Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Men for the Master now have a mission statement

Giyani Matampi will now see to Property at St Mark's and he will also be one of our representatives at Presbytery. 

The Men for the Master Executive met last week and then followed this up with a feedback session at the bi monthly Men for the Master meeting in the Hall at which our Mission Statements and our aims and objectives were discussed. Our chairman Giyani Matampi has kindly captured them for us and we would welcome your comments. Here they are:

Mission Statement
To cultivate the fields and take care of the sheep

Aims and Objectives
-enhance the Spiritual growth of the members
-provide support to the Sunday school and the youth
-provide a forum that enables the involvement of Men in the life of the congregation  
-contribute towards the maintenance of the church’s property
-encourage giving and donating towards the finances of the congregation

The Men for the Master meet again on the 10th January 2010 to sign off.  Use the comment button below to have your say.

Giyani Matampi.

1 comment:

  1. We like the focus on the spiritual life of members. All else will come with the Lord's blessing.
