Saturday, May 29, 2010

Approved layout and wording for St Mark's new signboard



Sunday Worship


Sunday School


Youth Group 

Friday evenings: 5.30pm

The Rev Solomon Surwumwe
Tel: 011-648-1115                Cell: 078-668-6574
All welcome / Niyamuk elwa nonke / Bienvenu

Our thanks must go to Liz for the final tweaks. Reaction from all who had a chance to comment on the above has been positive indeed. See the comments below.

The St Mark's Editorial Team. 

Friday, May 28, 2010

Paint needed for Men of the Master clean up day on 5th June

There's the address and wall that Norman Mangena and team want to retouch

Hi everyone,

Here's a request,  especially to the Men of the Master. Could someone please assist with paint to rewrite the 50 Kenmere Street sign. We need cream and blue paint. I’ll bring the brushes. If possible a ladder would of great help too, I’m vertically challenged.

Thank you and God bless you.

Norman Mangena.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Free workshop courtesy of the Emmaus Bible School

Word of God but find that you really struggle to be obedient, even though you really want to obey? Join us in June for an amazing workshop that can revive your desire to study God's word so that God can fulfill His purpose in your life. (Psalm 138:8)

Emmaus Bible School will be hosting an Emmaus Workshop on the 5th June 2010. The International Coordinator of Emmaus Correspondence School, Jim Fleming, will be the keynote speaker. He currently co-ordinates 150 Emmaus Bible Schools in 125 countries worldwide.

He is currently based in the USA. He will be bringing valuable insight into long distance study of the bible. This will also be an ideal opportunity for all involved with Emmaus, currents or potential students; promoters and anyone wanting to get involved with Emmaus in any way, to get more information and answers to questions you may have.

DATE: 05 June 2010

TIME: 10am to 1pm

VENUE: Ferndale Bible Chapel
              cnr York & Dover Roads
COST:   Free.
RSVP:   Marlon on 0844644054

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Men for the Master plan a football feast and clean up ... get involved!

          Men for the Master ... out in force on Sunday morning

The Men for the Master nearly had a "full house" on Sunday morning for their regular  bi-monthly meeting. After song and devotions our Chairman Giyani Matampi got down to the business of planning the big clean up day on 5th June.

This will see to tasks the congregation would like us to attend to, among them the erecting of a new signboard outside the church. We hope to have that up ahead of the clean up day..All the materials have been bought and now it's a matter of "do." Giyani and Samuel Ayeah on right on top of this project..

But it does not stop there. One of our members has donated a healthy sum to buy boerewors with which we will make boerewors rolls for sale at R10 each. We will be selling tickets next Sunday in church, so you can make sure of your snack or guarantee that some-one else gets one for free.  We will also be giving away hot dogs to the youth, who will be contesting our five a side mini World Cup before we get together for a braai. All are welcome

There will be a bring and share as well in the line of cool drinks and paper cups and the men would be grateful if the ladies would help out with salads.

Remember to dress in either your national colours, or in the colours of the team you favour for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, South Africa. Let's have fun in the autumn sun in the service of the Lord.

NOTE: The Bafana Bafana spirit has struck. See the slide show by clicking on the picture of the little lad in the Bafana shirt in the right hand column .

The St Mark's Editorial team. 

The Gift of Speaking in Tongues

The Gifit of speaking in Tongues was granted on the day of Pentecost (Act_2:4),in fulfillment of a promise Christ had made to his disciples (Mar_16:17).

What this gift actually was has been a subject of much discussion. Some have argued that it was merely an outward sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit among the disciples, typifying his manifold gifts, and showing that salvation was to be extended to all nations.

But the words of Luke (Act_2:9) clearly show that the various peoples in Jerusalem at the time of Pentecost did really hear themselves addressed in their own special language with which they were naturally acquainted (compare Joe_2:28, Joe_2:29).

Among the gifts of the Spirit the apostle enumerates in 1 Cor. 12:10 - 14:30, “divers kinds of tongues” and the “interpretation of tongues.”

This “gift” was a different manifestation of the Spirit from that on Pentecost, although it resembled it in many particulars. Tongues were to be “a sign to them that believe not.”

NOTE: Solomon will be addressing the subject in two weeks time.

Source: E-Sword Bible commentary.

Did you Know the following facts about Pentecost?

Pentecost... I.e., “fiftieth”, found only in the New Testament (Act_2:1; Act_20:16; 1Co_16:8). The festival so named is first spoken of in Exo_23:16 as “the feast of harvest,” and again in Exo_34:22 as “the day of the firstfruits” (Num_28:26).

From the sixteenth of the month of Nisan (the second day of the Passover), seven complete weeks, i.e., forty-nine days, were to be reckoned, and this feast was held on the fiftieth day. The manner in which it was to be kept is described in Lev_23:15-19; Num_28:27-29.

Besides the sacrifices prescribed for the occasion, every one was to bring to the Lord his “tribute of a free-will offering” (Deu_16:9-11).

The purpose of this feast was to commemorate the completion of the grain harvest. Its distinguishing feature was the offering of “two leavened loaves” made from the new corn of the completed harvest, which, with two lambs, were waved before the Lord as a thank offering.

The day of Pentecost is noted in the Christian Church as the day on which the Spirit descended upon the apostles, and on which, under Peter's preaching, so many thousands were converted in Jerusalem (Acts 2).

Sermon Title on Sunday: "The Gift of the Spirit"
Readings: Joel 2 23-32 John 14 15-27 Acts 2 1-11.

Source: E-Sword bible reference

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Readings on Sunday 16th May

Frank O'Neill has offered to assist Men for the Master with fund raising. He and Allison move to Durban shortly. That he says he can do from KZN. Giyani is all smiles.

Sermon Title: Christ's Ascension
Readings: Daniel 7 9-14
Ephesians 1 15-24
Luke 24 44-52

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Friends in need of prayer

Dear friends,

There are many in our country in need of prayer at this time and the members of St Mark's are no exception. Elder Veronika Macher had a terrible week and the Murray family have lost a loved one.

Colleen Butler reports that Yvonne Murray died on Monday evening. Our prayers are with the family.And we share Veronika's e-mail to Liz with a breakdown of her circumstances. 


The Mark's Editorial Team


Hi Liz

I hope you are well? Please may I send my apologies as I will not be at Session tomorrow. I have a lot to sort out on Saturday morning. My house was broken into last Saturday evening and yesterday afternoon as well.

I have fired my security company because they are not responding to the panic button when it is pressed, so I am meeting with a new company tomorrow morning.

Also I am not able to sit for long periods as I was in a bus accident this week and my back and neck were injured. As you can see it has been a horrendous week!!!! Please up hold our family in prayer.

Kind Regards

Veronika Macher

Jotam feels he is among friends

Hi friends,

I hope this email finds you well. Me I am fine. I just want to say guys, keep up the good work that you are doing at St Marks.

I didn’t think I would be shown so much love by everyone at church within so short a period of time. I now feel at home. Thankup St Marks Presbyterian Church.

God bless,

Jotam Mpande.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Geoff's computer out of action

Dear friends,
Our home PC has crashed - power spike courtesy of Eskom - and it's in the shop for repairs. I will have it back on Tuesday and from that point we will be up to speed on the blog again. I have access to a secondary "slowwwww" machine, so Liz and Solomon if you can send me the diary I can keep the community talking. The good news is that the technician was able to save all my files. The down side is that my cell phone numbers and e-mails are gone for good. Fortunately I have backups, so some of the information.

