Monday, November 23, 2009

We welcome new members to St Mark's

The ranks of the faithful at St Mark's are growing. We welcomed three new members on Sunday. They are Obey Glory Arrey (Ndiba's wife), Yvonne Yates and Sharai Simango from Zimbabwe

But there's more. Francis Ndiba, Suzanna Feros and her son, were not at church and so could not be received. Solomon says they could be welcomed into our midst on Communion Day, the 6th of September.

And we welcomed vistors as well, among them were Eunice Kubeka, Joshua Matakanure, a researcher from Zimbabwe, Maxine Njiha  a visitor for 6 days from Congo Brazzaville, Jally Jutlior Ngabe, Ernest Mabouka, Alexandra United;s soccer coach and  Nickey Onicca Kwinana. We will put you all on our SMS and e-mail mailing lists.



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