Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hopes and dreams

May all our hopes and dreams be fulfilled as part of the Lord's great plan

30 December 2010.

Romans 8:25  But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

In this coming year we all hope for things that have not yet come to pass, we all have faith that the things that we need will come about, and sometimes we need patience before we may actually have what we want in our hands. This may be either tangible or intangible but it does not stop us from hoping for it. So if we sat down and asked ourselves what is it that we hope for in the New Year, what would it be?

Having said that very few things will drop in our lap without actually expressing what we want, but even though we may not say it God our Father knows it even before we ask. Sometimes we have to make effort to get what we hope for, other times it happens before we even know it. But we all have dreams of being at peace, in a loving and caring environment surrounded by those we love and who love us, we all wish our children to be content and safe. This is the hope of most of us.

Be encouraged today to not be ashamed of what you hope for.


Point to ponder: God fulfils our hopes.

Question to consider: Are you scared to say what you hope for?

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hope for tomorrow

Solomon, Moshe an emotional Joyce and Liz ... a Joyce's retirement party

28 December 2010.

Lamentations 3:22-24 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."

During this period between Christmas and New Year it is a time to sit and meditate about the year that has passed and think and plan for the year ahead. This is the time we bring out the new desk pads, calendars and the beauty of this is that these are blank. We then have the opportunity of making our marks on it, putting our plans together and so start a new year with a new attitude. New Year resolutions are one thing, attitude towards them another.

Looking back on the past year, most of us will say this has been a difficult year in many ways, with changes that have been problematic and challenging. For some these changes were brought about through circumstances or other people impacting on us, and over which we may have had little control. There has been those times where we trusted where we should not have, and doubted when we should have trusted, times of anger, times of joy. The lesson of the past needs to be learnt and remembered, and so in this way influence the New Year in a positive way. We need to have hope, a hope that this coming year is filled with potential, hope that this year will be better than the last, a hope that Christ will come and bring order to the chaos of this world. A hope that Christ will bring peace into our hearts, our homes, our lives, our work.

Be encouraged to start the New Year with hope and a positive attitude.

Point to ponder: God is in all our tomorrows.

Question to consider: Are you positive about the New Year?

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

St Mark's bids a warm farewell to Joyce

Mama Joyce the iron lady of St Mark's calls it a day .... as of tomorrow she is on pension

Caretaker Joyce Mpungose has retired after 17 years of impeccable service to the folk of St Mark's. She will return to Newcastle, KwaZulu Natal, to be with her family and enjoy the life of a lady of leisure. Joyce you deserve it.

In moments of crisis Joyce was always there. She had the workings of our church down pat. When ministers or members of session needed guidance, there was Joyce with the historical intelligence to ease the considerable numbers of hand-overs, we have had over the past few years.

She packed the Bibles away after service, liaised with the gardeners and found lost personal items . Joyce   provided cups of tea to the ladies working in the office and to the WA members, before their monthly meetings.  Joyce will be an exceedingly hard act to follow. May God guide and lighten her load and give her joy in her retirement.


The St Mark's Editorial Team.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Mystery of Christmas

Marianne's reading at the Christmas eve Carol service at St Mark's

24 December 2010.

John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.

Philosophy has to do with man's understanding and knowledge, theology has to do with man's faith and belief. When we come to what it means to be a Christian we need to realise that we are dealing with a mystery and there is no answer to a mystery. We have faith in what we believe and if we are asked the basis of it with regards to man' understanding we realise that we cannot remove all doubt. It is because of that doubt however that we have faith, the more faith we have the deeper our belief becomes. Yet as Christians we believe in a God who became one of us, was born like us, lived like us, was condemned by others like us, died, and because of that, we will be raised just like Him to eternal life.

We also are not left in doubt, our God became the Living Word and that Word was God, and these Words are recorded in Holy Scripture to help us overcome the doubts that assail us in times of struggle. We are not alone, God is with us, and when we seem to loose faith, when times are hard, we do not turn to human philosophy, but we turn to theology to bring us to that place of faith and belief in our Redeemer and Saviour. Christmas reminds us of this, and we should keep this in mind.

Be encouraged today to place your faith and belief in God and not in philosophy.


Point to ponder: Belief in Jesus Christ is a mystery.

Question to consider:  Don’t you love the mystery of Christmas?

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Do your duty

22 December 2010.

Luke 17:10 So you also, when you have done all that is commanded you, say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.'"

In this world today people seem to have lost their sense of duty, even how to define what duty is. Duty is that which we are obligated to do, it is something that is expected and not something that we do as a favour for someone else. When we go to work for instance it is our duty to actually do our tasks, if we make an appointment it is our duty to keep it. It is when we understand what duty is and do our duties that we become people of integrity. We may not like the Pastor, we may not like the way things happen, but we still go to church because we have a duty to God to do so.

When we start to understand what our duties are, then we need to start doing them, and for many people they do not even know where to start. A wise man once said ‘you do your duty that is nearest to you, and before you have completed that you will see what your next duty is’. For all the great people of faith were found to be people who did their duties, and through their example we too can become like them. At this time of Christmas there are many things we like to do, and company who would like to have around us, yet we must not forget to whom we are duty bound. We do not do our duty with a sad face and an unhappy heart, we do it with joy because we are doing it for Jesus to whom we are duty bound.

Be encouraged today to do your duty, stand firm and find the joy in it.


Point to ponder:  Duty is a God-given responsibility.

Question to consider:  Are you dutiful?

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Christmas Message

23 December 2010.

Matthew 1:22-23 All this took place to fulfil what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel" (which means, God with us).

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and checking through the weekend programmes on the TV there does not seem to be much recognition of the true message of Christmas. So because of that we all need to be able to share the message of Christmas with our family and friends reminding us all that Christmas is about God reconciling Himself with a wicked and sinful world. The birth of Baby Jesus to the Virgin Mary, 2000 years ago brings to this world the hope of peace, not a worldly peace but a true peace that reigns in the hearts of man. God is no longer angry, He has made His peace with us and when we recognise the sovereign rule of Jesus Christ in us, we are fully part of His blessing. Christmas is about the birth of new life in all of us, the old is gone, the new is here and each year we are reminded of this.

Joy to the world, Christ is born! Let this joy be in us and with us, may all that God wishes for us become true in us. Is it not better to receive what God has already given, than to ask for things that will only please ourselves?

Be encouraged today to bring Christmas to others.

Point to ponder:  True Christmas joy is the sharing of the Christmas message.

Question to consider:  Will you share the Christmas message?

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Count your blessings

21 December 2010.

1 Corinthians  9:23 I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

Have you thought what blessing you are receiving today? For some it may be the end of the years work, and a sense of success, for others an expectation of a visit from an old friend, for others maybe just the pleasure of the day, a flower, or a cool breeze. There is an old saying count your blessings one by one, and we need to do this every now and again, we then surprise ourselves by how blessed we really are. Sometimes we are blessed by the people God has placed around us, a caring spouse, a helpful child, a loving parent, a good friend, a brother or sister; no matter who we should not take them for granted and we should tell them how we love them.

We are also blessed by what we are able to do, we can read and write, we have computers and printers, telephones and faxes, in an instant we are speaking to people on the other side of the world, watching faces of loved ones on Skype. We are able to travel, to worship, to talk and chat, we can choose our acquaintances, we are blessed in so many ways. We may not always have money, we may not always have the outward trappings of success, but when we sit down and think about what we have we will always find a blessing, a silver lining on the darkest storm clouds.

Be encouraged today to count your blessings.

Point to ponder:  Like rain, blessings fall on us all.

Question to consider: Have you given thanks for your blessings?

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Christmas Hope

20 December 2010.

Luke 2:13-14 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!"

As we draw nearer to Christmas, we have great expectations of presents, good food, good company, love of family and all those things that seem to make life worthwhile. Yet on the other hand this has become the funny season, when people start to act differently, partly because it is a time of past memories, loneliness of missing loved ones, and so many people are depressed at the thought of this time of year. It is also a time when schools are out, and the roads are not as busy, yet we still find people taking chances, speeding, not keeping to the rules, which makes driving for others even more hazardous.

Sometimes on thinks that this time has very little to do with Jesus Christ, but more to do with Santa, holidays, and an excuse to party and over indulge. One may rightly wonder what Jesus actually thinks about all this fuss? Yet no matter what Christmas is a time of hope, a time of thinking about others and about bringing joy into our lives, and it is because of Jesus that we have such hope and that we do bring joy to others. As we start to count down the days, let us keep focused on bringing hope and joy to others, irrespective of how fortunate they are. We all need it!

Be encouraged today to bring hope and joy to others.


Point to ponder:  Christ brings hope to the world.

Question to consider: Are you giving hope and joy as gifts this Christmas?

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Love is

17 December 2010.

1 Corinthians 13:4-6 Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right.

Many years ago there was a movie on the film circuit and a line spoken made an impression on many people ‘Love is never having to say sorry’. There are many things that love is and likewise there are many things that it is not, but one thing for sure we as human’s on the earth cannot live without it! Understanding love must take us to the place of honesty, purity and unselfishness, without these three being present we should question whether love is there. When our relationships are honest our intentions pure, and our motives unselfish then we are expressing love, even though we may not be using words.

Even when we view others who do right then we rejoice with them, when we come across kindness and patience being displayed by others, even if it is a customer in a shop, we see love in action. We have all been called to love and to be loved, we should make the way for others to love us, by displaying what love is in us. We all need to unlearn the bad behaviour of the past, to turn away from that one drink to many, the last argument that hurt you worse than you thought. We do this by being patient and kind, tolerant and understanding, not only with others but mainly with ourselves.

Be encouraged today to fall in love again.

Point to ponder: God is love.

Question to consider: How loving are you?

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15 December 2010.

Romans 15:1-2 We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves; let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to edify him.

A new born baby in the house dominates everyone around, making sure that its needs are met, crying to ensure that the parents will respond to its every need. As the baby grows so it continues with a self centeredness and slowly the parents become less responsive and the child becomes independent of them. In many instances we never really become unselfish, we seem to always put our own needs first and others second. We have learnt this behaviour and it is almost second nature to us.

Yet to be unselfish we need to renew our minds, to think differently, more maturely realising that the world does not turn around us. There are many people who are weak and make sure that they are first in line for everything, who are offended when they do not get their way. When we are unselfish we allow them to be who they are, to allow them to be first, to give them the opportunities. It is important to be unselfish and to accept the failings of others, forgiving them and at the same time continuing to put them first. This is not easy, this takes a change in our mindset, this brings about a sense of true humility.

Be encouraged today to be unselfish putting others first.

Point to ponder: Jesus is unselfish.

Question to consider: Are you unselfish?

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


14 December 2010.

Proverbs 22:11 He who loves purity of heart, and whose speech is gracious, will have the king as his friend

Purity is something which we do not often come across, we have to check the labels to see the contents and even then we need to have a third party to actually check it. So when you see mango juice in a shop and then read the label, it will read 100% fruit juice, some mango, some orange or apple or pear. It may taste like mango, but it is not pure mango juice. We then realise that the mango juice is adulterated with other juices, it is no longer pure mango juice.

When we apply this to the human condition we need to ask ourselves how pure are we with our bodies, do we adulterate it with other things to make it what it isn’t? Do we allow impure emotions to dominate how we feel, and how others emotional impurity affects our responses. Spiritually we may allow other spirits to influence us and so we have impure spirits changing us. Impure thoughts impacts on how we respond, so we all struggle to remain pure because of all of them.

 A person who is pure in heart (attitude) will always be gracious in the way they speak. Gracious people will attract others, because their purity of heart, brings about a relationship which is based on trust and encouragement.

Be encouraged today to be pure in heart and thoughts, and may your speaking be gracious to those who hear you.

Point to ponder: The pure in heart will see God.

Question to consider: Are you pure?

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Monday, December 13, 2010


13 December 2010.

Ephesians 4:28-29 Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his hands, so that he may be able to give to those in need. Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may impart grace to those who hear.

One needs to understand that honesty is an essential element of being a Christian, one cannot claim to be Christian then conduct oneself in a dishonest way. A person who is dishonest needs to be able to realise this and then change their conduct to become honest. This is a choice that a person needs to make each day, each moment, and this must become a conscious effort. A Christian lives by the statement that honesty is an expectation and a growing in Christ. As a Christian we do the honest thing, because that is who Christians are.

This honesty is reflected in all our relationships and we speak with honesty and act with honesty. This honesty starts within us and grows in us, even though the people we deal with may be dishonest, we still are honest. The more honest we become the more trustworthy we become, when we are people who others can trust, this causes them to trust us.  

Be encouraged today to be honest with yourself, and with others.


Point to ponder: To be honest is to be Christ-like.

Question to consider: Are you honest?

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Listening to needs

10 December 2010.

Luke 10:39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching.

If you do not say what you need to the person who can meet that need, then how do you expect that person to meet that need? Communication is essential for there to be a proper understanding of what you need and what the other person needs. This is important in all relationships including the relationship that we have with Jesus. We need to ask openly and honestly, just as we would speak to a friend, so we should be able to speak to Jesus. We then should also give Him the opportunity to reply, by us just sitting and listening for His input, through scripture, thoughts, and understanding of His will in our lives.

In the same way we should also speak to those we are in relationship with, and also allow them to speak while we listen to what they have to say. Sometimes it may mean sitting in silence, just listening to the silence between two friends. The sad part is that many of us do not listen, we want to have our voice heard, our needs met without thought of others, this leads to tension, argument and unhappiness. Most Christians pray less than five minutes each day, and when praying it often becomes a ritual instead of a conversation with God our Father. This may also be the way relationships tend to go, when we stop listening, and our time with each other is limited and an old habit.

Be encouraged today to ask of the person you speaking to what do they really need and then sincerely listen.

Point to ponder: Prayer is speaking to God.

Question to consider: Do you listen?

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Breaking news ... Solomon has accepted the call to St Mark's

The Lord be praised. Solomon has accepted the call to St Mark's. His ordination is set for 16th January 2011

Dear everybody,

Solomon accepted the invitation to St Mark's as outlined and agreed by Session last month.  It took a little while to finalise the matter, in fact just a day before Presbytery last night.    Ordination and induction is set for January 16th in the afternnoon.  Eddie will preach, Tieho Letsheleha will lead worship, Colin Niadoo will prepare Solomon for ordination. 

Eunice and I have just heard that her uncle, Jaftha Ndumo died and the funeral in on Saturday 11th  North of Pretoria in Asvogelboom.  I have asked Giani to chair the meeting.  I will go through the agenda with him before I leave on Friday afternoon.



Wrong judgement

8 December 2010.

James 2:2-4 For if a man with gold rings and in fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, "Have a seat here, please," while you say to the poor man, "Stand there," or, "Sit at my feet," have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?

Fine clothes do not necessary make a fine person, we so often judge people on outward appearances and then find that they are not as we expected them to be. Many years ago a man dressed in dirty overalls walked into a motor dealer and asked the price of a brand new truck. The salesman looked at him and because of the way he was dressed dealt with him in an off-handed way. When the man said he would by the truck on display and that he needed it that afternoon, the salesman insisted that he must pay cash. At about 2pm the man walked into the motor dealer dressed in a very expensive suit, with a brief case filled with the correct amount of cash, in those days R200 000.00 in two rand notes. The salesman had not submitted the papers for registration and did not believe that the dirty man in overalls had the cash to buy the truck. The man insisted that the salesman count the money and that before close of business he wanted to drive the truck out the dealership.

We are all at some stage or another like the salesman and on other occasions the person in dirty clothes, we therefore should be careful about making judgements about people before getting to know them. In the same way we should not deal with people differently, and treat each person in the same way irrespective of how they look, dress or speak.

Be encouraged today to treat people equally.


Point to ponder: What is on the inside is more important than what we see from the outside.

Question to consider: Do you judge people by the way they look?

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jesus feeds me

7 December 2010.

Genesis 14:18 And Mel-chiz'edek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was priest of God Most High.

The reference to bread and wine in relationship to the role of the priest of the God Most High is seen in the celebration of Abram of his enemies and the place of Jerusalem as central to worship of God. Not only is the Eucharist a celebration of victory of Jesus Christ over sin, but also over death and even more so the acceptability of men at the table of the Lord God Most High. This is a time of Holy Communion between God and man, a time when in faith we receive the gifts of Life presented to us in the form of bread and wine, which is the sharing of the blood and flesh of Jesus Christ. It is in the consummation that we become one with God, by the eating of the bread which is the Body of Christ, and the wine which is the Blood of Christ.

The blessing and the continuance of our relationship with God Most High must be seen in the celebration of the meal that we share each time we come into the House of God. We celebrate the victory over sin, we celebrate our victory over self, we celebrate the joy of life abundant in this world and the world to come.  Every time we do this we surrender ourselves in a sacrificial way to give all who we are and at the same time receive all that Christ is to dwell in us. In this way we receive the blessing of salvation and the ongoing healing of body, mind and soul in and through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Be encouraged to celebrate our Holy Communion with the Most High God.

Point to ponder: At the Lord’s Table we are in communication with God.

Question to consider: Is the Lord’s Table holy to you?

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Monday, December 6, 2010


So proud to be a Christian ... don't you just love that smile

6 December 2010.

Corinthians II 5:17 Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.

In the Bible we do not find any reference to the word Christening, we do however find the word Baptism. Depending on one’s background we have different understandings of what baptism is, and for people of British decent and historical background the word christening was used in place of the word baptism. The word Christian is defined as those who have been anointed by God, to be children of God, to leave the ways of the world behind and take on the ways of the Kingdom of heaven. To be a Christian means to live in the way taught by Jesus Christ of Nazareth, through His apostles and we follow this teaching as people anointed by the Holy Spirit and the revelation of Holy Scripture.

Christening is being named by the Church, and so we at the moment of Christening receive a new name, a new character that this name bestows upon the person being named. The old sinful person is dead and a new person with a new name is presented to the Christian community. This name is written into the register of the church, and at the same time is written into the Book of Everlasting life in heaven. So as Christians we have a Christian name, not a first name, and this name implies our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Only Christians have Christian names, and this was the way that from earliest times that baptism was part of naming people being baptised, so that this is the day that the person was reborn. In the Orthodox church the person celebrates their name day and not their actual birthday; also when a person is ordained as a priest or nun they receive new names in both the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Be encouraged today to recognise that you have a Christian name, which is part of the Apostolic tradition of more than 2000 years.


Point to ponder: You have a new name in Jesus Christ.

Question to consider: Do you recognise that you have a Christian name?

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Get involved ... support the Women's Association raffle

Take a look at those exciting things on sale in aid of the needy

The WA are raffling a doll with clothing for just R5 a ticket. They also have knitted cuddly animals for sale as well as beetroot salad and homemade rusks, note paper and Christmas cards. All would make ideal Christmas presents and proceeds will go towards funds for the Christmas parcels.

Friday, December 3, 2010


The Christmas spirit grips St Mark's

3 December 2010.

Corinthians I 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Last night a Christian youth group arrived to stay for the weekend and after they were allocated their rooms, one bright spark took the room key off the label, and locked five people in the room. The only key left on the label was the cupboard door, so when they tried to open the door with the cupboard key, it jammed in the lock and they were locked in the room. The result was that we all thought it was the correct door key, and I had to break the key to get it out. I then took the spare key and was able to open the door and release the five people from the room, at that moment I am handed the correct key to the door. Well you can imagine the speech and sermon this youth group got from me!

The fact is that youth will be youth and they are at the maturity of a teenager, which really means that they respond brainlessly to impulse of the moment. They still need to learn the discipline of self control and that their impulses if uncontrolled will lead to problems for themselves and others. Christian maturity is a process where through discipline we bring our thinking, our feelings and our actions under the Will of Christ, we think before we do and when we do something we have thought through the consequences. Maturity is something that never stops, it is a process that we gain and grow in through experience and sound discipline.

Be encouraged today to continue to mature in Christ.     


Point to ponder: Maturity is a growth process.

Question to consider: How mature do you respond to situations?

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Work well

Joseph and Maxwell and the little one all smiles after church ... Maxwell returns to Ghana soon

2 December 2010.

Proverbs 20:11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.

There is always a difference between the work done when you do it yourself and when someone else does it. The difference is based on ownership of what one is doing, once you own what you are doing and are concerned about the finished product, as your name is associated with the work. This is the difference between a good worker and others.

I see this with the cutting of grass, when I cut grass the grass is even and one can see the parallel lines, there are no tufts sticking out and the edges are neat and trimmed. The people we employ do not take the same pride in the finished product. It is in taking care and having satisfaction in a job well done that marks the difference.

In the same way we should take ownership of the work that Jesus Christ has given us all to do, and to work diligently at it, whether at work, home or wherever we find ourselves. We may get tired, we may become disillusioned, yet when we do the work in the knowledge that we are doing it for Jesus it lifts the burden and increases our joy. We are then at peace with what we do.

Be encouraged to take satisfaction out of a job well done.

Point to ponder: Good work benefits all including God.

Question to consider: Do you take satisfaction of a job well done?

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