Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jesus is da winna!

The late Rev Moshe Rajuili .... a man, who impacted so many lives at St Mark's/

26 February 2012

In honour of the late Moshe Rajuile, who was killed in a tragic accident on 6 March 2011. His legacy is one of hope and enthusiasm. His message below is as relevent today as it was then. Bless you Moshe."

The St Mark's Editorial team.

Moshe wrote:

?For the past eight weeks we have focused our attention on hope. We have looked at passages which show that in God’s economy there are no cul-de-sacs; no hopeless situations in which his children find themselves trapped.  God provides a way out for those who trust him. In the New Testament, Paul teaches that hope based on Christ is not illusory. Jesus, according to the Caribbean poet and song writer,‘Is da winna, mon, ol’de time’.

When we follow in Christ’s footsteps, we become winning women and men, because Jesus us indeed ‘da winner, mon’. He has promised to continue to complete the good work he has begun in every Christian (Phil 1:6). We will certainly encounter defeats and failure along the way. We may lose individual battles, but we are assured that the war has already been won. So we do not lose hope: we continue to look upwards.

Christianity is sometimes criticised for offering little in this life, but promising ‘a pie in the sky when you die’. I trust we’ve been reminded that Jesus offers us hope in the cut and thrust of everyday life. But what of hope beyond the grave? Paul is emphatic, ‘If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pities more than all men’ (1Cor 15:19). Indeed, any religion or philosophy that does not take death and its consequences into account is hopelessly inadequate. Paul argues forcefully that because Christ was raised from the dead we too will be raised (vs12-19). The final fulfillment of our hope, the glorious resurrection life with Christ, is yet to be. Praise him!



Note: There is a slideshow of Moshe elsewhere on this blog.

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