Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday school does St Mark's proud

Nativity scene ... note the two lighting men with their torches and the sleeping baby Jesus

The Sunday School Nativity Play held during morning service on Sunday as part of the Youth service brought a sense of hope in the future. The shining young faces, confident and passionate in delivering the Christmas message was in stark contrast to the materialistic world we currently inhabit. This was not about glitz and glamour. This was about the community of St Mark's banding together to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus.

The new Choir, who shared the day with  Mike MacMurray and  our regular choir, made this Sunday morning so special. And was it not grand to see Helene Huvers on the organ?

The Men for the Master and the Women's Association teamed up to add to the festive spirit with a hot dog giveaway after the service . Our thanks to Beate Green, who bought the hot dogs, rolls, tomato sauce and mustard.  Our thanks too must go to the Men for the Master, who funded this community outreach and  helped with the buttering of the rolls and the distribution at tea.

The hall was packed, and the fellowship was warm. And the good news is that there is still some money over in the kitty to fund another project, which is still to be determined. The Men for the Master steering committee meets next week.


The St Mark's Editorial Team.

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