25 May 2012
Proverbs 11:1 False balances are hateful to Jehovah; but a just weight is His delight.
Business integrity is something that is very scarce, and something that is becoming more and more endangered. In order to ensure that the person doing the work is paid a separate organisation is used to collect the payment for the work done. Once the work is done you now speak to collection agency that now needs to be paid. The ability to speak to the person who originally did the work has been taken away, just seems to be cold and impersonal.
So having had your pre-med and waiting to have major surgery, the orthopaedic supplier arrives with crutches, ice machine etc. thinking that this is part of post-operative treatment, you think whoa this is well organised. Until you get the account and you are charged private rates, and you are forced to pay far more than the medical aid reimburses you for. One waiting for surgery cannot get alternative quotes, so you are a captured buyer with no recourse. The supplier failed to communicate the costs and simply submitted to the medical aid on your behalf. So even in hospital the vultures wait to be paid, so we all need to be more aware not to place our trust in people bringing you your crutches.
Be encouraged to thank those who are honest in business, they are a delight to God.
Point to ponder: When you cheat people you cheat God.
Question to consider: Are you honest in your business?