Saturday, June 16, 2012

God can speak!

14 June 2012     
Psalms 37:7-8 Be still before the LORD, and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over him who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.

As one sits quietly, or wakes up at three in the morning and cannot get back to sleep, we often seem to be drawn into a conversation, within our minds. It is almost as if we are able to say something in our thoughts and then actually answer oneself. The problem is that most of the time our minds are cluttered with jumbled thoughts, and we do not clear our thinking of useless information.

This morning I spent time like this and realised that I need to be able to discern that which is of God ‘the Holy Spirit’ and that which is of self. Jesus promised me that He would always be with me in and through His Holy Spirit, and in the journey of life and the jumbled process this entails this applies  for most of us, even though I am not always aware of His presence. So we need to be able to recognise His voice in our thinking and internal debate, and the more we recognise His voice, the clearer the debate becomes and so we are able to hear His will in regard to our jumbled and busy lives.

This takes discipline and faith, it also takes being woken up at three in the morning, when He wants to talk and spend time with us. It is then in the silence that we hear a voice within our mind, that is usually more logical, wiser, gentle and loving than our own could ever be, also His language is more correct and He does not struggle for the correct word as we so often do.

Be encouraged today to recognise the voice of Jesus in the stillness of our minds.
Point to ponder: We have a God that speaks to us..

Question to consider: Do you discern God’s voice?

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