Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Friends in need of prayer

Dear friends,

There are many in our country in need of prayer at this time and the members of St Mark's are no exception. Elder Veronika Macher had a terrible week and the Murray family have lost a loved one.

Colleen Butler reports that Yvonne Murray died on Monday evening. Our prayers are with the family.And we share Veronika's e-mail to Liz with a breakdown of her circumstances. 


The Mark's Editorial Team


Hi Liz

I hope you are well? Please may I send my apologies as I will not be at Session tomorrow. I have a lot to sort out on Saturday morning. My house was broken into last Saturday evening and yesterday afternoon as well.

I have fired my security company because they are not responding to the panic button when it is pressed, so I am meeting with a new company tomorrow morning.

Also I am not able to sit for long periods as I was in a bus accident this week and my back and neck were injured. As you can see it has been a horrendous week!!!! Please up hold our family in prayer.

Kind Regards

Veronika Macher

1 comment:

  1. The body of Christ is suffering. Not Veronika and Murray only that need prayer, but Maureen Naven has been at Hospital for many days. We need to pray and continue to remember those who are not well.
