Sophia (back to camera) ... puts the finishing touches to the Harvest Festival display
1 March 2011
1 Peter 1:6 In this you rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
It is the hardest thing to be faithful, when a person is faithful they need to be able to persevere, to continue in the process when all hope is gone and encouragement has disappeared. This is especially hard when the temptation to give up, to give in and to just walk away seems to be the only logical answer. It is also made even harder when the people who should be encouraging and giving hope and support are actually indifferent and apathetic. It is then that we realise that faith is foolishness in the eyes of the world, when the world would give up in faith the Christian will persevere. Most often it is very church leadership that in the business of church is so busy with church issues that they are actually indifferent and uncaring of the struggle of others, believing that their struggle is greater than all.
How careful we must be to allow the mustard seed of faith to germinate, to nurture it and allow it to grow. It takes love and not indifference, it takes care and not apathy, it takes encouragement and not discouragement, it takes support and not disregard, how caring we must be to allow the faith of others to grow, and in so doing growing our own. The world at the best of times is cruel and impassionate, and we do not need our brothers and sisters in Christ to be hurt by the world found in us. No matter how difficult, no matter what our faith in the One who dwells in us must be stronger than the situation we have to face.
Be encouraged today to know that when our faith is tested we need to persevere to the end.
Point to ponder: Faith leads to perseverance .
Question to consider: How great is your faith?
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