Thursday, September 9, 2010

A word to the wise!

10 September 2010

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him.

There is a large difference between being wise or of being clever. When one is clever the person has the intellect to achieve well, to be able to be smart and be seen to be smart. Being wise is being able to do the right thing at the right time in the most efficient and effective way, and has little to do with intellect or being smart. In fact wise people are often not recognised by others because they do not have to brag or push themselves, they just get on the job. In biblical terms wisdom is a gift from God, cleverness is learnt skill from the world, a little like chasing the wind.

In the situation that we find ourselves in this world, we more often meet clever people, and we seldom meet those who are wise. Yet when it comes to trade unions, politicians and media, we do not find wisdom in the way that they deal with crisis, and the clutter of clever statements, appeals to freedom of speech, show little wisdom or true understanding of the crisis.

In the same way, the sane way is to seek the gift of wisdom in dealing with the situations in our own lives and so apply that gift in our day to day decision making. It is illogical for a Christian who is able to ask and receive the gift of wisdom to fail to ask for it. It is when we understand that without wisdom we cannot do the right thing at the right time; we may then do the clever thing which usually backfires.

Be encouraged today to pray for wisdom for yourself, and your loved ones and those in authority.


Point to ponder: One is gifted with wisdom.

Question to consider: Have you asked God to bless you with wisdom?

Please if you need to send this to some one please do. If you want any help or advice I will be happy to try and help.


  1. Wisdom is God given and we pray that our elected leaders be blessed with it. Eish indeed.

  2. That US Pastor who wants to burn the Koran is a case in point of a misguided Christian seriously lacking in wisdom.
