Sunday, March 25, 2012

Harvest Festival ... a day of joy at St Mark's

25 March

Stewardship campaigns are vital going forward for St Mark's.  Today's Harvest Festival was a case in point where the Stewardship Committee exceeded all expectations. The Lord was indeed with us as the fruits of His harvest, both financial and vegetable, multiplied before us.

The service was a celebration of joy and our commitment to the Lord and the future of St Mark's. Norman Mangena was in masterful form as he encouraged the congregation of St Mark's to dig deep to fund our future in Yeoville.

Spurred on by emotional choruses both in English and Zulu, he divided the congregation into sections to come forward and drop their offerings in a basket in front of the altar. Norman started off with the Sunday School children, then families, married couples, the women of St Mark's, and lastly the Men for the Master followed by single men ... no grouping was left untouched as the bounty grew to just below R10 000, and that's not counting the plate offering.

A lunch followed for all, and one can but say ... God bless those who kindled the fire of hope for all those who were privileged to be in the pews today.

Friday, March 23, 2012

God is love

23 March 2012                                          

1 John 4:8 The one who does not love has not known God, because God is love.

 So often we hear the statement, ‘God loves you’, what does this actually mean:

The person actually making that statement, have they actually experienced the love of God? If they have how would they describe such love? These questions are very real for some people. This question of its own is actually asking is God real is God a loving God?

If you were asked that question how you would answer it, how have you actually and tangibly experienced the reality of God? Without faith this question cannot be answered.

God is love, He loves us, and when we respond to God’s love, then we need to in faith accept His mercy for those sins we have judged ourselves to be guilty of, and His grace for those sins that God finds us guilty of. This grace is the undeserved favour of God’s love in our lives.

In my life I have been blessed by the Living Presence of the Holy Spirit, tangibly covered in the love of God, and filled with a love beyond imagine. Having experienced the Indescribable, Unnameable God, for me God is real, His mercy unlimited, and His grace immeasurable.

Be encouraged to respond in faith to God’s love.


Point to ponder: God’s love is real.

Question to consider: Have you been filled with God?

Thursday, March 22, 2012


22 March 2012                                             

Psalm 69:29 But I am poor and in pain; O God, Your salvation shall set me on high.

Pain is pain, each of us own our own pain. We listen to others and their stories of pain, and we sympathise with them, but until we have experienced similar pain it remains sympathy. This remains true despite the nature of the pain. Pain tends to deaden our thought processes and so the more this happens the more we are controlled by the pain.

Jesus came to set us free and especially free from pain, the pain He suffered on the Cross was excruciating and unbearable, and He bore it for us. This is hard to comprehend when we are struggling with crippling pain. God has provided us with gifted doctors, knowledgeable pharmacists, gentle nurses to cope with physical pain; He has also given us understanding Pastors to help with our emotional pain, Holy Spirit driven preachers to help us with our spiritual pain. Yet it is we that need to go to the Fountain to drink, we cannot complain of thirst while watching the fountain flow.

Be encouraged not to allow the pain in your life control your tomorrows.


Point to ponder: Do not be controlled by pain.

Question to consider: Do you allow the pain to control you?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Grow in gace

20 March 2012                                            

2 Peter 3:18 But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

There are many things that cause change in our lives, so are physical, some are emotional, some are mental, and some are spiritual. These changes are interrelated and each change has a cause. The growth is reflected in the form of change, the more growth the greater the change.

Sometimes we have to change as a result of the aging process, joints crumble, digestion may be more sensitive, and what we could do we now cannot. Often we grumble and see this as a negative, yet it is the way God made us. We grow old, we grow wiser, we grow in our relationships; we can also grow in the negative. So we must always be conscious that not all growth is positive.

The secret to growth is to understand that growth which we can control must always lead to a better person; that which we cannot control we must accept with grace. Wisdom is to know the difference.

Be encouraged today to grow in grace.


Point to ponder: Change and growth are interrelated.

Question to consider: Are you growing?

Saturday, March 17, 2012


16 March 2012                                            

Revelation 14:2-3 And I heard a voice from heaven like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder; the voice I heard was like the sound of harpers playing on their harps, and they sing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the earth.

In the past few weeks the temperature here at Warmbaths (Bela Bela) has been well into the thirties and at nigh maybe down into the twenties, yesterday we had a cool day at nineteen and lovely cool night. We were really blessed with the rain that was much needed in the area. We cannot produce the weather, neither are we able to cause good rain to fall, only God can.

We should be well reminded that there are certain things that are God’s prerogative alone. We live in a world wherein people presume that nature is dependant on nature, and that with science and knowledge we are like god’s. This desire to be god as man was the cause of the broken relationship between God and man, and it was God that chose to restore that relationship. To do this He had to sacrifice the best that He had, His Son.

Easter is about that restorative process and it is at this time that we are reminded that it is His process not ours. He has done it all for all, our part in the process is to accept what He has done.

Be encouraged today to be reminded that God has done it all for you.


Point to ponder: God has restored Himself to you.

Question to consider: Have you restored yourself to God?

Thursday, March 15, 2012


15 March 2012                                             

Mark 8:34  And calling near the crowd with His disciples, He said to them, Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take his cross, and let him follow Me.

As we come closer to Easter, so we should be thinking of what Easter means to each of us. For some it is a time when we are able to indulge in more chocolate treats, egg hunts for the children, family time and public holidays, for some it is a serious time of meditation of the preparation, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. For centuries Easter has been about the death and resurrection, the death of our old self and the resurrection of the new self in Christ.

For each of us we have our own interpretation, and our own perspective of this very special time. Each day needs for us to think of the walk of Jesus to Jerusalem, and likewise we too should be also journeying to our Jerusalem, our Gethsemane, our Calvary, our tomb, our resurrection with Jesus Christ. This year Easter is special, because it brings us to that place where we examine our souls, our lives, and bring this to the cross.

Be encouraged today to continue on this journey of discovery on the walk to eternal life.


Point to ponder: Easter is about you.

Question to consider: What does Easter mean to you?

Our webpage:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The prize

13 March 2012                                            

Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

What is the mark or target, and what is the prize? The prize is the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, it is this understanding that the ultimate goal is to actually gain the prize. This is not necessarily easy, but an onward striving against the opposition, the difficulties that we face on the road of life those large temptations and the little lapses of faith that we all face at different times.

Many people are called, yet few are chosen, and the choice is made by our response to that high calling on each of our lives. Are we willing to continue to strive towards the goal of God’s calling on us? Or do we give into the temptations to follow an easier path? We have all been called, but do we press on regardless towards living a life of higher calling?

Our primary call is to love God, the second is to love each other, and this leads us into the place where love abounds in us, because God dwells with us. In this we respond by serving God by showing others our respect and encouraging them in all areas that we interact with them.

Be encouraged today to press on toward the mark.


Point to ponder: Keep your eyes on Jesus.

Question to consider: Do you sometimes lose sight of the goal?

Our webpage:

Monday, March 12, 2012

Fruit in season

12 March 2012                                             

Matthew 21:19. And seeing a fig tree in the way, He came to it and found nothing on it except leaves only. And He said to it, let no fruit grow on you forever. And immediately the fig tree withered away.

Yesterday I went to the fig tree growing in the orchard, to see how they were doing. On the tree were a number of good sized figs, and I could see that one of the figs was perfect for picking. As I picked the fig the green skin separated from the white flesh, it was perfect.

Expecting to find fruit and knowing the taste, there is just something about fruit fresh off the tree. So I am able to understand the disappointment when the fruit you expect is not there. I suppose it is also true of us, when people expect us to bring flavour and taste in their lives and we don’t. Even more so when God expects us to bear fruit and we do not.

When I planted the fig trees, the label indicated that the tree bears fruit in January, so the tree bore fruit out of season. So labels do not bear fruit the tree does, so to the labels people give us should not determine our season.

Be encouraged today not to live according to other people’s labels.


Point to ponder: Bear fruit.

Question to consider: What are your labels?

Our webpage:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Toll Gates9 March 2012 Matthew 9:9 As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax office; and he said to him, "Follow me." And he rose and followed him. I wonder how many of those that are in leadership in this country pray before they make a decision, and do they actually apply their minds to what they are deciding. Just the other day a very large sum of money was paid back to the South African Government for Boeing aircraft that were not purchased. This money paid back was more than the cost of the road improvements in Gauteng and would have paid for this completely; so no need for tolling. Surprising enough tollgates are not a new thing and was introduced as a form of tax by the Romans a few thousand years ago. In order to pass through the tollgate you had to pay tribute and a portion of which was retained by the tollgate operator. This is just another form of privatising the tax base using the private sector as the tax collector. To not register for ‘E-tolling’ and to enter into civil disobedience is not considered to be conducive to Christian behaviour, we pay our taxes and we support the government, even though we may disagree with the principle. It is at the polling station that we express our opinions of those who are in government, not in the streets through protest, but in the government decision making process. Be encouraged today to follow Jesus rather than the tax office. David Point to ponder: Be obedient. Question to consider: How do you express your views? Our webpage:

9 March 2012   
Matthew 9:9 As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax office; and he said to him, "Follow me." And he rose and followed him.

I wonder how many of those that are in leadership in this country pray before they make a decision, and do they actually apply their minds to what they are deciding. Just the other day a very large sum of money was paid back to the South African Government for Boeing aircraft that were not purchased. This money paid back was more than the cost of the road improvements in Gauteng and would have paid for this completely; so no need for tolling.

Surprising enough tollgates are not a new thing and was introduced as a form of tax by the Romans a few thousand years ago. In order to pass through the tollgate you had to pay tribute and a portion of which was retained by the tollgate operator. This is just another form of privatising the tax base using the private sector as the tax collector.

To not register for ‘E-tolling’ and to enter into civil disobedience is not considered to be conducive to Christian behaviour, we pay our taxes and we support the government, even though we may disagree with the principle. It is at the polling station that we express our opinions of those who are in government, not in the streets through protest, but in the government decision making process.

Be encouraged today to follow Jesus rather than the tax office.

Point to ponder: Be obedient.

Question to consider: How do you express your views?

Our webpage:


8 March 2012       

Acts 28:17 After three days he called together the local leaders of the Jews; and when they had gathered, he said to them, "Brethren, though I had done nothing against the people or the customs of our fathers, yet I was delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.

Each of us is a reflection of our history and our culture, and we often are not aware of this when we meet with others. We even have our own unique ways within our families that reflects the subcultures that we have within. This leads to the differences within families even though they share the same history. How we wash the dishes, hang up washing, decorate the home all are part of who we are.

In religions other than Christianity these are carried over into clothing being the outward expression of a faith, the foods eaten, when eaten all play a part in reinforcing the standards of what would be considered to be acceptable behaviour within that culture. As Christians it is important to understand that there is a Christian culture, and this is based on the principle of love, seeking peace and being content. What we eat or when we eat, or what we wear is not the issue, but rather living in ways that brings pleasure to God our Father.

The only way to please God is to love God and to love our neighbour, and we do this by bringing out the best in them.

Be encouraged today to be conscious that our neighbour may have a different history, but our future is the same.

Point to ponder: All people on earth share a common future.

Question to consider: Do you recognise your own culture?

Make a difference

7 March 2012  
Luke 7:47  Therefore I say to you, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, he loves little.

Every now and again you meet people who make a difference, a difference to you and a difference to others in a positive way. The difference is that they are right by nature; they do the right things, in the right way and for the right reason. When you work with such a person it rubs off and you too start to do the same.

Living what you believe is more important than saying what you believe. So once you have understood that, you need to live what you believe. Grace then has the place to be seen in you, and mercy flows to others through you, because what you say is who you are. You are loved much because you know you have been forgiven much.

No matter where you find yourself as a Christian, geographically, physically, emotionally or spiritually, this universal truth should be seen in you by others. Saying you have been born again must have an internal change of nature that is seen by others. We do this by making a positive difference in the lives of others.

Be encouraged today to make a difference.

Point to ponder: Make a difference.

Question to consider: Do you make a difference?

Our webpage:

Healing Retreat in May

Healing Retreat
Linga Longa Christian Retreat Centre
Eersbewoon: Bela Bela

15 to 17 May 2012
Starts Tuesday at 14:00
Ministry and meditation.



Cost: R500.00 including accommodation, food, and seminar per person sharing.

Booking essential:
Tel. 014 736 3339 or 014 736 4300, or
Fax 086 689 3019

Corrupt democracy

6 March 2012   
1 Corithians 15:33  Do not be deceived; evil companionships corrupt good habits.

The Bible teaches us many things, the most important of which is that the things of God should be the most important to us. In order to achieve this it is also sets out rules of behaviour that will not only bring this about but the peace in society be maintained. Democracy is unable to function where the norms and practises of Christianity are disregarded, as democracy was the result of Christians bringing about a form of government that promoted such norms and practises.

Sadly to say that because of political party politics and the deviation of true democracy a corrupted form of democracy is only found today. The reality is that the government that people have is the government that they bring upon themselves and in all cases the minorities will bear the consequence of such government. When the internal squabbles of a political party threaten the stability of the community that they represent, it then becomes a national issue.

As Christians we are part of the communities that we find ourselves in, and our role is to bring the norms and values of our faith.

Be encouraged today to pray for the society we are in.

Point to ponder: We are Christians in our community.

Question to consider: Do you speak your faith in the community?

Job training

5 March 2012    
2 Thessalonians 3:12 Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work in quietness and to earn their own living.

Some jobs are so nice because you start them and then you finish them, you wash your hands, have your supper, then sleep with no worries about tomorrow. Then there are other jobs that never end and the worries about income, debts to pay, staff problems, you just cannot leave it for tomorrow, you take the job home in your mind and it keeps you awake at night. The difference between the two has to do with the type of job you do and the skill with which you are able to handle the problems that they entail.

The secret is faith, faith that the problems will be resolved, that the work to be done will be done, because you have both the experience and the trust that what you are doing is the best you can do. It is in the systems and the planning that we find the solution to most of our issues being resolved. Many people who struggle no matter what the job, lies not in the job itself but the ability and the expertise of the person doing the job. This is why it is important that both training and knowledge be imparted to those that are going to do the job.

This is equally true in our Christian walk of life and the more we understand that we need to be taught and trained on our journey of discovery of what God wants from us.

Be encouraged today to build your faith through training and trust.

Point to ponder: God is systematic.

Question to consider: Do you worry at night?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Is this church?

 Happy anniversay Mac and Shirley ..... 50 years is a milestone indeed.

2 March 2012        
Matthew 4:18-19 As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Could you imagine Simon Peter, or John the Apostles or even St Paul coming into one of the churches today, how would they react, and would they see worship as the early church did when they worshipped God and Jesus Christ. How far has the church moved from the simple liturgy of the Last Supper to where it is today? How sad this church has become with the committees, associations, building funds, and so on, with so little focus on what the Gospel is all about, bringing salvation to the lost and healing to the sick.

Today the church needs to receive the Gospel once again, for the church in so many ways is a lost Bride seeking the Bridegroom in the ways of the world. So many are more concerned with their position in society, position in the church, wearing the right robes, the correct colour stole etc. that they have forgotten it is really all about a simple Carpenter that came to die for them that they may have eternal life.

So smell the streets of a dirty city, the smog of smouldering fires, the unwashed bodies of the sick and the dying, scarred hands of fishermen bearing the cup of salvation and breaking the bread of life, now that’s church!

Be encouraged to be simple and to stay simple like a child at the feet of your loving Father God.


Point to ponder: Salvation and healing is only through Jesus.

Question to consider: What is church to you?

Hope and faith were the 2 things that drove Moshe's ministry

NOTE: A test Moshe penned for the web site shortly before his death almost a year ago today:

"When were you last faced with a seemingly insurmountable challenge?  As I was writing this piece, I received an e-mail addressed to youth leaders, children’s pastors, chairpersons and concerned ministers in the Egoli Presbytery.  In it Brendon points out that youth ministry in our denomination is in crisis!  He laments the fact that old fashioned methods are inadequate to reach modern youth; that we are not developing young leaders, and our Presbytery is the only one in the country without a youth committee.  What a hopeless situation, you might say.

The prophet Elijah must have felt that way (1Kings 19:3-5).  At one time or another each of us has had an Elijah experience where we have felt nothing was going to work.  If you are at that point today, ask the Spirit to remind you that there are no hopeless situations with God.  Huge challenges do come our way, but there is always hope for the believer.

Lamentations also points to a time crisis.  The background to the book was the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, with Israel taken to exile in Babylon.  It was a truly hopeless situation.

Yet hope returns as the writer remembers God’s unfailing love and compassion (v 22) which are new every morning because of his great faithfulness (v 23).  God proves himself over and over again to all those whose hope is in him (v 25).  For them, there are no hopeless situations.  When we are faced with devastating trials some of us are inclined to rush around and panic.

Lamentations advises us to pause and be silent before the Lord (28) in the knowledge that there may yet be hope (29), even for a vibrant youth ministry in our Presbytery and at local church level.

Let us never stop thanking the Lord for the youth group at St Mark’s.  Pray for Elvis and those who work with him.  If possible, call in on a Friday evening between 17:30 and 19:30 and encourage them.



Be a saint

1 March 2012     
1 Corinthians 1:2 to the church of God which is in Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called out with all those in every place who call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours.

Today is St David’s day, the patron saint of Wales. So today the Welsh will wear yellow or a daffodil to commemorate this day, this not only tells people who are welsh, but also tells people that they are Christian. In the same way on 17 March it is St Patricks Day and all the Irish wear green. So as a saint in the making, what will you wear on your birthday and how will you celebrate it and so bring joy to others?

So often we miss the opportunity to have fun and be different, yet it is in doing so that we make sweet memories. It is these memories that help us when days are dark and laughter is scarce, that is why we are always called in the Bible to remember. In being reminded of the blessings, that we give thanks and when we have given thanks we are able to praise God. So be courageous and step out in faith, filled with joy and confidence that good memories come from our good God.

Be encouraged today to celebrate the sanctification that Jesus has begun in you.

Point to ponder: We are sanctified in Christ.

Question to consider: Do you realise that you are a saint in the making?