Monday, September 10, 2012


10 September  2012    
1 Timothy 6:11 But as for you, man of God, shun all this; aim at righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.

If you want the job then you should be able to do the job, and with time and training be able to do the job better. Many people want the job, and often get the job and when they do they just cannot do the job, the result is that those that employed them have to keep them on, and after much time, training etc. they still cannot do the job properly. In fact many of them move from one job to the other just in time before they get fired and each time their pay improves until they are the ones selecting others for the job they could never do themselves.

The real sad part is that those who can do the job, do it and are happy to stay and do it, and they are the back bone of the company, society and tax base of the country. In the same way we find these same loyal people in congregations that stay, pray regularly, are part of the Bible studies and fellowship. Crisis’s come and go, leadership comes and goes and they stay faithful. They do what they know best, and because of this they grow in faith.

Be encouraged not to loose faith by looking at others, do your best.

Point to ponder: God honours the faithful.

Question to consider: Are you loyal?

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