Saturday, March 6, 2010

The men's "to do" list just grows and grows in service of the Lord

Giyani and son .... Giyani, chaired both the Executive and Bi Monthly meetings at the weekend.

The executive of Men for the Master met at the A.S. Welsh Hall on Saturday evening to  plan for the service to be led by the men of St Mark's on the 28th March. The executive was joined by the Interim Moderate Moshe Rajuili and after the opening prayer the "blue sky" session began.

The purpose of the  meeting was  to come come up with a compelling framework for the service, which will "officialise" the existence of the Men for the Master under Session, with the same terms of reference as the Women's Association in support of St Mark's and its community.

The following points were agreed and will be discussed by the full Men for the Master group at a meeting before Communion on Sunday.

1. The sermon will be delivered by the chairman of Men for the Master Giyani Matampi.

2. A Men's Choir, which is to be coached by Moshe, will be formed especially for this service and among the members will be Norman, Giyani, Samuel, Roger, Charles, Elvis and Delauney.

3. The accompaniment will be traditional African drums and the intention is that the the folk in the church on the corner, with the mega sound system, will hear us.

4. Moshe is away next week as is Solomon, but on Moshe's return the men with have choir practice for 5 days, starting in the week of the 28th,  to ensure a flawless performance on the day.

5. Our traditional choir will also be involved and we'll share the plan with our Session Clerk Liz, once the Men for the Master have met and agreed what we are to do as a group.

6. Men will also be on Vestry duty, door duty and will assist with the name tags and Irvine, if he agrees ,will lead the service..

7. A major aim will be to invite friends from the Men's Association's off all churches in our area to attend and host these friends to tea and eats after the service. We could be looking to some help from the WA here.

8. The Sunday school will also be involved on this special day and ALL are welcome and the aim will be to wear traditional clothes so as to embrace our diversity in service of the Lord.

Other points:

  • The erection of a church sign board has been prioritised.
  • The painting of the toilets in the A S Welsh Hall is already in hand and Sophia is running with that project. The men will offer to extend it to the entrance hall up to the kitchen if funds permit..
  • That the men buy tickets for the Bafana game at Soccer City and attend as a group to support South Africa against Mexico on 11th June (Good one Solomon).
  • Liz has requested that the Men consider fixing the notice board in the hallway too. 
  • That we scrap the Bank account idea in favour of a cash box to be kept in a safe place to do away with bank charges.
The men agreed in principal, on all the above but the focus is now firmly on "So, who is the boss in your family" retreat and the men's service to follow on the 28th March. 

The St Mark's Editorial Team

1 comment:

  1. I have checked the information of last night and I found that you have all information I do not need to give you what I promised. You super! You can get all things as we were talking.
    I love it!
    Keep well and God will bless you in all you are doing my friend. Solomon.
