Thursday, September 30, 2010

When birds fly

Sharing a smile ... Geoff and his friend Roger, from men from the Master.

30 September 2010

Matthew 10:29-31 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's will. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

Yesterday afternoon the young turtle dove chicks flew from the nest, and it is sad to think of the dangers that leaving the safety of the nest brings. The first bird flew and then went into the garage and sat on one of the roof rafters, the other went its own way and we are not sure where it flew to. In this area they will be exposed to wild cats, snakes, predator birds, and all the natural dangers that live brings. Each generation of birds will learn and have to survive facing these dangers. The beauty of this is that not one feather will fall without the knowledge of God.

Sometimes we are so busy with life that we forget that we are required to enjoy life with all its dangers, trusting that God knows all that we are facing and when we place that trust in Him nothing will harm us outside of His will for us. The more we trust and enjoy God, the more we have to trust and our enjoyment becomes even greater. It takes courage to leave the nest and to start to fly, just as it takes courage to do things in your life that you have never done before.

Be encouraged today to spread your wings and enjoy what God has given you, no matter what it is.


Point to ponder: Enjoy life and trust God.

Question to consider: Are you a bit of a stick in the mud when it comes to enjoying new things?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The Youth of St Mark's ... in need of our experience

29 September 2010

Matthew 16:2 He answered them, "When it is evening, you say, 'It will be fair weather; for the sky is red.' And in the morning, 'It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.'

The sun is shining and the skies are clear, spring is in the air, and so one dresses accordingly. Step outside and it is very cold, back inside again, a quick clothes change, warm again you start off. When one looks at the weather, it is easy to be deceived about the real skin conditions outside, both the weather reports and what we see, does not mean that we feel the weather the same.

In life we find similar situations where we see and understand one thing but actually experience something different. We find this also in relationships, and with associates who seem to be one thing, but we actually experience them differently. They may be sunny and reports may confirm this, but when we get close to them and leave our comfort zone we find them to blow a bitter cold wind. In this respect we need to understand that no matter what the reports may be, or even what we see, it is only when we take that step do we actually gain our own experience. With this experience we have either go and change in order to cope with their conditions, or what a joy when we do not have to because they actually are who they claim to be.

Be encouraged today be aware that not all people are who they claim to be.


Point to ponder: Experience teaches us the truth.

Question to consider: Are you who you claim to be?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Marianne hard at work at tea on Sunday ... St Mark's is a home from home for all of us

28 September 2010

Matthew 8:20 And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head."

Under the gazebo in our garden, we have a piece of steel from which plants in pots are hanging. We placed them there to stop them from being damaged from the cold of winter, and on this piece of steel a turtle dove has nested. About ten days ago two chicks hatched and it is interesting to see how fast they are growing. I expect that within the next week they will leave the nest and start their own journey of life.

These birds took the opportunity to find a safe and warm place to nest and as the result they have been able to safely nurture their chicks. I suppose in the same way we all would like to have that same warm and safe place where we can come home to, both to nest and rest. For many people in this world this is a dream that never seems to come true, there is always the danger, being safe is always a risk, and with all the worries rest seems to be illusive.

We know that we have a home where we are able to be safe and at rest, where concerns about life will no longer be ours, this home is with Jesus Christ. We should only see our stay in this life as temporary, in a temporary home; our true home is with Him. We can claim this today and live knowing we are going home to Him.

Be encouraged today to seek your home with Christ.


Point to ponder: Our true home is with Christ.

Question to consider: Where are you safe to rest and nest?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

Monday, September 27, 2010


That's Men for the Master chairman Giyani Matampi at the head of the table at the first meeting of the Couple's Fellowship ... we have great expectations of this Forum

27 September 2010

Matthew 18:4 Whoever humbles himself like this child; he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

When a person has expectations, it creates a situation whereby one automatically judges whether the expectation is met or not. This has become so entrenched in most of us that we have all developed expectations about many things in life. We have an expectation of how Christians should act and live, we have expectations about our families, and so we may list these and many others.

True humility has no expectations; it is the acceptance of the situation without judging. It is in this way that nobody disappoints us, because we have no expectation in regard to them or the situation we find ourselves in. Where we are and who we are with, is where God wants us to be and to accept the other for whom they are without putting our expectations on them. This becomes extremely difficult because all that we are in this world is based on some kind of expectation or other.

When we deal with others we need to have no expectations, we do what we need to do, and we do not expect any help from others. When we live our life dependant on God, then we find that we need not be dependant on others, and so we find that freedom that comes from not being bound by expectations others may have on us.

Be encouraged today to have no expectations from others, only from God.


Point to ponder: God is the only One we can truly trust.

Question to consider: Do you live your life to fill others expectations of you?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

All action at St Mark's on Sunday

Birthday boy Geoff (in the pink shirt) and the lads from Men for the Master this morning.

The final Sunday of September served up an action packed day in praise of the Lord at St Mark's. Solomon's first early bird Communion Service attracted 15 members of the congregation, whereas historically the figure for the 08h00 service used to stand at around 10. That's a step in the right direction. Colleen kindly came in at 07h30 to assist with the elements, but is looking for support in this area. The 08h00 service will be held once a month.

Men for the Master followed at 09h00 and Solomon was again on hand. Many commented on the beautiful singing both at the Communion service and at the Men for the Master meeting. This was Africa at it's best. Giyani has promised us more of the same. This was the  biggest turn out to date for the Men for the Master and some of our regulars were not there today. The chairman is well pleased.

Irvine "anchored" the 10h00 service to give Solomon a break, but the minister was back to preach the sermon, ably assisted by Mike with the visuals on screen. The projector was used to great affect to drive home the salient points of the sermon. Our thanks must go to both Solomon and Mike in their efforts to make the Lord's Word live.

We were also hearted by our fledgling youth group, who are high school scholars with big plans for the future. Please assist them with their fund raised efforts. They are game to do just about anything to raise funds for the church, everything from polishing shoes to doing domestic work and gardening. One can just FEEL the Lord working in our midst.

After church it was the big hot dog give away in celebration of Geoff'a 60th birthday. The congregation turned out in numbers at tea, to the extent that we ran out of rolls in double quick time. Geoff's says thank you to all those who prepared the food and those who helped to make this such a special day.

Lest we forget Solomon was back for the Couple's Fellowship, at 11h30, with a guest speaker from Ghana. This was held in the Sunday school hall, but we seemed to have more men than ladies. Come on girls this is a team thing.

Blessings to all,

The St Mark's editorial team. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


23 September 2010

Joel 2:28-29 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even upon the menservants and maidservants in those days, I will pour out my spirit.

Part of the new vision for Linga Longa is to provide a place of rest and retreat from the world and its problems, and also to facilitate and promote the ministry within the Church today. Yesterday three youth pastors came to spend the night and to use the opportunity to consider and set the theme of a youth leader’s camp to be held in December this year. As part of the facilitation process a number of ideas were considered and these to be discussed in order to set the theme and vision of this process. The most important aspect was to have the same vision as that given to the Church by Jesus Christ and then to teach and lead people into firstly understanding the vision and then through the power of the Holy Spirit to actually implement that vision.

This leads us to the question, ‘what is your vision and is it the same as Jesus Christ has for you and your life?’ it would be sad to lead your life and at the end realise that you missed the vision that Jesus Christ had for you. So often we become so embroiled in life that we miss what it is all about, when we stop and consider we regret the wasted time and effort. Each day should have its purpose, even if it means sitting and reading a book under the shade of a tree, or doing the ironing, or solving a problem, no matter what we need to have purpose and meaning in what we do.

Be encouraged today to seek your vision in Jesus Christ.


Point to ponder: Jesus Christ has a vision for you.

Question to consider: How close is your vision of your life with that of Jesus Christ for you?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

Children’s spirituality

22 September 2010

Deuteronomy 6:6 And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

We so often play games when it comes to our spirituality or we tend to avoid our spiritual side and problems occur because we do. We are all spiritual beings, and there is a part of us that needs to be connected to this aspect of who we are. We grow up with this need and so when a child enjoys being connected spiritually we see the child as being spiritual. Other children may not display this response as publicly as others but it does not imply that they are not spiritual, this continues throughout our life. We need to be part of a spiritual whole, and when we become part of it, in that way we have a sense of being completed.

In this world today we see this being displayed in various ways, and this desire is often misdirected into areas that lead to problems and distortions. When our children are left without proper guidance in regard to their spirituality they will seek out their own interpretation of their need and so experiment with things that could harm and destroy them. This could be from trying drugs, to playing with the occult, to joining any cult or religious group.

The only way is the Jesus Christ way, for us to teach and realise for ourselves that we have a spiritual connection to God in and through the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to be part of the Church in order to become complete in Christ.

Be encouraged today to express yourself spiritually in Christ.


Point to ponder: Our spirituality is expressed in Christ.

Question to consider: Are you complete in Christ?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Good News Crew

21 September 2010

Mark 16:15 And he said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.

It is interesting to note what we consider to be news, if we look at the news on TV we view what the TV Station considers to be news, and this is influenced by the editorial staff. So all that we get is news that is of interest to them, because that is the news that interests them, we see this change in that it is only crime of an extraordinary nature that is now featured, sports of interest, but mostly political debate and rhetoric. In fact for the average apolitical person, who focuses on working and resting there is very little news of interest. So the spats in the ruling party, the power shift in their alliances, the slander and corruption just reinforces the apolitical person to switch off.

It is so seldom that we hear good news, news that encourages and uplifts, is it possible that we have become so used to the news media dominating what is news that we have no idea what good news is anymore? The reconciliation between people is good news, giving someone work to do is good news, the thousands of people who are working and building this country with their dreams is good news. The friendship and ability to enjoy each other is good news. But most of all we can do all of this because our country was built on the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is this Good News that we still need to share and build on, so that even the TV Stations and the political debate becomes dominated by it. It starts with us, being positive about which we are in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with  and to all.

Be encouraged to be part of the Good News crew for Jesus.


Point to ponder: Jesus Christ brought Good News.

Question to consider: Are you part of the Good News crew?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

Monday, September 20, 2010


20 September 2010

Colossians 1:19-20 For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

When we understand that God has reconciled Himself to us and that through that reconciliation we are at peace with God, it should be a simple step to then come to peace with oneself and with others. That peace that dwells within a person who is reconciled in that peace that Jesus Christ gave His disciples as a gift on the night of His betrayal. No matter what, that peace will prevail in the hearts of those who are reconciled to God, knowing that this peace no person can or is able to take away. This is a peace that is beyond understanding; it is a mystery, a gift that takes away all those things that cause anxiety and fear.

As we come to understand this we need to appropriate this in our thinking, our breathing and our very being. God is no longer angry with us; He is no longer going to condemn us, because He has made peace with us. The question for the world today is whether they want to make peace with God? This implies making peace with each other, no longer trying to out do one another, or to cheat, but simply to do what is right. Right not in the eyes of men, but right in the eyes of God!

Be encouraged today to find that peace which comes from Christ.


Point to ponder: Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the bright Morning Star.

Question to consider: Have you accepted the gift of peace from God?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Master and Servants

South African in North Alabama ... St Mark's was represented by Sophia Williamson. We'll be hearing more about the trip on Sophia's return next week

17 September 2010

Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

It is interesting to do some soul searching and to ask one self, who is my master? It is then that we observe those things to which we are servants, and how we allow these things to determine what we do, how we do it and when we do it. Sometimes these become compulsive and we develop behavioural response to these compulsive masters that then controls our responses. The triggers of these are often emotional and with time others learn what our triggers are and so in this way they are able to become our masters as well. If I know what makes you angry, I then expose you to that, and so you respond in anger, in the same way if I know what pleases you, I do that.

With introspection one is able to identify who are our masters and who we really want to be servants too; we then need to submit all of these to Jesus Christ. Without submitting ourselves under the authority of Jesus Christ, who is and should be our Master in all things, we will still have other masters at the same time. If we call ourselves servants of Jesus Christ, then He should be Master of all, and so we live in submission to Him alone.

Be encouraged today to have only one Master: Jesus Christ


Point to ponder:  Jesus is our Master.

Question to consider: How many masters do you have?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.


South Africans in North Alabama ... that's our Sophia second from the left.

16 September 2010

Proverbs 10:14  Wise men lay up knowledge, but the babbling of a fool brings ruin near.

The definition of education is the changing of a person’s attitude to available information. The reason for examinations is to evaluate the educator’s performance in the changed attitude of those they taught. The problem with this is that exams are conducted against a norm, not to evaluate the educator, but to exam the memory ability of the student in a subject. The changed attitude to information gained is not always examined.

When we look at the education standards we realise that schooling is not properly understood, that literacy is key to gaining information, arithmetic and mathematics is key computations, and logic is required for comprehension. When students demand a 20% credit to a subject before they are examined, makes it clear that they are happy just to pass an exam, because passing the exam is more important than actually understanding the subject. This attitude needs to be corrected through adequate education. Just imagine if the educator’s salary increase was determined on the increased performance of the students? Would this not solve the problem of both the educator and the students?

In the same way so many people are content with their Christian life, exposed to biblical information, but never changing their attitude to life because they have not been educated by the church leadership to do so.

Be encouraged today to allow your attitude to change.


Point to ponder: We learn the lesson when our attitude changes.

Question to consider: Are you the teacher or the student?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

Deeper Spirituality

This photograph, as well as the other two at the top of the Blog, were captured off Facebook by our friend David McGhee from Faith Presbyterian Church in Huntsville. Thank you David.

15 September 2010

Romans 10:1 Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved.

There can be no growth in the church today unless there is a deepening of the spiritual life of the church leaders and ultimately all church members. So often we want to start new programmes, improve music styles, review church liturgy, but lose sight of the need to improve prayer life and spiritual response to that prayer life. In church leadership today there needs to be a leading by example and that example must follow the example given to us through the Bible.

The need to bring Christ today to those who have not heard the Gospel is vital and unless we have a passion for the lost, we will not have the passion of Christ. We need to be praying for Jesus to touch the hearts and minds of people today, for an opening and softening so that love will replace hate, understanding will replace misunderstanding, patience to replace impatience and so forth. The more we realise that if we pray for these things, we are praying for those very things that Jesus is praying for. It starts with us.

Be encouraged today to pray for church leaders and church members that their spirituality will deepen.


Point to ponder: We need to deepen our spirituality with Christ.

Question to consider: Do you pray for your church leadership?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

Walk in the Light

14 September 2010

Psalms 27:1. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

When the world is dark and we do not seem to know which way to turn because we cannot see where we need to go, we need to be reminded that we are always in the light of God. No darkness can hide us from God, we may try to hide ourselves, and we may think that where we are God isn’t, yet we are always in His light.

It is because of this that we need to understand that He is always there to save us, to bring us out of danger and to a place where we are no longer threatened. As we understand this we are able to claim our salvation irrespective of the situation we may find ourselves in. It is in that moment that we have no fear, for the Lord is with us and we move and live in His light. Nothing will harm us, either by day or by night, for He is our stronghold and who is our Protector. The deeper we study this, the greater our reliance becomes on Him, and the more we live by faith.

Be encouraged today to live in the light of God and His salvation.


Point to ponder: We are not hidden from God.

Question to consider: Do you believe that God is always with you?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

In the Hands of the Potter

13 September 2010

Jeremiah 18:6 "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter has done? says the LORD. Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.

Have you ever thought of yourself as a piece of clay? If you were a lump of clay and with God being the Potter, how would you be formed and for what purpose? This is a very interesting concept and one with which a person would be wise to dwell with in their mind. Could you imagine laying in the palm of the Hand of Jesus, as He moulds you and shapes you, takes away unnecessary bits and adds other pieces to you? The clay is just clay and has no concept of its potential neither its purpose, it remains clay until it is worked and shaped by the Potter.

So often we want to be one thing, but we are actually shaped and moulded to be another. We then get upset because we do not become what we want to be, or that we do not get our way. At the end we become that which we were designed to be, and we need to have this peace that as we lay in the Palm of His Hand, we rest and trust that all that happens to us is to bring glory to our Father. Now if you had to have a choice of what you would be, what would you choose, to be cup from whom others may drink, a lamp that others may see, an ornament that may bring others pleasure? In that choice how close are you to what Jesus is designing you to be.

Be encouraged today to rest in the hand of Jesus.


Point to ponder: We are but clay in the Potters Hand.

Question to consider: How workable are you, to become what God wants you to be?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A word to the wise!

10 September 2010

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him.

There is a large difference between being wise or of being clever. When one is clever the person has the intellect to achieve well, to be able to be smart and be seen to be smart. Being wise is being able to do the right thing at the right time in the most efficient and effective way, and has little to do with intellect or being smart. In fact wise people are often not recognised by others because they do not have to brag or push themselves, they just get on the job. In biblical terms wisdom is a gift from God, cleverness is learnt skill from the world, a little like chasing the wind.

In the situation that we find ourselves in this world, we more often meet clever people, and we seldom meet those who are wise. Yet when it comes to trade unions, politicians and media, we do not find wisdom in the way that they deal with crisis, and the clutter of clever statements, appeals to freedom of speech, show little wisdom or true understanding of the crisis.

In the same way, the sane way is to seek the gift of wisdom in dealing with the situations in our own lives and so apply that gift in our day to day decision making. It is illogical for a Christian who is able to ask and receive the gift of wisdom to fail to ask for it. It is when we understand that without wisdom we cannot do the right thing at the right time; we may then do the clever thing which usually backfires.

Be encouraged today to pray for wisdom for yourself, and your loved ones and those in authority.


Point to ponder: One is gifted with wisdom.

Question to consider: Have you asked God to bless you with wisdom?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Orange Blossoms

8 September 2010

Matthew 7:20 Thus you will know them by their fruits.

At the moment all the orange trees are in blossom and this year the trees look as if there is snow on them; as you walk through the orchard the air is filled with the beautiful scent of the blossoms. Every bee in town is excited and there is a buzz in the air. The bees are taking this opportunity and using it to their advantage, and in a way so am I, just in the enjoyment of this spring moment. The orange trees are going to bear a bumper crop next year.

It is in the things around us that we learn about nature and through observing we become students of life. In order for anything to become fruitful it needs to be looked after and cared for, in the same way when we want something to be fruitful in our lives we should also look after it and care for it. We may apply this principle to most things in our lives, including relationships and work projects, the minute we stop caring, is the moment that it starts to become unfruitful. So if you were an orange tree what kind of blossoms of promise are you bearing and what crop will you produce this time next year?

Be encouraged today to be filled with promise of next years crop.


Point to ponder: We all have the capacity to bear good fruit.

Question to consider: What crop of fruit will you bear?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.