20 December
2:13 Now when they had departed,
behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said,
"Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there
till I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy
I was reminded yesterday
that there are those who find Christmas a very difficult time. This is maybe
because the pain of memories of loved ones that have passed away, broken
relationships that refuse to heal, and an empty heart looking for someone to
love. Made more complicated when poverty is aggravated by charity, and a poor
lonely person with nothing to give, is given a meaningless gift at a table of
food to appease the consciousness of someone that has everything while they are
unable to give anything in return.
So when we come to
Christmas we need to mindful of the memories and situations of others who are
in their own place and space, yet we still reach out not with what we have but
what Jesus has given us; love. Rather a dry piece of bread eaten in peace than
a bountiful meal eaten in anger. In my own situation this is also a time of
reminding myself of those who loved me that are no longer with me, and I
remember them with a heart that longs to see them again.
Be encouraged today to be
the hope of Christmas for others with love.
Point to ponder: Our family includes those who belong to Jesus.
Question to
consider: Is the message of Jesus with you at Christmas?