Monday, November 30, 2009

Shattered Hopes?

Helene, Kay and friend at the WA Christmas party ... Helene in particular will relate to Moshe's message   

As part of their spiritual growth Christian people often go on retreats known as an Emmaus Walk.  I’ve not been on an Emmaus Walk, but have spoken to people who have.  The exercise is based on the story of shattered hopes found in Luke 24.

Two disciples, Cleopas and his comrade, most probably his wife, were traveling from Jerusalem to Emmaus.  Jesus drew alongside them and listened as they talked about the devastating events that had taken place in Jerusalem. They were still shocked and disappointed about everything that had happened.

They had held high hopes that Jesus was the expected Messiah who would redeem Israel. Sadly, he was dead. Further depressing news was that his body had been mysteriously removed from the tomb, according to the report of some of the women as well as Peter and John.

One can almost feel the despondency of the two travelers as they reflected on their shattered hopes. Notice, though, that all the time, Jesus was walking with them (v15), listening with great empathy to their sad conversation. Although he joined in, they did not recognize him (v16,17). But they did pour out their story to him (v19-24). Jesus eventually tried shock treatment to rouse them from their stupor (v25) and asked them a leading question (v26), but their eyes remained closed.

These two were precious to him; he would not give up on them. So he tried another angle, this time via their stomachs! They suddenly realised who he was, and he disappeared.

What is the point of the story?

Lack of insight can easily shatter our dreams and dim our vision.
Jesus is always beside us, even at our darkest hour when hope has died



Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday school does St Mark's proud

Nativity scene ... note the two lighting men with their torches and the sleeping baby Jesus

The Sunday School Nativity Play held during morning service on Sunday as part of the Youth service brought a sense of hope in the future. The shining young faces, confident and passionate in delivering the Christmas message was in stark contrast to the materialistic world we currently inhabit. This was not about glitz and glamour. This was about the community of St Mark's banding together to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus.

The new Choir, who shared the day with  Mike MacMurray and  our regular choir, made this Sunday morning so special. And was it not grand to see Helene Huvers on the organ?

The Men for the Master and the Women's Association teamed up to add to the festive spirit with a hot dog giveaway after the service . Our thanks to Beate Green, who bought the hot dogs, rolls, tomato sauce and mustard.  Our thanks too must go to the Men for the Master, who funded this community outreach and  helped with the buttering of the rolls and the distribution at tea.

The hall was packed, and the fellowship was warm. And the good news is that there is still some money over in the kitty to fund another project, which is still to be determined. The Men for the Master steering committee meets next week.


The St Mark's Editorial Team.

Behind the scenes tensions before the Sunday school Christmas pageant

Director Norman Mangena getting to grips with his cast before the Nativity play on Sunday

The production on Sunday was flawless. But director Norman Mangena and his comrade in "arms" Colleen Butler had some tense moments when members of the cast arrived late. To ramp up the tension the little lad originally chosen as the baby Jesus did not arrive at all.

Unflappable Norman committed the problems to the Lord and all members of the cast duly arrived just in time to put on their costumes and sort out some innovative lighting arrangements for the church - it's amazing what a torch can do to enhance a production. You can see a slideshow of the action, by clicking on the picture lower down the right hand column of this Blog.

That still left the problem of finding a replacement baby Jesus. Norman and Colleen spotted a likely little fellow at tea just before the service and with his mom's permission he was duly placed on a bale of hay and promptly fell asleep,  never to wake up during the production. Hymns and even Jingle Bells failed to wake him.

After the service your scribe attempted to get a photograph of him, but the baby Jesus, took off like a scalded cat. He'd done his bit and publicity was not part of the contract.

This was a magnificent and emotional production. Our thanks to all who arrived and were privileged to share the Christmas message with the Sunday school.

And yes the youth were also on duty on the door and assisted with taking the collection as well. Things are moving at St Mark's.


The St Mark's Editorial team.

Men for the Master thank Solomon for all he has done

There's the apron and Mac and John are no to be outdone. Buttering hot dog rolls can be fun.

There is a quiet force energising the men of St Mark's to do the Lord's work. His name is Emmanuel,  Solomon Surwumwe, who is involved at every level with Men for the Master, from keeping our petty cash, to giving us structure as a Men's Fellowship. He brings us constantly back to our need to be spiritual and to celebrate our faith. When our commitment flags, he encourages us. He is a Probationer with St Mark's and may the Lord guide and touch his work in the future. He puts the "smile" in our faith, his humour and fellowship are much appreciated by all of us, particularly his fellow males.  And yes ladies he is not afraid of donning an apron. We have proof positive of that.


The St Mark's Editorial Team.

Contacting St Mark's office by e-mail

Dear friends,

We now have an ADSL line, courtesy of Telkom, and many thanks to Mike MacMurray, and our session clerk Elizabeth White for driving this process. We have done away with the second line and the expensive and seldom used PABX system. In it's place come ADSL internet access and the sensible decision to do away with the Imaginet dial up account. We will revert to the GMail account of old and our e-mail address is once again  This gives 24 hour remote access to your mails. Please delete the from your Address Books and replace this with the Gmail address as soon as possible.


The St Mark's Editorial team.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sophia is new president of the Women's Association

                 Sophia Williamson ... born to serve the Lord

Sophia Williamson is the new president of the St Mark's Women's Association. That's the news coming out of the Annual General Meeting of the WA at Jane Henderson's home today.

 Nora McIllroy and Barbara McMurray are the two vice presidents, who will alternate in the role due to Barbara's busy schedule. Beate Green is back at treasurer. Thanks for what you have already done and the year to come.

Sophia has been a pillar of St Mark's for many a year feeding us, sorting out our finances and arranging flowers.

Jane was not available, for re-election and she will be missed. Her home as been host to Bible studies, she has made our gardens bloom and all we can say in bless you.

Marianne van Heerden is the new secretary of the WA.

Monday, November 23, 2009

We welcome new members to St Mark's

The ranks of the faithful at St Mark's are growing. We welcomed three new members on Sunday. They are Obey Glory Arrey (Ndiba's wife), Yvonne Yates and Sharai Simango from Zimbabwe

But there's more. Francis Ndiba, Suzanna Feros and her son, were not at church and so could not be received. Solomon says they could be welcomed into our midst on Communion Day, the 6th of September.

And we welcomed vistors as well, among them were Eunice Kubeka, Joshua Matakanure, a researcher from Zimbabwe, Maxine Njiha  a visitor for 6 days from Congo Brazzaville, Jally Jutlior Ngabe, Ernest Mabouka, Alexandra United;s soccer coach and  Nickey Onicca Kwinana. We will put you all on our SMS and e-mail mailing lists.



Gifford picks up the Marksman in Zimbabwe and shares his faith

I can't help, but praise God for his goodness and mercy that endures forever. The other day I was looking at myself in the mirror and worrying about the bad situation in Zimbabwe. I was thinking that it was the end of the world for us, but God said in my spirit that those that trust in the Lord abide forever.

He also said he shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. While I was still listening to that he said again be anxious about nothing, but through prayer praise and supplication make all your requests known unto Me always beginning with thanksgiving. I  felt so humble after I also heard that no counting of worries add a centimetre to my stature.

I will always praise my God, my Saviour in all situations just like Abraham, who took not a notice of His Body, but stuck to the promise

 May God Bless You,

Gifford Sibanda in Zimbabwe.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

IBRA Bible Readings for 2010 and Closer to God

                        Liz Kenyon  .... from Linden Presbyterian Church
Dear friends,
Just a reminder to get your readings. IBRA is R60 and the Scripture Union's Closer to God is R65 a copy. IBRA can be obtained for a nominal fee as it is intended as a means of out reach, who you do not have the required amount Liz is the contact person for IBRA and Margaret MacLarty will take orders for Closer to God/

Liz Kenyon, a contributor to Closer to God, was a facilitator at the Elder's Retreat this past weekend. She certainly gave those of us from Session, who were able to attend, food for thought along with Moshe and Solomon.

Uphold Phyllis Diesel in prayer

Phyllis is in great pain and her problems have been compound by an eye infection that will not heal. She is on cortisone for that and she still needs corrective surgery on her hip and knee after two problematic procedures. The operation is on hold until the infection in the eyes clear. Please uphold her and the family in prayer at this testing time. And yes Phyllis was in church this morning to worship the Lord.

It's all happening for Men for the Master

Irvine has agreed to help Men for the Master as a member of the Finance Committee 

Men for the Master met this morning and all funds raised in the past three meetings have been donated to the Hot Dog fund for the the kids and interested adults after the Christmas Pageant on Sunday. Beate is off to buy the dogs, rolls, butter, mustard and tomato sauce and the men will be on hand to help with the buttering of the rolls. Call time if 09h30 so we can finish before the service.

Men for the Master stepped to help fill the gaps on the door today and we are most excited to welcome Irvine and Elvis into our ranks. The Spirit is moving at St Marks.

The Men for the Master also achieved another milestone today. Enough money has been raised to open a bank account. The finance committee will be Samuel (Treasurer), Giyani, who is also our chairman and Irvine, a man who knows a thing or two about balance sheets.

God bless,

The St Mark's Editorial Team

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Men for Master meeting moves to 09h00

The Men for the Master have moved their meeting to 09h00 to give time for worship and planning ahead of the hot dog treats after service on  the 29 November.

Norman and the Sunday school are putting on a "musical" to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus. There are only 10 roles, but 40 potential actors. But any disappointment will be tempered by free hot dogs after church. Colleen and Beate have been roped in to assist with the catering, but the men, our hunter gatherer, will source the food.

The Men for the Master committee will brief Solomon before the service and the final plans for next week.

God Bless,

The St Mark's editorial team.

Another grandson for the Bowmans

John brought terrific news today. They have another grandson born earlier this week. Timothy, James, aged five, is joined by Michael John, McKenzie Bowman aged 6 days today. Liz announced that he weighed in at 9 pounds at birth. That's a big lad.  We got first hint of that news on our Twitter update last week. We thank the Lord for his Blessings to the Bowman family.

Elder's Retreat

It was raining and many were tired, but the Elders heading towards St Mark's on Friday night, were to have an invaluable and unforgettable two day session with Moshe, Solomon and facilitator Liz Kenyon from Linden Presbyterian Church, a veteran trainer of Elders.

This was the first time that our new Elders and the "old guard" had met together in a forum where we could share one another's lives and challenges. Friday evening started with a question and answer session, which was driven by two simple questions. Where do you live and what kind of toothpaste do you use? Those innocuous questions opened the door to even deeper debates, our the role of the Elders in the church and at St Mark's in particular, issues of faith and doctrine, which caused your scribe to ask some hard questions of himself.

Do you pray every day? Do you read your Bible at least four hours a week, do you gossip about God and spread the word? Are you an example to others? I think the spirit touched our group and smile on the team picture above show that we have the makings of a team that will be batting for the Lord this summer.

Colleen Butler, who attended on Friday night, .had to work today and John Bowman, had to leave early on Saturday as he was unwell. We are sorry you missed the photo shoot, but consider your smiles noted.And lest I forget a huge thank you to Sophia for he wonderful teas and eats.

Note: Norman Mangena took the picture. If you want to see Norman click on the slide show halfway down the right hand column. Eish Norman, those windows were a problem for our "high tech" equipment.

God Bless,

The St Mark's Editorial team.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

St Mark's Elder's Retreat

This will take place at St Mark's on Friday night (a 2 hour session) and Saturday (4 hours). The retreat will focus on the role of the Elder in the church, the history of the Presbyterian Church, thinking about the church and growing as a spiritual leader and much more.  Moshe and Liz will be facilitating the "getaway." Uphold your Elders in prayer as they try to get a deeper understanding of their faith and this mission in the church.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Elder's retreat - a time for reflection

The Elders of St Mark's will meet for a spiritual retreat on Friday night and Saturday at the church. It's a time for reflection and renewal. This made me think of all the great Elders, who have gone before. John Nixon was one of the most influential in his quiet way. This was a poem he penned in celebration of this faith. We remember you John.

“I come now, late in life to be conscious of your presence with me at all times. I have the firm belief that you have constantly presided over the intimate affairs of each one of us, mankind.  I know that we humans are the zenith in your creation of the universe. Often I enjoy the feeling that only our planet earth was prepared over aeons of time, so adequately to accommodate life with human life as top priority.
Father God you have shown your love for us throughout the ages despite our periods of non-belief or weakening faith.  In spite of our failures you have been faithful in leading us back into your fold.  Whenever I consider your faithfulness I am reminded of that great song of praise “Great is Thy faithfulness”; it is sung in full throat by massed choirs or small groups, always with joy and enthusiasm.    

Your faithfulness pervades the Bible, forever leading, back into your fold, those who have strayed.  Dear God, I thank you for the way you have stood by me despite my life’s failures, some gross.  I know now, anticipate and believe in the new life to come with you in spirit.  Faith is my unshaken belief in things hoped for.”


From the St Mark’s centenary prayer book                                                                                            

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bible Fellowship Breakfast

Barbara MacMurray and friends, who have enjoyed their Bible Study, at Jane Henderson's home, will be heading off to the Johannesburg Country Club on Wednesday for breakfast, ahead of the holiday recess. Jane's workload means that she will not be able to host the group in the New Year, but it's been a wonderful 11 months and many thanks to the Henderson family from one and all.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lead by a Star

Lead by a Star,
From afar
To where You are

A Star so bright
With deep insight
And kindly light;

With patient care
Such love is there
He’s ever-near.

May I delight
This Christmas night
In clear new sight;

Rightness of view
That’s shining, new
And perfect too.

My thanks and awe
That I may adore
Better than before

A poem of praise by,

Sue Long

Mary knows God's Son is coming

Mary knows God’s Son is coming,
While around the world goes bye.
She alone knows new life’s quickening;
She, and God Himself on high.

Then the Lord tells Joseph, saying
Fear ye not, He is my Son’.
So content they’re both now waiting
In a byre, for room there’s none.

As we wait for dawn’s new promise
May we share their peace and joy.
Know with new and sure conviction
God will come, a baby boy.

Come and bless this world we live in
Child of God, hope of the earth.
By Thy grace unite in purpose
All who celebrate Thy birth.

A poem of praise by,

Sue Long

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hope in God's Word

The Bible Society has designated November as Bible Society Month. The hope is that believers throughout the length and breadth of our country will experience the life giving message of the Word.

Do take another look at the poster in the foyer. Of the six pictures, I like the one with an elderly gentleman and what looks like his granddaughter both focusing on God’s word. There is real hope for the next generation if they are introduced to God’s word at an early age.

Psalm 130:1-8

The troubled psalmist deals with deep sorrow and loneliness by placing his hope on God’s word (v5). It is during a moment of silent waiting on the Lord (vs5,6) that he remembers God’s promises.
Let’s look at just three of these. The Lord hears our deepest cries for he is compassionate (Exodus 22:27b). He responds to our calls for help as he has vowed to strengthen and help his own (Isaiah 41:10). He grants us mercy (v2) and forgives and forgets our sins when we confess them (vs3,4).  It is because of promises like these that the psalmist puts his hope in God’s word. He knows that what God has promised, he will fulfill (Numbers 23:19).
‘My soul waits for the Lord more than the watchmen wait for the morning’ (v6). Why do you think the psalmist uses the picture of watchmen?


Read vs 5-8 again slowly, then use them as a basis for prayer and thanksgiving. Here are some thoughts to help you:
God’s love is unfailing (v7)
His word is utterly reliable (v5)
He takes the initiative to redeem us from sin (v8)



Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Christ, our Living hope

Segunda Galilea writes ‘but the Christian hope includes knowing that the future promise is already inaugurated in the risen Christ, who works through his Spirit to anticipate in history “a new heaven and a new earth where everything will be better and more just”.  Does hope orient your life or is it a last resort when everything else fails?  Ask the Lord to make you a person of hope.

1 Peter 1:3-12

Peter’s first letter starts on a note of praise to God for granting the believers scattered throughout Asia Minor a new beginning, and a present and future hope (v 3).  Under Nero’s reign many of them had been tortured, some were fed to wild dogs as a form of entertainment in the Coliseum. Peter writes to them conveying words of encouragement and hope (1:7-9; 4:12-19; 5:10-11).
Why do you think Peter refers to Christ as the living hope?(1:3)  The new birth gives believers a unique inheritance, described in the Scriptures in various ways (Psalm 16:5; Romans 8:16,17). Reflect on your inheritance and give thanks to God for it.


Thank the Father that in Jesus you hae a living hope.  He has also given you a unique inheritance.  When trials come they are not there to destroy you, but to refine your faith.



Sunday, November 8, 2009

Men for the Master vote to assist with hot dogs on 29 November

Dear Friends,
There was an excellent turnout for the bi monthly Men for the Master meeting on Sunday. Roger Tem opened in prayer and Solomon read the scripture.

There were two items on the agenda:
1. The one was whether or not to move the Men for the Master meeting to 11h30 to accommodate those on other church duties.
2. Secondly the Men had to decide whether or not to postpone the Men for the Master breakfast on the 29th November in view of the Sunday school's Christmas musical and post church hot dog treat for the youngsters.

The voting was as follows.
1. The Men for the Master decided unanimously to move the bi monthly meeting to 09h00 to 10h00, instead of the current 09h30 start, which puts pressure on Solomon among others.
2. The Men for the Master elected to assist in the funding of the hot dogs, while offering help on the day to make this a special occasion for the Sunday school.

Beate Green, Colleen Butler and Norman Mangena have been informed of the decision to assist with the hot dogs and we are all keen to make this a success.Details will be thrashed out when the Men for the Master next meet on the 22nd November.

The next major step forward for the Men for the Master will be to raise the R500 necessary to open a group account at Standard Bank. We will use the 29th November as an opportunity to grow our membership and hopefully improve our bank balance into the bargain.

Roger Tem closed the meeting in Prayer.

NB: Geoff lost the meeting Register with it's list of cellphone numbers in the hall. If this is spotted please leave it with Solomon.


The Mark's Editorial Team.

Open those purse strings for Christmas food parcels

Dear friends,
It is that time of year again when our thoughts must turn to those who are less fortunate than ourselves. We at St Mark's must lift the bar for Christmas and time is ticking by. The deadline for donations is the 11th December and these can be in the form of cash or food stuffs

The following point is however important. You need to inform one of Liz, a Women's Federation representative, Solomon or the church office who you think the recipients of these food parcels must be.

Let's make it a jolly Christmas for one and all and a huge thank you goes out to Kay, Margaret and team for the many selfless hours they have put in over the years to make somebody feel that they are special and that the Lord is with them.


The St Mark's Editorial team.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Session sets dates for retiring offerings

oday Session agreed that the Retiring (Special Thanksgiving Offerings) will be made after the Carol & Christmas Day Services on 20th & 25th December 2009.

Proceeds will  go to support the Johannesburg Children’s Home & United Church Schools.

God Bless,


Twitter updates - get the breaking news

Dear friends,

Scroll down the right hand column until you see the heading Twitter updates. This is where you will catch the breaking news on your blog.

God bless,

The Editorial team.

Men for the Master to assist with hot dog treat

The planned Men for the Master breakfast on the 29th November may take on a new form. The Sunday school is putting on a musical to celebrate Christmas, as the kids will soon be off on their holidays.

The intention was to provide them with a treat by servicing hot dogs after the service. And then to really involve Norman Mangena, who producing the production. suggested that the young ones could assist with handing out name tags before the service.

The suggestion went down well, but this put into question the plans for the Men for the Master breakfast. A grand compromise was reached where the Men for the Master would raise funds and contribute these towards the hot dogs, while making the youngsters welcome.

The issue will be discussed by Men for the Master at their meeting before service on the 9th November. .

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Profile Elder Veronika Macher

Joined St Mark’s
Ordained as an Elder
Accepted Jesus as his Saviour
At a Youth Camp with the St Mark’s Youth in 1986
Current Accountabilities
Marital Status
Single. I have one adopted daughter and two foster children who I am hoping to adopt by the end of 2010.
Recruitment Consultant and Admin Assistant to two MDs plus full time mom to 3 children, 3 cats and a Rottweiler cross German Shepherd.
Favourite Bible Verse
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
Other interests
Reading, baking, cooking
Mobile 083 734 7626

Got any ideas abut hay and sheep?

Colleen Butler and Norman Mangena need your ideas for Christmas play

The children are hard at work rehearsing for this year’s Nativity play. Colleen reports that it’s all systems go for the 29th November and the kids will be getting hot dogs after the service.

One of the young girls will be the narrator and so far four scenes are done and dusted and Colleen reports that Norman has done a great job as the producer.

He has busy condensing the scriptures to be read on his laptop, which will serve as a teleprompter. We may have a television presenter in the making here.

Colleen says she will be phoning Jane for the “sheep” and she’s looking for ideas for the hay for the baby Jesus to lie on.

Hit the “comment” button below and the Marksman Online editorial team will pass on your ideas to Colleen and Norman.    

Monday, November 2, 2009

Appreciation from the O'Neill family

To the St Mark's Online Editorial team,

This really is a most fabulous initiative – thank you for it and also thank you sooooo much for remembering Shane and requesting prayer.  He is truly on the road to recovery now thanks to all the individials and prayer circles upholding him in prayer.  Fabulous members of St Marks to the rescue once again – they are always so willing and go out of their way to phone and follow up and just uphold those in need.

Best regards


Men for the Master launch SMS alerts

Dear friends,

Solomon has started compiling a database of cellphone numbers of members of Men for the Master. This has come in handy as we are launching an SMS info line on activities of our infant fellowship.

Our proposed Men's Breakfast on the 29th November coincides with our annual Christmas play. Here is an opportunity for the men to show the youth they are valued members of the St Mark's family. We are happy to be involved in cooking hot dogs or offering breakfast treats to all before the service.

You feedback would be greatly appreciated.

The St Mark's SMS info service is available to all. Just get you message and the list of the cellphone numbers of the members of the congregation you want to get your "issue" to and I will see that it's sent. This is free service to the congregation.



Children's service on 29 November

On 29th November St Mark's will have a Children Service. This would be a great opportunity for the Men for the Master to prepare a meal for them after church.

It will be a special day for the children, because on this day they will put on a Christmas play for all of us. This is because they will be leaving for the school holidays in December.

We need them to feel special, and confirm that they are part of us and cared in the Church. Therefore, I have voted to continue having the breakfast early the morning so that it will not clash with the hot dogs for the kids.

Otherwise it makes sense for the Men for the Master to help with the hot dogs after church so that many people can join us.

Keep well my friends,


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Men of St Mark's we need you

We have now consolidated a database of Men who have expressed an interest in being part of the Men for the Master activities.

Men for the Master will be hosting a meal at the children’s service on the 29th November to enable the congregation to see who we are.

We need to grow our fellowship and on the 29th all males will have a chance to ask that Men for the Master is all about.

The current membership is:  Giyani Matampi, Erson  Chinyika, Albelt Kheswa,   Maxwell  Sewornu, Norman Mangena,  Fana  Mtshali, Godfrey  Mtshali,  Prisco Nde , Roger Tem, Simeon Khosa,  Augustin Tifang, Ayeah Samuel Fru, Felix Agyei George  MacTaggart , Julius Ndipinswi, Valentine Meu Geoff van Heerden,  Nji Patrick Ndipenguwi, Walter Chi,  Leopold Kouyem


Emmanuel Solomon Surwumwe

Orders needed for 2010 Bible Readings

                That's Margaret in the centre of your picture

You can now order the IBRA Bible Readings for 2010, either Words for Today or Light for Our Path.  Please give your name to Liz if you would like to order a copy for next year.

A R60 donation is requested, but this is not essential. Books come by mail so our absolute deadline for orders is 22nd November to ensure the arrival of the books by the end of 2009.. See front covers and notes on content on notice boards in the Hall.

Closer to God, the Scripture Union Bible readings for 2010, are priced at R65 each, Please place your order with Margaret McLarty.