Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Lord's day has become the Lord's hour

Irvine chatting to Solomon and Perpetue ... that's Joy in the background.

Today's Readings:
  • Exodus 16 21-30
  • 1 Corinthians 3 18-23
  • Mark 2 23 3:6
Some of us at St Mark's have been known to keep tabs on the clock more than on the Sermon. Traditionally our services are 60 minutes, we are on time and we never over-run. The Rev Solomon Surwumwe this morning questioned the notion of putting time limits on God's Day and our focus on things other than the needs of the spirit. Work, play and other distractions constantly distract us from putting the Lord at the centre of universe on Sundays. The readings above underline the shortcoming some of us  have in this regard.

Here are seven tips from Solomon to guide us in our days of worship:
  1. Prepare for the Sabbath day by praying for teaching.
  2. Never forget the Sabbath Day is a Gospel Day
  3. Use the day for quiet prayer and reading the Bible and other Christian books.
  4. Take time to be with family.
  5. Do not forsake the meeting of yourselves together, as some are in the habit of doing.
  6. Take time for fellowship
  7. Get some rest

The St Mark's Editorial team. 

St Mark's thanks the ladies of Huntsville

Sophia (second from the left) with members of the WA today and happy recipients of the much needed food parcels

Dear Bunny,

It was lovely to meet you and your Presbyterian Women’s Association on my recent visit to your wonderful country.

Thank you so much for your kind donation, which will help us purchase the necessary foodstuffs, so essential to people in need, in our congregation. This is especially welcome at this time of the year; as it will enable us to put a little extra, into their Christmas hampers.

We are blessed to have such kind friends.

Yours sincerely,

Sophia Williamson
President: Women’s Association
St Mark’s Church, Yeoville

Friday, October 29, 2010


29 October 2010.

Timothy I 5:20 As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.

As a Christian it takes great patience and tolerance to deal with others who claim to be Christian yet do not behave as one. The Scripture tells us that we should not judge, yet in other parts it tells us to rebuke others in the Body of the Church who do not act according to the discipline and commandments of Jesus Christ. This results in a dilemma as to what should be the correct response to bad Christian behaviour?

Christians should not be recognised by their preaching, but rather in the practising of what they preach. A man who  claims to be a Christian yet does not love his wife, proves that he is unable to be faithful, a woman who claims to be a Christian yet disrespects her husband is  also unable to be faithful. Unless Christianity is practised, then Christ died in vain, all the churches in the world may be full on Sunday, and people may belong to all kinds of committees and church associations, but without putting Christ first in all things, then they are only following their own religion. So when we see people who claim to be Christian and they act outside of biblical values, it is our duty to rebuke them. But in saying so we always need to be aware of the beam in our own eyes, so we should ensure that we are in the will of Christ at all times and in all we do.

Be encouraged to stand firm for what you believe in.

Point to ponder: We are called to be obedient to Christ.

Question to consider:  Would you rebuke unacceptable behaviour?

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Constant change

There's our Sophia seat second from the left relaxing in Huntsville. Scroll down to read her Huntsville diaries.

28 October 2010.

Psalms 18:2-3 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.

In life there will always be someone or something that will upset the balance, one has plans expectations that things will work out a certain way, and then a spanner is thrown into the works. This is not always easy to understand and not always easy to come to terms with, but no matter what we do we cannot change the person neither are we able to change the situation. It is during this that we have to cope and struggle through, even though we feel like we are drowning.

There are a number of things that we need to remind ourselves of; time is outside of our control and time changes everything in due course, life and death are inevitable and no matter who we are we could not control ourselves being born, neither can we control when we are going to die. The only true constant is change, and it is understanding this that gives us hope for tomorrow. The boss that is giving you grief today, resigns tomorrow, the friend that is angry forgives yet again. It is during this process that we realise the only constant is our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Be encouraged today to persevere, our hope is in Jesus Christ alone.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Simple things

27 October 2010.

Psalms 90:14 Satisfy us in the morning with thy steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

Simple things in life often touch us in more meaningful ways than some of the complex results we find in life. Watching a young boy running to his mother, with a smile as wide as can be, a dog wagging its tail in greeting, these things may be simple, but it is what makes life worth living.  A gentle thank you and a kind touch in times we need it just adds to the value and it doesn’t take much to do this.  The sad thing about it is that we have come to expect big gifts and grand gestures, and we forget that they fade with time, but a simple smile and a loving hug lasts forever.

It seems today that people have forgotten how to smile, time to stop and pat the dog, fuss the cat, smell the grass and just spend quality time with family. It is now less than two months to Christmas and before we know it, it would have passed us by. We need to stop the rush, and enjoy life while we still can, keeping it simple because that what really counts.

Be encouraged today to enjoy this day.

Point to ponder: This is the day that the Lord has made.

Question to consider:  Do you enjoy simple things?

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

God loves you

26 October 2010.

John I 4:8  He who does not love does not know God; for God is love.

Early this morning I was on the way to fetch the staff, and while driving the thought came to me of how fortunate I am to realise that God actually loves me. So many people today have no concept that God has chosen to love them. This love is not dependant on what I do, or what I say or even in the way I respond, God loves me despite all that. He loves me not because I studied the Bible, or I go to church or I do the right things, He just loves me, because I am His. I belong to Him as His child, and when I understand that, I then understand that it is His choice to love me.

Having understood this how should a person respond? The only appropriate response is to return that love, to acknowledge that love, and to proclaim that love. I can only love God, because God loved me first. I do this by doing that which pleases Him, I respond to Him in love by loving others as He has loved me.  When we love others, we invite God to dwell in us, and when He dwells in us, people do not see us, but the God who dwells with us.

Be encouraged today to accept that God loves you.


Point to ponder: God has chosen to love you.

Question to consider:  Have you chosen to love God?

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fruit Trees

25 October 2010.

Matthew 7:16 You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles?

This weekend I have been spending time with the citrus trees, at Linga Longa we must have about 50 trees in the orchard. For many years these trees have been neglected, yet faithfully every year they have born fruit. Some of them are very old, yet this does not deter them, faithfully they continue, in fact some of the older trees produce a better quality fruit.

This year we are watering these trees regularly and they have now been given some Epson salts and fertiliser, each tree has also been mulched. It is amazing to see the response, just by being watered, I cannot wait to see how they respond to the special treatment they have received. I suppose many of us are like the orange tree, we produce our fruit and very often we are neglected and the fruit is left to decay on the branches.  But this does not go unnoticed by the Gardener and even though people may not feed us or water us, God does through the providence of His blessing rain in our life. Just because we feel neglected, does not mean that we do not produce fruit, we produce fruit in response to what God has given us, not what the world has. The world eats our fruit when we offer it, but we need to offer it in order for new plants to grow in the seed carried in our fruit.

Be encouraged today to know that you bear fruit.


Point to ponder: We produce fruit in who we are.

Question to consider:  What fruit do you bear?

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Good manners

22 October 2010

Proverbs 16:31-32 A hoary head is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life. He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

There seems to a tendency today for people to express a high level of aggression and impatience. We see this reflected through sportsmen, high profile politicians, and others  as well as the media, unless one is aggressive, no one will get ahead in life. The consequence of this is that we find this aggression entering into our homes, our driving, our children and the result is that nothing happens without some form of confrontation. This leads to successful people in achieving their goals, but  also leaves many wounded souls along the way. The simple reason is that everything is based on achieving personal success.

What has happened to patience, tolerance, kindness and long suffering, are these considered to be no longer acceptable? In this world of instant gratification, one finds these attributes no longer being pursued, along with this we find respect and good manners totally ignored.  When last have we seen children standing up from the dining table when their mother enters the room, when last have we seen men waiting to allow others to enter a doorway, when last have we heard a woman say thank you when you hold the door of the lift for her? A society with good manners reflects care for others, when we bad manners are the standard of the day, society is based on self-centeredness.

Be encouraged to be Holy Spirit filled and show good manners.


Point to ponder: Holy Spirit filled people are well-mannered..

Question to consider:  Do you display good manners?

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sophia's diary ... the final chapter

Sophia Williamson ... back home at St Mark's with many stories to share

I think we were at the meeting with the PW on Monday morning.   Lots can happen in a few days. In the afternoon Bunny took me to the Huntsville Botanical Gardens,   Very beautiful and tranquil

We did not have enough time to do it justice.    When it started raining quite hard we had to leave and took a drive through the old part of town., Queen Anne style,  Steam boat Gothic style, Italianate. Greek revival and Federal Style.  You can imagine just how impressive these homes are

By this time Bunny had a good idea what my interests are and took me to visit a lady who does the most amazing quilting.   In the entrance of the church there are two framed embroidered and quilted pictures that she made.  This was a most enjoyable visit.

Tuesday morning I had to pack up again as Bunny and Kim were going to visit one of their children and that afternoon I was going with the whole group to Maranatha.   

Back at the church I had an hour of two with Elaine Stowe one of the ADULT EDUCATION MINISTRY TEAM.   That was a shock to the system.
  • 3 pre-school classes
  • 3 other children’s classes
  • 15 Bible school classes (this is for teens to geriatrics)

Sunday school for children is before church, so at that time they also have adult classes called Sunday school but some of the 15 classes are during the week.   They range from instruction to new members, to studying the two books comprising the constitution of the PCUSA.

The mind boggles. When she asked me if there are anything I would like to know, any questions I might have.   I could not even say a word.   The whole set-up was too overwhelming.   Believe it I was speechless.    Elaine must think I am a real dunce.

Later that day the whole SA team left for MARANATHA.  That is a farm the Presbytery bought an hours drive from Huntsville.  I am not going to try and describe it, see the photos.  We were there to relax a bit.  It is a really beautiful place.  Walking, boating climbing, swinging on ropes like.........volleyball,  soccer.   You name it it is there.  I just did not notice a rugby ball.

On Thursday afternoon the bus collected us to return to Huntsville for a most  delicious  farewell dinner

Back to quarters.  Last goodbyes and Friday we all left for our different destinations. And that dear Geoff is my trip to Huntsville.   Sorry I could not do it in 80 words.  Not possible.



David Hutt and our Session Clerk Liz White

21 October 2010

1 Corinthians 1:2 To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

In this text it is important to note that Paul addresses the readers of his letter as those who are sanctified in Christ, called to be saints together with those who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  In the first place it is to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, and this implies that these persons are sanctified in Christ, they are holy and separated from the others, not because of who they are but because they call on His name. In the same way the process of being a saint is completed and linked to all others in every place who also call on the name of Jesus Christ. When we call on the name of Christ Jesus, we are immediately associated with all the saints, which includes us.

How we respond to this is dependant on the attitude that we have in the way we live out the sanctification that Jesus Christ brings to bear on us. When we face adversity, when the Christian ethos is challenged, when Woolworths removes Christian magazines from its shelves, how do we respond to these. Do we respond in love, understanding, tolerance, and long suffering, or do we become angry and militant? When we realise that sanctification is the process of holiness and bringing us to have the nature of the indwelling Christ in us, then we respond as He would.

Be encouraged to be the saint that Christ Jesus sees you as.


Point to ponder: We are all saints.

Question to consider: Would you consider yourself to be a saint?

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sophia's Huntsville Diary

First Presbyterian Church Huntsville .... Sophia has memories to last a lifetime

12th September.2010 - Left Austin, Texas at 6.45am [the very crack of dawn for me]. Arrived at Huntsville via Atlanta at 11 am. Waiting for me there was Heidi Meadows. After 10 minutes in her company I knew she was the kindest, friendliest and most loving human being I had ever met. We had lunch with a couple of other people and then she took me to meet my hosts for the first few days, Bunny and Kim HOVATER.

I was privileged to spent the first two nights in Huntsville in their beautiful home and a quick change and shower and we were off to Grace Presbyterian Church for the 10th Anniversary of the Partnership in Christ. I had no inkling of what was in store for me. No expectations could ever have prepared me for that service. 10 choirs, the ministers from the Alabama North Presbytery and it looked like all their congregants as well.
The church was packed. I have no idea how many people there were, but it must have been 1 000 or more.

Norman Mangena's heavy load was remembered in Huntsville ... there was his empty chair.

Everything was beautifully done. To remind everybody of the problems Norman Mangema had with his Visa application and then the tragic death of his father a chair was placed on the platform with a large placard with Norman's' name name on it.That was enough to make me want to cry.

Then the South Africans walked in singing Uyai Mose [Come all ye people, come and praise your maker] a Zimbabwean gathering song. with all the right movements and clapping so very South African and I was so, so proud.

Then the service. Glorious, beautiful, spiritually moving and that was just the singing. At the end all the choir members moved down the sides of the church and also at the back. I think only two choirs stayed on the stage. When they then started to sing the sound surrounded the people and it sounded like thunder and rain and angels and I never wanted it to end. I had goose flesh and went cold. It was a wonderful spiritual experience.

I could have come back home there and then Nothing could be better than that service. I praise and thank God for the privilege of having been there.

Monday morning 13.9.2010 I met the Presbyterian Women of First Presbyterian church in Huntsville I sat in on their first planning meeting of the year. Their year starts in September and ends June or July. After that short meeting they had tea and then the actual meeting started.

The speaker was their minister and I am very sorry to have to admit that I did not write down his name. But this I know he is one of the best speakers I ever heard . At the end of the meeting I was given time to address the ladies. I talked about our WA . The problems we encounter at present to collect funds.. ..At times the cupboard is quite bare. The meeting was then closed and somebody asked if she could give me a cheque for our feeding scheme. A number of ladies gave me cheques before they walked out. Much later when I had a chance to add up these cheques I was over the moon when I realized how very generous these ladies were. For the near future we do not have to worry about how to feed the people who come knocking on our door or the window of my office.

Thank you Huntsville First Presbyterian Women.


Sophia Williamson

NB: We will have more from Sophia's diaries tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


19 October 2010.

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."

The dryness of the African land is something that is unique and can only be experienced when you walk in the bush and see just how dry the ground actually is. The grass crunches under foot and last years weeds crumble to the touch, the trees are budding in the hope of rain and the animals are grazing off of exotic syringe trees. The clouds bring the promise of rain, yet they pass over the land and not even a drop of rain falls.

Having boreholes and irrigation from perennial springs makes all the difference to the way one lives, especially when these are used wisely. How we take water for granted in our lives, we use it in so many ways, until one day we have none and then what will we do? In cities water abuse is common, because it comes in a pipe, those that have to pay for it use it less than those that do not. The streets of the city are contaminated with dust and grime from vehicles, cigarette butts, litter, sewage all flow into the storm water systems and into the rivers.

Each person is accountable for their part in the pollution cycle and we cannot blame anyone but ourselves. What are you doing to save and  keep the water systems clean? God has put you in charge of this resource and wants us to care for the world He gave us.

Be encouraged today to be accountable for the world God has given you.

Point to ponder: God made you His caretaker.

Question to consider: Do you care for the environment?

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Wake up!

18 October 2010. 

James 2:17  So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.

The greatest danger for a Christian today is complacency, the person who believes that being a Christian and not doing anything for Jesus Christ is sufficient. It is a sad day when we accept our mediocrity, and believe that we can talk as we please, do as we please and treat others as we please and still believe that this is acceptable to Jesus Christ. Works without faith is useless, and faith without works even more so, unless we do something in faith, we may as well consider ourselves the same as everyone else. 

Yet we are not like anyone else, we are unique and on of a kind, created by God for that unique purpose, to live and fulfill that purpose not for our pleasure, but for the pleasure of God who created us. Every day must be lived to please God, and in that living we work hard and face all the struggles that this world may throw at us, the slander, the challenges, the disrespect, no matter what it does not change either our purpose and as we only please God and not anyone else. With this attitude what is impossible for the world, becomes possible for us, because of the God who dwells in us and with us.

Be encouraged today to stop being complacent about pleasing God.


Point to ponder: Faith and works go together.

Question to consider: How complacent are you?

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Roger on "Simple Faith"

Elder Roger Tem preached the sermon today and we were blessed to share in his simple and powerful message. His theme was "Simple Faith" and the readings were:

Ezekeil 34 5-16.
John     13 1-17..
Roman 5 1 - 5.

Solomon preached at Turffontein this morning.

Huntsville helps with food parcels

Sophia and the team in Huntsville North Alabama .... there are more pictures to come next week

Sophia Williamson, our doughty chairlady of the Women's Association, is back at St Mark's after an extended holiday in the United States, which included a visit to Huntsville in Alabama, where she represented St Mark's as part of the 10th anniversary celebrations between the Presbytery of North Alabama and that of eGoli.

St Mark's is “twinned” with First Presbytery Huntsville, which meant that Sophia was really keen to meet with her sisters from Huntsville. She told  your scribe today that her intention was, first and foremost, to tell the women of Huntsville where their money was going. In other words how their welcome donations were being spent in Yeoville.

One thing however led to another and Sophia ended up sharing her pain at seeing the size and quantity of our food parcels diminishing week by week. One lady, in particular, touched her heart. She came to St Mark's for help and in Sophia’s words, her eyes were “dead.”

At that point she burst into tears, but those tears were in some way the Lord's tears, for the kind WA of First Presbytery dug into their chequebooks and gave Sophia a donation of $2 200 to take home. There are cash dollars as well. This will mean many more and better food parcels, and we at St Mark's can only say thank you to our friends in Huntsville, from the bottom of our hearts.

Sophia is busy with an articles for the Marksman Online and she has many more pictures and memories to share.

Things that caught Sophia's attention:
  • The fact that the minister opened the WA meeting and was part of the process. That a Bible study formed part of the order of business, before practical issues were addressed.
  • The fact the Sunday school and children's ministry was such a huge and well organised endeavour.


The St Mark's Editorial Team.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Do you skip church on Sundays?

Solomon and Perpetue ... encouraging us to reevaluate how we view our Sunday worship.

Dear friends,

After conversations with a number of people, I now judge is right to write a piece on worshipping the Lord together.

The question is” “Why do we need to come to church, and what happens when we skip church?”
Have you ever heard comments that go like this? “What the hell am I here for? This is foolishness, you know.  It is foolish for us to be here.

Do you have any idea how comfortable my bed and pillows are? Do you know how much work I could be getting done right now? I do not have to come to church to be a true Christian! What time must we finish so I prepare lunch. This is foolishness, you know!”

These are some words you hear from time to time from different people. And many people have the habit of attending church once or twice a month and some don’t come regularly at all.. When you visit or meet with them, they have a number of excuses for their non arrival.

Let us consider  some of the situations we might be familiar with:
1) Simon Feh is a sportsman. He likes to participate in different games. Recently he joined a soccer team and this team plays on Sunday morning. To square things with the Lord he decided to play one Sunday and be absent the following Sunday, so that he could still  attend church and worship. Slowly, he begins to feel  that the worship is boring. Now, he decides to only attend church at the end of the month, because he still feels the obligation of tithing and support the church.

2) Peter has just got a good job and wants to impress his manager. He starts to do extra work on Sunday mornings, so that he can keep the job. But he remembers the group which he used to pray with when seeking employment. He can’t see them anymore. He can’t even visit them. He comes home very tired and even phoning ihis friends is hard for him. He feels guilty, but he feels that there is nothing he can do. He needs his job to support his family, God must understand!

3) Paul Mahlangu is an electrician. He does many part tine jobs as he doesn’t have permanent emplyment. Each weekend he receives one or two calls to work, because Saturday and Sundays are the days when people are at home. He doesn’t have time to worship with others, despite the fact that he was part of the choir group and Bible study. He feels that work is more important than church. “Anyone can understand me”, he says.

4) Eunice is 60 years old. She has been in the church for more than 30 years. Eunice is tired of going to church every Sunday. Besides, “Sunday is the only day I can rest, because I work every day. Anyway, my church should have an evening service, so that I join others after my rest on Sunday,” she says.
Each of these fictitious stories illustrates the kind of difficulty that Christians can get themselves into in prioritizing their Sunday worship.

But, is there anything we miss when we skip church?

The writer to the Hebrews made useful comments. He said, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you know that the day of the Lord’s coming is getting closer” (Heb 10:25).

When we start skipping church things start to fall apart. A Baptist minister mentioned few of these potential challenges:

1. Detachment from the body of Christ: - When we are absent from worship we do not know who is sick, who is new to the congregation, who gave testimony of the triumphs sparked by their faith. The consequence is a feeling that the church is no longer a warm place to be

2. It slows down the pace of spiritual growth. In reality we are not placing ourselves in a position to benefit from biblical teaching through our church if we are not present in the church. We find that we experience difficulty with simple devotions and challenges, because we are not getting fed. This is a serious matter, and could lead to backsliding if the conditions are not put right. None would like this to happen to a friend.

3. We begin to prioritize another activity/hobby /interest above our commitment to God and his people. There will be many other things to interfere with our devotion to Jesus. When our own agendas are greater than God’s agenda, God might not want to develop us for a particular task that we have been longing for. Our testimony before the wide body of Christ and before non – Christians friends or work associates  begins to weaken.

If we come back to the writer to the Hebrews, we see that the writers knew that Christians were not always seeing the benefits of gathering for worship. There is a time coming that will require us to be strong in the faith. In different parts of the world there are Christians who gather in secret places. Here at St Mark’s, we have all liberty to meet as we please. The Lord’s day is near, we need to grow:

  • By reminding us of whom we serve (Jesus Christ)
  • By teaching us Biblical principles that we need to change the way we live By giving us an opportunity to express praise to God, along with other believers, something we were designed to do
  • By gaining strength from our brothers and sisters to overcome their challenges through the power of Christ.

One can go on and on with this subject. But the issue of fellowshipping with other believers (together) is bigger than how we can imagine, or how we take decision day by day in our busy schedule of life, especially in Johannesburg where life is fast.

Are you skipping the church? Reconsider the wisdom of letting other things draw you away from the chance you have to meet for corporate worship.

God Bless


Sunday, October 3, 2010


Daniel in the lion's den

Readings for Solomon's sermon on Sunday:
Daniel 6 10-23
Luke 19 1-10
Roman 5 1-11

Definition from Easton Bible Dictionary:

"Justification is a forensic term, opposed to condemnation.

As regards its nature, it is the judicial act of God, by which he pardons all the sins of those who believe in Christ, and accounts, accepts, and treats them as righteous in the eye of the law, i.e., as conformed to all its demands. In addition to the pardon (q.v.) of sin, justification declares that all the claims of the law are satisfied in respect of the justified. It is the act of a judge and not of a sovereign. The law is not relaxed or set aside, but is declared to be fulfilled in the strictest sense; and so the person justified is declared to be entitled to all the advantages and rewards arising from perfect obedience to the law (Rom_5:1-10).

It proceeds on the imputing or crediting to the believer by God himself of the perfect righteousness, active and passive, of his Representative and Surety, Jesus Christ (Rom_10:3-9). Justification is not the forgiveness of a man without righteousness, but a declaration that he possesses a righteousness which perfectly and for ever satisfies the law, namely, Christ's righteousness (2Co_5:21; Rom_4:6-8).

The sole condition on which this righteousness is imputed or credited to the believer is faith in or on the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith is called a “condition,” not because it possesses any merit, but only because it is the instrument, the only instrument by which the soul appropriates or apprehends Christ and his righteousness (Rom_1:17; Rom_3:25, Rom_3:26; Rom_4:20, Rom_4:22; Phi_3:8-11; Gal_2:16).

The act of faith which thus secures our justification secures also at the same time our sanctification (q.v.); and thus the doctrine of justification by faith does not lead to licentiousness (Rom_6:2-7). Good works, while not the ground, are the certain consequence of justification (Rom_6:14; Rom_7:6). (See GALATIANS, EPISTLE TO.)."

Courtesy E Sword

Friday, October 1, 2010

Joy of Work

1 October 2010

1 Corinthians 3:8 He who plants and he who waters are equal, and each shall receive his wages according to his labour.

It is sad yet a joy to be able to have to do what other people should be doing, sad because of their failure, and a joy because one is still able to do it oneself. When others think that we have become dependant on them, they think that through that dependency that they will control. It is true in the case when they are the only ones who can do it and then make sure that they are paid the price they want to do the work. This in fact should make one sad that we are blackmailed and forced to use them no matter what the price. The joy comes about when one is able to still do what is required and not be forced to pay more than required.

In a country with such high unemployment it is amazing how many unskilled people there are who expect to be paid skilled wages. Even basic workers are being paid wages that are above the value of productivity; the result is that it becomes unaffordable to pay them. The result is even a higher unemployment level and a greater drain on the welfare services. For a woman with four school going children, unemployed at home, and her grant from the State is over R1000.00 per month, she obtains the grant and then continues to be given the grant even though she starts working. This is normal practise in the rural community, and so a cycle of poverty, unemployment and corruption continues.

It is within this community that the need of Christian values is vital, yet when integrity, hard work and honesty are the core message, this is in direct conflict to the norm encountered. If the Gospel of Jesus Christ does not bring about change, then how effective has the preaching and teaching been?

Be encouraged to not let others down and earn your wages honestly.


Point to ponder: Only Jesus Christ can change hearts and minds.

Question to consider: How vulnerable are you to the unfair demands of others?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.