Sunday, July 25, 2010

The focus is on the Healing Ministry of Christ this weekend

Women who have been the spiritual heartbeat of St Mark's for many years renewed their friendships at Phyllis Diesel's 90th birthday party. Our thanks go to Janet Drysdale for the pictures. 

The Rev David Hutt will be conducting a "healing workshop" at St Marks on the weekend of the 31st July and 1st August. The format is as follows:

09h00  "Who is this God that heals?
10h30  Tea
11h00  The Gospel and Healing.
12h30  Lunch - Bring and share.
13h15  Acts of the Holy Spirit.
15h00  Time of Healing Ministry

10h30 Time of Healing Ministry.

Please indicate you attendance via the church office.

NOTE: And good news is that Kay Patterson has walked for the first time after having a hip replacement operation. She says the pain is less severe today (Monday). Thoko Ndlovu, who celebrated her birthday on Sunday. Her son was scalded by boiling water on this special day. Joy Vardy has pneumonia and all are in need of our prayers.

The St Mark's Editorial Team.


  1. Hi Marianne and Geoff,

    Ma is much recovered, thank you.


    Dave Vardy.

  2. The scan shows Frank's lung tumour at stage 4 already. We see the oncologist tomorrow pm to learn what is next. I drive to Joburg on Friday - hope to see you all soon. Love Allison.

  3. Thanks a mill Geoff, we are grateful for the wonderful support we have had from St Marks - I miss you guys so much! Love to you & Marianne. Alison

  4. Please uphold in prayer all those in need of healing, who cannot be with us this weekend. Yes, we believe. Marianne.
