Tuesday, May 31, 2011

God's temple

1 June 2011

1 Corinthians 3:17 If any one destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and that temple you are.

You are the temple of God and you are holy, beautiful and filled with His glory and love. You are not of this world but have been made in the image of the Lover of your soul who wants to be with you for all eternity. You are the only part of all creation which is made in the image of the Creator, and because of that you are holy, because He is holy. Although we have been born into this world we are not of this world because our journey ends at the beginning of all eternity. So every life that is born of woman returns to God, no one that is born will not return to God.

When we return to God, we return tainted with the experiences of life in a sinful world, hurt by wickedness, hatred, despair, regret, but at the same time of having loved, lived and experienced peace, joy and family. We have been given so much to enjoy and experience yet we need to remind ourselves that the purpose is to learn to know our Creator and to enjoy Him. When we do we recognise that we are His and He who created us dwells in us, making us His temple.

Be encouraged today to be God’s temple.


Point to ponder: You are God’s temple.

Question to consider: Do you keep yourself holy?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

Simple faith

31 May 2011

Matthew 18:2-3 And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them, and said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

The simplicity of faith is in just believing, what is in the Bible is true, just believe it. We make life so complicated by trying to get behind all the thinking, the why’s, the reasons, the knowledge we need to have faith detracts from having faith. The sun comes up everyday, have faith in that, the wind blows, clouds are moisture trapped in the sky, we have faith in these things. Everyday we come across things that we have faith in, the more we experience it the deeper our faith becomes.

When it comes to the only religion in the world that is truly faith based, ‘Christianity’ we seem to exercise little faith, but large amounts of knowledge and theology. We have forgotten that once ‘we were blind but now we see’, we may want reasons and conditions, but we have a God who is alive today and who is still doing miracles and works amongst us. We need to simplify our faith, we need to be like children, childlike trusting, believing and never having a doubt. Jesus Christ loves you, have faith in that.

Be encouraged today to have simple faith.


Point to ponder: Be God’s child.

Question to consider:  Do you have simple faith?

We will miss you Beth

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of St Mark's
Thank you for the opportunity of having worked with you over the past 11 months.  It hasn't always been an
easy road but I hope I helped, even if only in some small way.
My thoughts and prayers are with Solomon, the Session and congregation as you go forward in your walk
with our Lord.
May God bless you all

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Keeping the law

30 May 2011

Matthew 5:17 "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them.

This morning on the way to collect the staff, driving on the road I was concerned with what I saw, in front of me was a Bakkie travelling with three people on the open back, two young boys and a young man. This young man was standing up holding onto the roll bar laughing and joking with the two boys, while the Bakkie is travelling at 100 kph.  Now this concerned me, as this was dangerous, not only to the person standing up but also to every other vehicle on the road. I indicated for him to sit, this made him laugh louder and he showed me a few hand signals. At the intersection I stopped the driver and told him it was dangerous and he may fined if caught, his reply, ‘I’ll pay the fine, mind your own business.’

Most people would not have worried and just leave this for the traffic authorities, but for me the law is here to save lives, and when lives are in danger we cannot just stand by. In the same way we often see that some or other behaviour around us is harmful, do we stand by and allow them to continue or do we tell them about it so that they know that they must stop doing it? Keeping the law is important, both the laws of the country and the laws of society, including the laws of the Bible, we do not disregard the law, we uphold it. At the same time we are duty bound to tell others to repent of breaking the law, repent of the wrong doing, because if we don’t who will?

Be encouraged today to be an upholder of the laws, not a law breaker.


Point to ponder: God made laws to keep.

Question to consider:  Are you a law keeper?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

Friday, May 27, 2011

An example

27  May 2011

John 13:14-15 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.

When we need to follow an example who do we follow? Usually it is the person that has influenced us the most, for some of us it may be our parents, for others someone that has made a difference to them. So if asked and honestly answered who is the example that you really follow. Even as ministers we try to emulate someone that has influenced our ministry and we compare ourselves and try to improve based on that comparison. The same happens to most of us irrespective of our situation.

Yet in this text Jesus tells His disciples that He has given us the example that we should follow, not just in washing each others feet, but in all we do and say and think. As a Christian can we actually try to follow someone else’s example, or should we not be following that of Jesus Christ?  No matter the circumstances, what is the example that Jesus has given us, we find many in the parables in the Gospel, life stories both good and bad in the Bible which are examples given to us to decide upon and to follow.
We should always be conscious of the examples we follow, and the examples we become for others to follow us. When we wash each others feet, when we follow the example Jesus has given us, then we become the example of His grace and love to others.

Be encouraged today to follow the examples that Jesus has given us.


Point to ponder: Be an example of love.

Question to consider: Are you an example of Christian life to others?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

Change of season

26  May 2011

Jeremiah 5:24 They do not say in their hearts, 'Let us fear the LORD our God, who gives the rain in its season, the autumn rain and the spring rain, and keeps for us the weeks appointed for the harvest.'

Winter has arrived in South Africa, waking up to snow, wind and bitter cold. Places like Kokstad icy cold, mountains covered in snow, here at Linga Longa the sky is blue with a breeze bringing leaves from trees, also very cold. Today gas sales for heaters will sky rocket, electricity will peak as people try to get their homes warm. Is it not marvellous how God placed everything in order, the seasons come when they should and it is good that winter is cold and summers are warm. That is the way God planned it.

So when we look at ourselves we need to also understand that we have seasons in our lives and to enjoy the season that we are in. We do not wear winter clothes in summer, and summer sheets in winter, we need to be able to recognise our season and enjoy it. So often we try to be fashionable in the wrong season and then find we just do not fit. When we understand the season we are in then we are actually able to live it accordingly and enjoy it for what it is. In South Africa today it is a time to find a blanket, snuggle around a fire, read a book, cup of something warm, slab of chocolate and enjoy. But do not try this in Germany or England today, it may just be a bit to warm!

Be encouraged today to enjoy your season.


Point to ponder: Be content in your season.

Question to consider: Have you recognised what season you are in?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dry Bones

24  May 2011

Ezekiel 37:12 Therefore prophesy, and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I will open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people; and I will bring you home into the land of Israel.

In order for us to be raised with Christ we need to first die for Christ, until we do so we remain in the grave, cut off, having lost hope, so spiritually dry, that we feel the dust of emptiness in us and around us. We may be alive in the flesh but we are dead in the spirit, we do all that we can to revive our spirit, it lasts for a time and then we are worse off than before we even tried.  In trying so hard to be filled with the spirit, we become addicted to the moment, seeking the emotional fulfilment, without realising that this does not last, it is fleeting in the moment, we seek this in so many ways that we get lost in what we do.

What hope then is there? Our only hope is Jesus Christ, He is the only One who has the answer, He is the only One who can breathe life into our dry bones. But first we must be willing to realise that we are required to come out of the grave. We need to die first before we can have life, this death is a true dying to self, a statement of life, “Thy will be done in me, as it is done in heaven” Once we have experienced this we do not need to keep coming back, for once we have drunk the water that Jesus gives to us, we never thirst again. When we are one with Christ, we are no longer cut off, we have eternal hope and are spiritually alive for eternity, never thirsty, never alone, for Jesus promised that is with us always.

Be encouraged today to remind yourself that you belong to Jesus.


Point to ponder: We die to live.

Question to consider: If you feel dry and dusty come home to Jesus?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

Pay Your Debts

23  May 2011

Deuteronomy 24:15 You shall give him his hire on the day he earns it, before the sun goes down (for he is poor, and sets his heart upon it); lest he cry against you to the LORD, and it be sin in you.

Do you owe money? Is there someone that has done work for you and you have not paid them? Sometimes we do not pay people on time and the result is that they were expecting the money, but no money was paid. The result is that they are in debt and often the family they work for must now go without, all because they did receive payment. There are many businesses that have gone bankrupt because of people not paying on time, yet those same people who have not paid may be living in the lap of luxury without a financial care.

As Christians we are expected to pay our debts and to be in debt to no one, when asked for payment for work done, we do not haggle, we pay with honour. Even when the work is not to standard, we do not argue about payment, rather about the standard. The sadness is that we separate our supposed Christianity from our daily life and because of this we bring shame to the name of Christ. We all need to repent and bring both honour and honesty into all our dealings.

Be encouraged today to pay your debts.

Point to ponder: Pay your dues.

Question to consider: Do you owe money that you have not paid?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Listen for God's voice

23  May 2011

Matthew 11:15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

How deaf are you? I know that sometimes people will speak to me and although I may hear what they say, I may not actually listen to them. There is also a question of tone, it is amazing how if the tone is nagging my brain switches off. Then there is the time when somebody is advising me what to do, but I know what I am doing and I just ignore them, with a yes and a no and then a maybe and just carry on doing what I want to anyway. When I realise that what I was doing did not work properly, then I will try to recall the advise and try again. I know in this regard I am not unique, we are all a little like this.

In the same way sometimes we are even more deaf to God’s voice and His word, even though He sometimes shouts at us we ignore His voice and carry on because we know best. When we are desperate and need to hear His voice, we simply do not know how. We pray and we listen to silence, we ask and it seems we do not get an answer, we sing and praise and worship and we do all these things and yet inside us is nothing, an emptiness, blank nothing. Our ears are closed to the voice of God. We do what we please, and how we please, and then we expect God to answer us just because we decide one day we need to hear from God!

When we turn to God, God responds and turns to us. Be still and know that He is God. We need to know that when God speaks we do what He asks and we live accordingly. He speaks to us through His word, He speaks to us in prayer, He speaks to us through others, He speaks to us in who we are, are you hearing God? Are your ears open to His voice, or is your voice and needs louder than His? Listen!! God speaks.

Be encouraged today to listen for the voice of God.


Point to ponder: Open your ears and hear.

Question to consider: Do you listen and hear and comprehend?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

Saturday, May 21, 2011


20  May 2011

Psalms 119:103 How sweet are thy words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

Yesterday I was busy in front of the stove making marmalade and bottling in preparation for using and selling the marmalade. Now I do not like marmalade and I know it is done properly when it gets to the point where the constituency and taste is correct. I know this because I do not like the taste and so knowing the taste I do not like I know it is then just right. This may sound unusual but  true.

When we think about this we may be surprised at how many things we do that we do not like works the same way. We need to experience both the good and the bad to know the difference, we need to both experience the sweet and the bitter to understand the flavours both of taste and of life. It is through this experience that we draw conclusions of what we enjoy and do not, and what brings diversity into all that we do and those that we meet.

Also we need to understand that life has many flavours, yet we may enjoy these as long as we understand the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. The flavour does not change the values we may have, so we need to discern this and know its alright to enjoy the bitterness of marmalade on occasion, and the sweetness of apricot jam on another. We simply cannot live on the one alone, this applies to all things that we do.

Be encouraged today to enjoy the flavours of life.


Point to ponder: God gave us the gift of taste.

Question to consider:  Do you enjoy the taste for life?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hope in death

19 May 2011

1 Corinthians 15:20 But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

Each and everyone of us has to come to terms with death, illness and the sad situations that faces each and every person born of woman on this earth. How we cope with this is dependant on many things and we all cope uniquely different, even though we may feel we are not coping at all. For some people however death is the final straw and they loose all hope and become discouraged with life, and it during these times that a support and caring community is important. God knows that, so God places us with people who love us and have our best interests at heart.

When Jesus had to face death, He prepared His disciples and made many references to His dying, but just as equally He reminded them constantly that though He will die, He will be coming again. On that dark Saturday, nobody would have thought that Jesus would return that following Sunday, but He did. Just as we now have proof that He died and rose again, so we who believe know that those who love Jesus Christ are not dead, but asleep in the Lord. We will meet again.

Be encouraged to live and love each day, it is all we have.


Point to ponder: We die.

Question to consider: Do you live each day knowing it is your last?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

You are invited

17 May 2011

Matthew 22:9 Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find..

In this story about the feast, the king invites many people to come to this feast, and he sends his servants out to call those to come. As we think about this we need to imagine who would we be in this story, are we part of the crowd, are we the servants that are calling people to the feast? Like many of the parables Jesus was trying to get a point across to the person listening, in this case that person is you.

This question requires a response from you, and in responding it requires and action. When you understand that God is trying to get His point across, then does it matter what denomination you belong to or what race you are? He is inviting us to come, do you respond to that invitation or not? Get up, get dressed you have a wedding to go to!

Be encouraged today to come to the King’s feast.


Point to ponder: Jesus Christ has invited you.

Question to consider: Have you accepted the invitation?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

Monday, May 16, 2011

Do your job

16 May 2011

Matthew 7:3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

Are you doing what you are supposed to do, or are you more concerned about what others are doing? One often comes across people who want to help everybody else do their jobs but most of the time they have not done theirs. They seem to think that they can control others yet they cannot control themselves, it seems that they cannot help but want to interfere in what others are doing.

We see this happen within the Christian community where we have people who always check who is a greater sinner than themselves, yet will not recognise the sins they themselves are committing. The reality is that they should focus on getting their own lives right, doing their own jobs properly, rather than spend time checking and criticising others. My sin is my problem, not yours, and between me and Jesus we are working at and solving those sins in my life. The question for you, are you doing the same?

Be encouraged today to focus on what you are supposed to do.


Point to ponder: Do your job.

Question to consider: Are you doing what you are supposed to do?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

Saturday, May 14, 2011


13 May 2011

Matthew 26:7-9 A woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head, as he sat at table. But when the disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, "Why this waste? For this ointment might have been sold for a large sum, and given to the poor."

Christian commitment is something that is not commonly found today, very often the only people who attend any additional teaching or seminars are those who are committed to serve Jesus, most others are neither hot or cold. So when the church leadership is not committed and has no passion to serve Jesus Christ, and are only there to serve their own interests and not His, how can one expect potential members to join that congregation? The challenge for all Christians is in the ability to commit and live a committed life for Jesus Christ.

Yet if we had to give our greatest treasure to Jesus Christ, what would it be, would it be like the woman with the expensive perfume that she anointed Jesus with, or would you give it and then hold onto it, by putting requirements for its use to those who would use it? Our level of commitment is determined by our attitude to giving, not the material things, but the only thing we can give, ourselves including all that we own, all that we are. We are either committed or we are not.

Be encouraged today to be totally committed to Jesus Christ.


Point to ponder: Jesus committed all for you.

Question to consider: Have you given all to Jesus?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

See the Lord

12 May 2011

Acts 2:25-26 For David says concerning him, 'I saw the Lord always before me, for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken; therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced; moreover my flesh will dwell in hope.

It is something to seriously consider and that is the concept or idea in seeing the Lord always before you. The more you consider this, the more you meditate on this, the more meaningful and valuable it becomes. See the Lord before you, never take your eyes off of Him, follow Him, place your feet in His footprints, whatever you do keep your eyes on the Christ.

In the work you do, the contract you sign, do you see the Lord in it? So often we do this without looking for the Lord, we keep looking in other places instead of looking to see if the Lord is before us and in what we do. This is David’s secret, this is why David was the beloved of God, because David never took his eyes of the Lord. When he did, he sinned and failed, he learnt that lesson, and we can too.

Be encouraged today to always see the Lord before you


Point to ponder:  Keep your eyes on the Lord.

Question to consider:  Do you see the Lord in what you do?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A teachable heart

10  May 2011

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

What a blessing it is to have a teachable heart. So many people simply do not have this, they believe that they are always right and they will do things their way no matter how you try to teach them. This is a problem from a child, and reflects the character of the parenting as well as the structure of the home life. A rebellious child, will always reject authority, and in later life this rebellion continues and the result is a person who is un-teachable.

To have a teachable heart starts with the ability to submit, to submit to authority, a knowledge that one can learn and change, to want to learn. It also reflects the ability to serve, to do things as a servant of others, to be humble and never seeing oneself as better than anybody else. It is also implies that you do not interfere, interfere in what others are doing, or to believe that you have the right to even when you do not. It is the ability to observe and learn from others, and to humbly acknowledge that.

Most of all a teachable heart starts with a relationship that the Word of God is central and that Jesus is the Teacher and we learn from His lessons taught to us. We do not presume to be the teacher, when we have not learnt the lessons ourselves. A teachable heart always is open to learning new things, new ways, and growing in faith and love.

Be encouraged today to allow your heart to be teachable.


Point to ponder:  God loves a teachable heart.

Question to consider:  Do you have a teachable heart?

Be you

8 May 2011

Proverbs 2:6-8 For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice and preserving the way of his saints.

As one grows, one becomes wiser, not just growth in age but also in experience and observation. This wisdom is not given to any person as a reward, but rather the ability to discern within a situation and through that have the insight and understanding needed. Being part of a church with a large elderly group it is interesting to observe how different men respond. The more dedicated to their past work life, successes and influence the harder it seems for them to cope with change that life brings. Many were leaders in their field of expertise and where they added value and had the prestige of their position. Yet in a retirement village it does not count for much as to who were, but rather who you are today.

Wisdom is realising that who you were does not count for much, but rather who are is very important. So a valid question for any person is not who you were, or what job you do, but actually who are you? How good are you at being you? This deals with your attributes which are not tangible, but are intrinsically you, this deals with your nature. A short tempered person when young, will only become even a shorter tempered grumpy old person, to change this needs there needs to be a change in who you are. For this to happen you need to want to change, and you cannot do this without God intervening and giving you a new nature.

A lesson then to learn is stop looking back at who you were with all your success and failures, but be you, loving, kind, considerate, patient, tolerant and accepting of others for who they are today.

Be encouraged today to be the new you.


Point to ponder: We can change.

Question to consider: Do you focus more on who you were than who you are?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Yes Elvis lives

Who would have guessed that Elvis would be in Craighall today?

Dear friends,

Now here's a million to one chance. Marianne and I had just got back from the bush and had stopped in at our chemist at the Pick n Pay centre in Craighall when we were hailed by a hearty shout. It was our Elvis up from Cape Town. Indeed they were headed back down south that very minute, but he and his lovely fiancée spotted out Golf and drove up to say hello. We shared a couple of manly hugs and they were on their way. News is that they may be back sooner than we expected. Our prayers are with them for a safe journey.


Geoff and Marianne.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Plan your Day

6 May 2011

Isaiah 14:24 The LORD of hosts has sworn: "As I have planned, so shall it be, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand,

The importance of something that needs to be done is measured by the attitude towards that something. So often I forget to do something and if I had to be honest I would say the reason I forgot is that I had more urgent things on my mind. It is easy to remember things when you are in quiet place with very little to do, but when every thing is clamouring at the same time and urgent and important things need to be done then it is not so easy. This is why diaries are important, reminder notes, and in the last resort getting someone to help you to remember. My problem is that in the clutter of life I forget where the diary is!

It helps then to get back to basics and to find the measured pace in the day, by first starting the day in meditating on what the day should produce and then setting out the time frames for this to happen. When we deal with the important things to ourselves we are often seen as selfish, yet it is when we focus on solving urgent problems, they are usually someone else’s. To be able to plan ahead and to keep to that plan is not always feasible, but is better to plan than operate out of chaos. This same principle should apply not only to our physical day, but our emotional and spiritual, we need to make time for those things that are important, before they become urgent.

Be encouraged today to take a moment now and plan your day.


Point to ponder: God likes a good plan.

Question to consider: God plans, do you?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com


5  May 2011

Luke 12:40 You also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an unexpected hour.

Yesterday we decided to prune some of the trees next to the workshop, so that we will not have to continually sweep up leaves. This was a simple process until we decided that we needed to actually cut the tree down a bit more. So armed with a chain saw, the tree stump was cut back, only to find that the trunk was hollow and filled with a hive of bees. Thankfully they were more shocked than I was. So that was the end of any pruning. After making a small fire in the stump, we left it.

This morning the stump was ash and the hive has moved into a Jacaranda tree close by, nobody is able to walk near until such time as the hive has found a new home. The lesson learnt is that we often do things without expecting something to go wrong. How prepared we are to deal with the unexpected, depends on experience and abilities. In every life’s experience there is a lesson to be learnt, when we do not learn we seem to just repeat until we do.

Are you ready to meet the Son of man today, because just as the bees could suddenly appear, so could He.

Be encouraged today to be able to face the unexpected and to learn from it.


Point to ponder: God is with us in the unexpected.

Question to consider: Do you cope well with the unexpected?

Our webpage: www.chf.yolasite.com


4 May 2011

Acts 1:8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Sama'ria and to the end of the earth."

The purpose of receiving the power of the Holy Spirit is that we become witnesses for Jesus Christ to the end of the earth. As a consequence of this we are empowered by the Holy Spirit through His  gifts, these are healing, preaching, faith etc. In each and every case the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives is love, peace and joy. This Biblical understanding is important because we need to understand that the primary purpose of the power of the Holy Spirit is to be witnesses.

In the Acts of the Apostles we also need to understand that the nature of the Holy Spirit is like the wind, we cannot control it and we do not understand where it comes from. There is no secret recipe or religious ritual that can force the Holy Spirit to come under control of human will. No Bishop, Pope, nor Priest has authority over the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit empowers only those who have committed themselves to Jesus Christ and who have repented of all their sins. All authority rests under Jesus Christ alone.

When we accept Jesus Christ as Lord of our life, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to become witnesses to the work and life of the Holy Spirit. We are witnesses.

Be encouraged today to be a witness for Jesus Christ.


Point to ponder: God called you to be a witness.

Question to consider: Are you a witness?

Pray for the world

3 May 2011

Luke 19:41-44 And when he drew near and saw the city he wept over it, saying, "Would that even today you knew the things that make for peace! But now they are hid from your eyes. For the days shall come upon you, when your enemies will cast up a bank about you and surround you, and hem you in on every side, and dash you to the ground, you and your children within you, and they will not leave one stone upon another in you; because you did not know the time of your visitation."

Some periods of time in history have more significance than others, and often we live and then miss the historical moments as we are wrapped up in our own affairs, missing the importance of the event. From Friday to Monday the world has changed, firstly the marriage between Prince William to Katherine Middleton, then the death of Gadaffi’s son and  three grandsons in Libya, followed by the killing of Ben Laden in Pakistan. How these events will play out will be determined by time, but the influence on history and future international events cannot be ruled out.

Prince William will carry the primary title of Defender of the Christian Faith, this title will be bestowed on him at a future coronation, how he will respond to this still has to be seen. Ben Laden was seen to the Islamic community as their Defender of the Islamic faith and his killing by the USA war machine will have responses displayed around the world. In the same way the killing of Gadffi’s son and three grandsons by NATO forces will also have effect in Libya and the Middle East.

Having been witnesses to these events we need to pray even more intensely for world peace, and to pray for the return of Jesus Christ with an urgency as never before. As Christians we realise and believe that nothing in this world happens outside of the Word of God, so we the remnant of Believers on earth must not loose faith but to pray with greater intensity for the salvation of the world.

Be encouraged today to pray for world peace.


Point to ponder: Christ is coming.

Question to consider:  Do you pray for the world to know Jesus Christ?