New members make their pledges ... yes, we are growing St Mark's |
28 November 2011.
Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days, so that we may bring a heart of wisdom.
Age does not necessary express wisdom, neither experience. As a person ages so we look back on what we have achieved and this then becomes the focus as we slowly allow the days we still have to pass us by. When we number our days and then look forward to what we can still do, then we realise how precious life is and there is still much to do.
The very heart of wisdom is to seek the righteousness of God, to do the right thing that pleases God. What pleases God is to do those things that are right, just and loving. This starts by planning your day, planning what you still need to do to please God, rather than just sitting talking about what you used to do. Now is the time to plan and start doing. You do things when you get involved, when you commit, when you understand that each day you have must be precious. Live each day as if it was your last, live each day mindful that you need to have used your time wisely, that is the heart of wisdom.
Be encouraged to be wise and treat your time as precious.
Point to ponder: Today is precious.
Question to consider: Are you a time waster?
Well done St Mark's ... if the Lord is with us, who can be against us?