Saturday, April 10, 2010

Do you know what your Session is doing to grow St Mark's?

The idea here was to give each member of Session a "love letter" via a sheet of paper pegged to each Elder's back. It was a great team building exercise.

Dear friends,

Are you happy with the way Session communicates with you, the people, of St Mark's? Historically your Elders would visit you once a quarter and there was a link between the Elders, who make up session,, and the people in the pews.

But along with changing demographics in Yeoville came a change with the way we do things. Now we the leader of St Mark's would like to initiate a renewal of sorts in getting bridges built between Session  and the congregation, which is growing by the day.

A number of initiatives are already ongoing. One is this blog on which we could highlight the big issues that Session is dealing with, accompanied by related updates in the Sunday diary when necessary We have the Men for the Master's bulk SMS line with which  to alert our membership in terms of both practical and spiritual support when needed. An Elder could also assigned to you, so that your concerns  are only telephone  phone call away. Where feasible Elder districts could even be reinstated.

Our Interim moderator Moshe Rajuili gives his views on chairman of Men for the Master Giyani Matampi

All the the above are flawed in some way. Not everyone has the internet, some have but do not use their cellphone,s negating the value of the SMS line, while yet others do not attend church regularly so miss out on potential diary updates.and of course visitations means travelling at night, which is difficult for both the families and some of our Elders, who do not have transport.

The bottom line is we need to get talking and to support one another, so that we can grow St Mark's in confidence driven by the Word and brotherly and sisterly love and support. Use the comment button below to input your ideas or drop off a letter with either the church office or Solomon. Together, we are powerful unit in spreading the Lord's word.

Prayer is the ultimate weapon we Christians have to defeat the influences of darkness. Let's pray for communication and love in St Mark's starting right now.You can see a slideshow of Saturday's Session meeting by clicking on the thumbnail picture in the right hand column. These are thanks to the services of Mike MacMurray's Blackberry.

The St Mark's Editorial Team

1 comment:

  1. I feel that Elders, should be on hand at tea to chat to parishioners. This would be an ideal forum for Q & A because Elders are identified by their name tags they are easily visible..
