Monday, November 30, 2009

Shattered Hopes?

Helene, Kay and friend at the WA Christmas party ... Helene in particular will relate to Moshe's message   

As part of their spiritual growth Christian people often go on retreats known as an Emmaus Walk.  I’ve not been on an Emmaus Walk, but have spoken to people who have.  The exercise is based on the story of shattered hopes found in Luke 24.

Two disciples, Cleopas and his comrade, most probably his wife, were traveling from Jerusalem to Emmaus.  Jesus drew alongside them and listened as they talked about the devastating events that had taken place in Jerusalem. They were still shocked and disappointed about everything that had happened.

They had held high hopes that Jesus was the expected Messiah who would redeem Israel. Sadly, he was dead. Further depressing news was that his body had been mysteriously removed from the tomb, according to the report of some of the women as well as Peter and John.

One can almost feel the despondency of the two travelers as they reflected on their shattered hopes. Notice, though, that all the time, Jesus was walking with them (v15), listening with great empathy to their sad conversation. Although he joined in, they did not recognize him (v16,17). But they did pour out their story to him (v19-24). Jesus eventually tried shock treatment to rouse them from their stupor (v25) and asked them a leading question (v26), but their eyes remained closed.

These two were precious to him; he would not give up on them. So he tried another angle, this time via their stomachs! They suddenly realised who he was, and he disappeared.

What is the point of the story?

Lack of insight can easily shatter our dreams and dim our vision.
Jesus is always beside us, even at our darkest hour when hope has died



1 comment:

  1. This is very good reminder to me of the Emmaus Walk that I had six year ago when I was in my second year of theological college. It was a good experience that each one should have if s/he can. It is walk that you take 4days walking with a group of people you share the same goal of spiritual revival. It is a walk in which you experience the love of God intimately. After these 4days you come out burning to share the this love with others.
    Brothers and sisters if you can, please have this powerful weekend experience.
    with Love
