Monday, August 16, 2010

Update on Norman's visa application from Huntsville

Dear Geoff, Liz, and Norman:

Update for Monday. I have Norman's visit letter and request for re- evaluation and granting of the visa request written. I included a more detailed and individual request this time. Our pastor at First Presbyterian put it on our church letterhead and signed it. I will scan it in and send you a copy tomorrow.  I will also contact Ms.

Jordan at Senator Shelby's office and get a copy of the letter to her.

She will probably be able to write their official Government letter quickly, and the plan is for her to call the SA Embassy within a couple of days before Norman's next visa request and interview date.
She will make personal contact with the person doing the interview and intervene on his behalf, and send over her letter.

The next thing that needs to happen is for Norman to re-apply for a visa, or somehow set it up so that he can get another interview or application review.  Then he needs to let us know the interview date and time.

I will send you a copy of the letter we wrote, and another update tomorrow. I hope it is not too late to re-apply, but it seems as though things are headed in a more positive direction.

In His Love,



  1. Things are moving Norman. Let's get that Visa Application. Your friends from Men of the Master.

  2. Great News!!! May the Lord be Praised.

  3. Dear Heidi. Thank you for the effort. When do you think will be the most opportune time for me to book for a new interview. Liz unfortunately I do not have the R1200 at the moment. I will only have it at month end. God bless you all. Norman Mangena
