Sunday, November 29, 2009

Behind the scenes tensions before the Sunday school Christmas pageant

Director Norman Mangena getting to grips with his cast before the Nativity play on Sunday

The production on Sunday was flawless. But director Norman Mangena and his comrade in "arms" Colleen Butler had some tense moments when members of the cast arrived late. To ramp up the tension the little lad originally chosen as the baby Jesus did not arrive at all.

Unflappable Norman committed the problems to the Lord and all members of the cast duly arrived just in time to put on their costumes and sort out some innovative lighting arrangements for the church - it's amazing what a torch can do to enhance a production. You can see a slideshow of the action, by clicking on the picture lower down the right hand column of this Blog.

That still left the problem of finding a replacement baby Jesus. Norman and Colleen spotted a likely little fellow at tea just before the service and with his mom's permission he was duly placed on a bale of hay and promptly fell asleep,  never to wake up during the production. Hymns and even Jingle Bells failed to wake him.

After the service your scribe attempted to get a photograph of him, but the baby Jesus, took off like a scalded cat. He'd done his bit and publicity was not part of the contract.

This was a magnificent and emotional production. Our thanks to all who arrived and were privileged to share the Christmas message with the Sunday school.

And yes the youth were also on duty on the door and assisted with taking the collection as well. Things are moving at St Mark's.


The St Mark's Editorial team.


  1. These kids are our future. Thanks you Norman and Colleen for your caring and inspiration to a new generation of Marksmen and women.

  2. Dear Norman and Colleen, on behalf of St Mark congregation we appreciate for all you are doing for these lovely kids. This shows us that there is a bright future for this congregation. It is amazing!!

