Sunday, April 17, 2011

Men for the Master raring to go

Giyani Matampi and Men for the Master are on the move

Dear Friends,

The Men for the Master executive met on Saturday and what a wonderful production session it proved to be under the chairmanship of Giyani Matampi.

After opening with a "reading" for guidance the Men for the Master decided on the following short term initiatives to "reach out" to the youth and our people in Yeoville:
1. Funds were raised for a boerewors roll give-away after the service on 1 May 2011. The Men will braai during the service, so that all is ready for our friends after the service.
2. We will assist the Youth with a "how to bake" workshop, so we can have cake at tea made by the youth group to raise funds. We ask the congregation to give generously to assist us with buying the ingredients and funding the workshop. More about that next Sunday.
3. The Men drafted options for setting up an office for the Minister in the Vestry. This was copied to the Finance committee for guidance.
4. The men will assist the WA with buttering hot cross buns and give away Easter eggs. Marianne will confirm those arrangements with Giyani.

The Men will also fulfil their promise to Solomon to buy him a shirt  for service, in recognition of his Ordination as a Minister. An appropriate garment has been found the Methodist shop up the road.


The Men for the Master editorial team.

1 comment:

  1. Veronika and the Sunday school, Solomon and friends ... what a wonderful service this morning. We left with our spirits soaring.
