Saturday, November 21, 2009

Men for Master meeting moves to 09h00

The Men for the Master have moved their meeting to 09h00 to give time for worship and planning ahead of the hot dog treats after service on  the 29 November.

Norman and the Sunday school are putting on a "musical" to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus. There are only 10 roles, but 40 potential actors. But any disappointment will be tempered by free hot dogs after church. Colleen and Beate have been roped in to assist with the catering, but the men, our hunter gatherer, will source the food.

The Men for the Master committee will brief Solomon before the service and the final plans for next week.

God Bless,

The St Mark's editorial team.

1 comment:

  1. This is great my friend! I love it. Myself i was challenged by the way the elders went on well together and start smiling to each. From that I saw a good time together. The strength and weakness given to me from the participants will help us to utilize our gifts and talents. I am planning to be approaching a person according to his or her strength. From this excise we will be able to identify the people to help in different ministries of the church.
    Praise God for all good time He had given us.
    We shall meet once more time even to do it away from St Marks.
