we have forgiven others.

Question to consider: Do you forgive others easily?

Thursday, August 16, 2012


16 August 2012  
Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

This morning I woke up with a thought of a doughnut, now this wasn’t because a wanted a doughnut for breakfast, but that I was thinking about how to best describe a person that I had recently been in discussion with. Now a doughnut seems to have a lot of substance on the outside but the centre or inside is empty, of no substance. A cream and jam doughnut on the other hand is filled with nice sweet things and brings much enjoyment.

So even though we look at people and on the outside they seem to be substantial the test is on the inside as to whether they are a doughnut or not. I have met those who are in deep trouble who may be even mentally, emotionally or physically hurting or disabled, but they are still good jam doughnuts so to speak. What fills the centre of our lives and what we portray to others must be of substance, we must be like a sweet jam cream doughnut that brings sweetness it to the lives of all that taste of who we are.

No doughnut can fill itself, the baker needs to do it, neither can we fill ourselves, we need to ask Jesus Christ to fill us, and when He does it we are more than what we were before. We become a person of substance.

Be encouraged today to recognise that you are not a doughnut but a person of substance in Jesus Christ.

Point to ponder: Only Jesus can fill your emptiness.

Question to consider: What kind of a doughnut are you?

A new life

15 August 2012     

Romans 7:6 But now we are discharged from the law, dead to that which held us captive, so that we serve not under the old written code but in the new life of the Spirit.

In times of war and especially when slavery was common, the victorious army would enter into the town, destroy, rape and take captive those who had a marketable value to sold or kept as a slave. A slave either submitted to their owner or they would be simply punished or executed for disobedience. When we are slaves to law and legalism, or slaves to behaviour and a belief system that keeps us as prisoners to it, this becomes the chains that holds us into that system. We feel safe in the comfort of those chains and will ensure that those around us are as well chained as we are. We then all become slaves to the law, rituals and superstitions.

Jesus came to set us free, He went into the stronghold of the enemy that kept us captive, broke our chains, and presented us as His booty or prise of His victory to our Father in heaven. Yet we still believe and submit to the slavery of the old system, because the greatest slavery is the slavery of the mind. Unless we renew our minds with a new life of the Spirit, we live as captives even though Christ has set us free. This negates what Jesus Christ has done for us, and we do not experience the freedom that His death on the cross brings us.

Be encouraged today start a new life in the Spirit, no being a slave to anything.
Point to ponder: Jesus Christ has set you free.

Question to consider: Do you live as a slave to sin?

Be Blessed

14 August 2012   
Psalms 103:2-105 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

This wonderful Psalm of acclamation of God’s grace is just meant for you today. For you to take this blessing and to make it your own, you are forgiven, your are healed, you have eternal life, you are crowned with love and mercy, good things are yours, and each day you are renewed in strength. The more you make this yours, the more you are able to face the challenges that life brings. We accept this in faith and in faith these work through us transforming us and transfiguring us into the image of God.

For some of us that feel un-forgiven or we are ill, scared of death and the future, who feels unloved and insecure, we need to grab hold of these words and make them part of who we are. For no matter what these are the promise of God to us in faith and although we may not see the end, we know the end exists, just as the Israelites travelled to the Promised Land, they know it was their even though they had never seen it.

Be encouraged today to accept make this your blessing today.

Point to ponder: God has blessed you today.

Question to consider: do you live your blessing?


13 August 2012     

Matthew 7:18 A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.

This morning the bird baths here at Linga Longa are frozen solid, even the water bird feeder is frozen shut, it is pretty cold here this morning about -1c. As I looked back to the house this morning I saw the first apricot blossom and the start of the peach tree as well. Spring has caused the fruit bearing branches to swell and be filled with an expectation of bearing much fruit this summer. No matter the cold we can see the start of Spring and the knowledge that summer is pretty soon.

I suppose in the same way we should not dwell on the cold or the past harvests in our life, but to swell with hope of a new year, a new harvest. Not bound by the desires of people or of situation but to know that are able to have hope of fruit yet to be borne. When we are grafted into Christ, when our branches have been pruned and we are fed by the roots of Christ how else can it be that we bear good fruit. Although sometimes we tend to root ourselves in the world, in who we are, and in our situations, so the consequence becomes that we cannot bear the fruit we should.

Be encouraged today to be rooted in Christ, filled with hope of a wonderful harvest.
Point to ponder: Bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Question to consider: Are you rooted in Christ?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My World

10 August 2012     

John 8:12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

There is my world and my world view that determines who I am and how I respond to who I am, you have your world view and who you are. Because we do not always share these views we may not always agree with one another or even allow each other to influence our views.  In my world Jesus is Lord, and this influences my view on my world, travelling through the universe of life I see people and their worlds and sometimes I have an opportunity to see their world from their perspective. Yet in all things I compare it to mine and the role that Jesus plays in my world.

So from my view point Jesus reveals Himself through the Bible, through prayer and through those people that He brings into my path. No matter if I think I do not influence others I do so by changing the universe my world exists in simply because I am there. This change is not determined by anything else but the fact that Jesus is control of my world. The question we all need to ask, is how is in control of your world you live in.

Be encouraged today to allow Jesus to be control of your world.
Point to ponder: Allow Jesus to be in your world.

Question to consider: Who is in control of your world?


8 August 2012      

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

Jesus came to us to give us life, a life lived abundantly. When we are born we are filled with life, a pregnant woman is filled with life, the life of that unborn child. As we grow and develop, the world seems to reduce our abundance and our capacity to live abundantly. We need to be filled once again with life, but not a life that recedes again, not a life that is choked by the cares of the world. We need an everlasting source of life. This everlasting source of life comes through a living relationship with Jesus Christ, a relationship that brings with it an abundance of love, peace and joy. This abundance is also a reflection of how we respond to what we understand as abundance.

The thief comes to steal our joy, to kill our love and to destroy our peace, so we need to be on our guard, and put ourselves fully under the protection of our King and Lord, Jesus Christ. We are protected, and this protection is subject to us being in relationship with Jesus rather than with the thief and the world within which these thieves exist. Jesus stands at the door and knocks, who will open the door to let Him in so that we may dine and dwell with Him eternally?

Be encouraged today to live life abundantly under the blessing of Jesus Christ.

Point to ponder: God gives life abundant, the devil steals it.

Question to consider: Who has stolen your abundance?


7 August 2012   
1 Peter 2:18 Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to the kind and gentle but also to the overbearing.

Yesterday the gadget that will tell us more about the planet Mars landed on Mars and sent a signal back to earth, the cost of this project is more than 2,5 billion US dollars. The day before people in the USA were shot and killed in a temple. On can make all the scientific advances, we can have laws and rules, but we cannot control the hearts of people. The simple message is that we only find peace where we find love, which is lost in a society seeking its future in materialism.

No matter how many qualifications we have, we need above all to have love and respect for one another. The person doing any job is equal to any other, not because of their qualification, but because they are a person deserving of respect for the task they do no matter how menial it may seem. Each person wakes up in the morning with an idea of what they would like to do in the day, go to work with the intention of doing what they are supposed to do, whether they are paid well or not

When we as Christians respect all those around us and go that extra mile for them, whether they respond with a smile or not, is not important, what is important is that we are Christian.

Be encouraged today to treat others as you would like to be treated by them.
Point to ponder: Earn your respect.

Question to consider: Are you respectful of others no matter their station in life?

Love your Neighbour

6 August 2012       

Matthew 22:39 And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbour as yourself.

In every congregation one would find those that are grieving, hurting, broken in some way or other, others are filled with fear of failure others struggling with poor bank balances. Very often the person sitting in the pew comes to church with a very deep need for God to answer their prayers. At the same time we find that people would share a pew and the person sitting in the same pew is a stranger to them, they may have shared that pew for twenty years.

Jesus said that we must love our neighbour and we know that He defined our neighbour as a person in need, hurt, abandoned, unable to speak, rejected and discarded. Many of us seldom bring ourselves to recognise who our neighbour actually are, so the result is that we pass our neighbour by. Our neighbour is the person that lives next door, it is the person in the next office, it is the person in the pew. So how can you love someone you do not know. You simply make the effort, even if you are rejected or ridiculed for it, you are doing it for Jesus.

Be encouraged today to take time to know your neighbour, and then help them in some way.
Point to ponder: Love your neighbour.

Question to consider: Have you met your neighbour?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pain and forgiveness

2 August 2012    
Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Forgiveness is important for our own wellbeing, when we have been hurt we need to forgive the one that hurt us. Yet Jesus wants us to forgive those who have hurt us as well, to make our peace with them so that there is no burden of unforgiveness on us. Being at peace with one another is important to the Prince of Peace. Forgiveness is not an emotion but an act over which we have control and the ability to accept.

The reality having forgiven a person allows us now to deal with the situation, the pain, the hurt and we are then able to get onto the business of being healed. When we have unforgiveness dominating our relationship then that past event controls how we respond to future events. Each past hurt when healed will show the scar, being able to tell the story of the scar and the events around the scar without recalling the pain, shows just how well healing has taken place.

Each scar whether emotional, spiritual or physical reminds us of the battles we have been through up to the state we are in today. Unforgiveness does not allow for the wound to heal and form the scar.

Be encouraged today to forgive others.
Point to ponder: A person forgiven much is loved much.

Question to consider: Have you been forgiven?

Be Holy

2 August 2012       

1 Peter1:14-16 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct;  since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy."

I suppose when we all look back on our lives we can all recall those days and decisions that were made because of ignorance and passions that lead us onto the wrong path, or that cost us needless time and money.  Now you can go and sit under a tree and cry our; ‘woe is me’ or you can decide to leave the past in the past and move on with your life. There are so many people trapped in the deeds of their past that these deeds have become so part of them that if they do not dwell on them they believe that they are not who the really are.

When we come to the understanding that we need to be content in this day, that all the yesterdays are just memory, and we call ourselves Christian and believe it, then we become holy in our conduct. Being holy implies separating ourselves from doing the wrong things and keeping ourselves out of mixing with them. It also brings us to that place where we become conscious that today, I am keeping myself pure in thought, keeping my hands clean of sin, and focus my eyes on Jesus.  All the things we do, we do for Jesus and for the glory of our Daddy in heaven, our Abba Father.

Be encouraged today not to conform to your old passions in ignorance.

Point to ponder: We are holy.

Question to consider: Can you be holy today?


1 August 2012       

Philippians 4:11 Not that I complain of want; for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content.

I know of many people that are seeking happiness in their lives, the more they seek it the harder it often seems to be, the more they tend to evaluate their condition, the more they try to find ways to be happy. Often their happiness is determined by what they own, or on the status of the relationships that they are current in. Happiness is largely dependent on chance rather than on choice. We only know when we have been happy, but often when we are happy we are unaware of it.

Being content is an entirely another issue, when one is content it is neither dependent on the materialism neither on the status of the relationship, it is a sense of well being that is from an internal source rather than external chance. This contentment is being able to say I am OK with who I am, and who I am is not determined by external factors but what I believe of myself. Sometimes it is fine to be unhappy or happy, to be sad or glad, these are emotional responses, often not based on the facts but rather on feelings.

As a believer one should rather seek to be content than to be happy, to realise that who we are in Christ determines how we respond to the situations and conditions we live in. The more assured we are of our relationship with Christ, brings about a change in our thinking and thus a deeper sense not only of contentment but also of purpose.

Be encouraged today to be content no matter what.
Point to ponder: Contentment is the fruit of our love relationship with Jesus.

Question to consider: Would you rather be content or happy?

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Suffer Trials

31 July 2012         

1 Peter 1:6-7 In this you rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

The genuineness of our faith is tested through the suffering of many trials and it is through this suffering that we begin to understand what our faith actually is and in whom we have faith. Suffering takes many forms and this suffering is not only within our spirit but also in all aspects of who we are. The test often is the greatest in those areas of our lives where we are most vulnerable.

We all have weaknesses and where the evil one will attack us, in my case I find I am often vulnerable through my children, and the other area is my self image. This have been areas of insecurity and it is in these areas that my faith is often tested. It is not that I am not tested in other areas but we all have soft spots in our armour. Our faith is also not tested by sin, but our faith is tested in the belief of forgiveness of sin. We sin through the way we think, faith requires us to change how we think. All people are sinners, all people fail, when we understand this we must conclude that we suffer trials because of this. Understanding this helps us to understand the need we have for faith which helps us to overcome.

Be encouraged today accept the trials of life, it resounds in God’s glory and grace through Jesus Christ.
Point to ponder: We suffer trials.

Question to consider: Where is your faith in the trial?

Christ Healing Herald

 Volume 14 Issue 1

Christ Healing Herald

The Christian Healing rests in simple trust

My house shall be a House of Prayer.

August   2012

Phone: 014 736 4300
Fax: 086 689 3019
Cel 083 650 1971
P O Box 258
Bela Bela

Special points of interest:

·         We preach the Good News
·         We heal the sick.
·         We equip the Church.

·         We encourage the saints.
·         We bring salvation to the lost.
·         We intercede and pray for others.


Upcoming events
From the 14th August 2012 to the 16th August there will be mid-week retreat held at Linga-Longa, this will be facilitated by Rev Lihai Bercowich. We believe that there is a great need amongst our membership to spend time of ministry and meditation of God’s will in our lives and especially to expand our understanding and relationship with Jesus Christ.
Lihai is a Presbyterian Minister coming from an orthodox Jewish family, he accepted Jesus Christ as His Lord and Saviour during his studies at university in Hebrew.  He will be dealing with a life-style of prayer as his topic and the Jewish flavour in prayer.
The cost of R500.00 includes accommodation, food and seminar per person.
On the Friday evening 17 August he will do a teaching about Shabbat with the topic ‘Friend in high places’
We really need support in this, and have a good response.



In the past period from April and through the winter it has been a time of consolidation of the work in maintenance and upkeep of the property. One sometimes wonders how the congregations are functioning and the changes in ministry when do not utilize the facilities such as Linga Longa. Being part of the Christian Camping Association there seems to be a decline in the occupancy of Christian Camps. Hopefully this is not as a result of aging and declining congregations, or lack of adequate teaching and Christian Fellowship. Without the ongoing support of Christian Retreat Centres or Camps by congregations the very existence of such ministries will come under threat of closure. Fortunately for Linga Longa we have had groups and many of whom have supported us by returning year after year, and each time have been amazed at the improvements and the value for money that they receive. Having said that we cannot rest on our laurels and we need to market more effectively and promote the work of ministry through the Holy Spirit gifting of Christian hospitality.
We trust only Jesus Christ for our provision and the sustaining of Linga Longa but we still need to make the effort of drawing it to your attention of the obligation that the Lord places on the ministers to effectively lead their congregations and of using Linga Longa in support of your ministry.
We are thin on the ground in terms of hands to do the work, my wife Val handles all the housekeeping and catering, I do all the bookings, administration, financial control as well as maintenance, and cutting the grass on the ride-on mower. Shane McIvor helps with the maintenance with Sam and Sipho our gardeners/cleaners. Rev Stephen Walker helps in the kitchen, reception and general support.
Financially we are always needing to pray for God’s help to meet our need. We never have enough money to do what we want, but thank God we are able to meet our daily need, with the help of those that God has moved to support us. For us it is never about the money but about bringing God’s love and healing to those in need.
Through the hard work of those at Linga Longa who do not receive any salary as well as the support of congregations and individuals, we are able to balance the books just! It would be an answer to prayer when we are able to receive donations that will sustain the ministry on an ongoing basis.

Healing Ministry

In today’s world we find so many people who have lost their way, their relationship with family is often distorted by the values of the world and the need to be successful. Materialism dominates and the love that they need seems so hard to find. Illness and hopelessness in their situations permeates and depression is just the fruit of the oppressive situation of their existence. Life is lived one day into the other, each day being no better than yesterday and tomorrow is just another day. Weeks fly by, weekends flash by and one memory fades into the tapestry of life. What difference does church make? It is just part of the same, the same music, the same ritual, the same sin forgiven week after week. The sermon preached, heard and soon forgotten, the humdrum of life never changed.
For many people this is the reality of their life, so imprisoned by their situation that they have no idea how captive they are to who they are. Yet we have the message of freedom, we have the Good News, we have the Word of life, the TRUTH that sets people free, that heals the sick.
Through Jesus we are able to break the bonds of captivity to sin, to bring life and life abundant. We sing ‘Joy to the world’ and have the capacity to change the world, starting with our own world. Jesus Is Lord!
The healing ministry is about bringing hope to those who have lost hope, to help congregations to focus on their purpose of leading others to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and to teach them to follow in His way. Church should be ‘the’ place of miracles a place where people come to be in fellowship with the Holy Spirit and with each other. Many are those who are called yet few are chosen to come into this special place of trusting and being in positions of trust in doing the will of God the Father, through Jesus Christ the Son and in the power of the Holy Spirit, so that God will be glorified. If a church is not in the healing ministry, then what ministry are they in, if a church is not into bringing lost souls to Jesus Christ, then what ministry are they in?
It may be observed that many churches first need to preach the Gospel to those lost in the pews, and bring the healing power of the Word of God amongst them, so that lives are changed, marriages restored, fathers turning back to their sons. God’s healing starts when we have faith and believe Him.
Here at Linga Longa we now conduct healing ministry to all every Sunday at 10:30. We heal the sick in Jesus name, we anoint with oil, lay hands on all in need and bring the blessings of God the Father upon all.
We also now provide on-site ministry and Christian counselling to those in need as well as leading people on private retreats.


At the beginning of July we said farewell to Marje Engles when she moved to stay in the Randfontein area. We wish her all the best in her new home.

I am also pleased to say that the knee replacement has been successful and I am well on my way to a full recovery.

Rev Theo Schmidt is also much improved and is back to his old self.


Daily Encouragement

We all need some spiritual nourishment each day, even if it is only a crumb.  The ‘be encouraged’ touches many lives and many situations we all have to face and it is always encouraging to see the numbers on the data base grow and to receive positive feedback.


Missions and outreach

It is often sad visiting churches in buildings capable of housing 250 people and only 25 attend services on a Sunday. Glorious buildings with none of God’s glory evident. Years ago I heard a song: ‘Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago’ the church may well ask where have all the people gone. Walking in the same suburb where the large church is there are no vacant houses, large boundary walls, town houses much in evidence, the local diners full with people enjoying their Sunday breakfast on the pavement. We may well ask how do we get these lost people back, how do we bring them to Christ before they die, for if we do nothing, we have failed Jesus.

Our mission on earth is to heal all sick, not just a select few, how are we to do this without engaging you to help. To do this we must reach out to our neighbour, we must pray for them, we must help them in their need. When they go on holiday we look after their pets, we clean their swimming pool, we show them our love for them, by being there for them. We treat strangers as friends, enemies as our brother or sister, we reach out to the lonely and the lost.

We help congregations through equipping them with the tools of the Gospel to do what Jesus Christ has called them to do.  We must not let our calling to become secondary, we must not give up neither must we give in, we persevere, for we work not for earthly gain but for heavenly reward that is already ours through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Support needs
For those who give so generously we thank you in Jesus Name, God bless the joyful giver. We would like to thank all those who have paid the membership for 2012 of R120.00 as well as those that have faithfully donated funds.

BANK DETAILS : The Christ Healing Fellowship
ABSA BANK, BELA BELA 4048900830    Code 632 005


Tariffs 2012: A 50% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm the bookings. 
Double Room Daily Rate per person sharing:
Group weekend R550.00 Friday Supper to Sunday lunch.
Bed/breakfast: R250.00 .
Dinner/ Bed/breakfast: R300.00 .
Full board: R350.00 .
Self catering cottages tariff on request.