28 September 2012
20:7 A
righteous man who walks in his integrity--blessed are his sons after him!
Very often we get caught
out because we do not have the correct information about something, simply like
reducing the number of tissues from 220 to 180 and keeping the size and price
of the box the same. We are never to old to learn and
similarly I learnt something about watermelons, firstly many watermelon farmers
do not own the land but rent it for a single crop. They do not fence the land
properly with all the investment being in getting water to the crop, they then
get a permit to kill any game that comes on the land and so protect the crop.
When the crop is harvested they move on and the field takes six years to
recover and the wild life never does.
Now when we look at what we
do and the consequences are we being fair to those around us and do we care
what happens next year after we move on and have made a profit. Wisdom is a
gift that is something beyond compare, and we need to use it wisely. Always be
conscious that we leave a legacy to others, even the unborn generations, what
are we leaving them?
Be encouraged today to be
aware that what we do becomes who we are.
Point to ponder: We are called to care about tomorrow.