Dear friends at Mt Mark's,
My name is Heidi Meadows and I have been asked to serve as the 'partnership partner' between our congregations of First Presbyterian in Huntsville and St. Mark's in Johannesburg. I am a fairly new member at First, but not new to our partnership. I was on the first group partnership trip from North Alabama in February 1997, with Frank Broyles.
I visited again with another mission group (that included my children Luke and Grace) in February 2002, when we celebrated the opening of the new church in Alexandra. Liz White, from your congregation, visited us here in Huntsville and also helped host us in Johannesburg during our 2002 trip. My family again visited South Africa last December 2008, but to see our dear friends that live in Norkem Park and Tembisa and not with a mission trip.
Please let me know what level of information you'd like to have from us, or share with us - though we have quite a lot already, from your web site. I noticed a request for a photo of our church and will be glad to send that, along with any other photos or other information you would like to have.
We are looking forward to working more closely with your congregation as we grow our partnership, friendship, and bonds in Christ.
NOTE: I was Heidi Chitwood when I visited S. Africa previously, but recently returned to my maiden name of Heidi Meadows. But Liz and others from your church would have remembered me as Heidi Chitwood....just to clear up any potential confusion.
In His Love,