Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Elder's retreat - a time for reflection

The Elders of St Mark's will meet for a spiritual retreat on Friday night and Saturday at the church. It's a time for reflection and renewal. This made me think of all the great Elders, who have gone before. John Nixon was one of the most influential in his quiet way. This was a poem he penned in celebration of this faith. We remember you John.

“I come now, late in life to be conscious of your presence with me at all times. I have the firm belief that you have constantly presided over the intimate affairs of each one of us, mankind.  I know that we humans are the zenith in your creation of the universe. Often I enjoy the feeling that only our planet earth was prepared over aeons of time, so adequately to accommodate life with human life as top priority.
Father God you have shown your love for us throughout the ages despite our periods of non-belief or weakening faith.  In spite of our failures you have been faithful in leading us back into your fold.  Whenever I consider your faithfulness I am reminded of that great song of praise “Great is Thy faithfulness”; it is sung in full throat by massed choirs or small groups, always with joy and enthusiasm.    

Your faithfulness pervades the Bible, forever leading, back into your fold, those who have strayed.  Dear God, I thank you for the way you have stood by me despite my life’s failures, some gross.  I know now, anticipate and believe in the new life to come with you in spirit.  Faith is my unshaken belief in things hoped for.”


From the St Mark’s centenary prayer book                                                                                            

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