Monday, December 14, 2009

Building a cyber bridge to North Alabama - Yes we can!

St Mark's now has ADSL. We have our own community news blog and we are linked to Twitter and Facebook. We have built up a loyal online readership and now it's time to reach our to our fellow Christians in North Alabama to see if we can praise the Lord together using the technology at our disposal.

The editorial team has drafted the following e-mail to Bunny in Huntsville, to see if we can bring our congregations closer today.

 "Dear Bunny,

I am the so “webmaster” for St Mark’s and I maintain the blog along with a band of hard working scribes. We are very keen to enhance communication with Huntsville, be it via e-mail, blog contribution, Skype prayer meetings indeed any method that is convenient, so that we can share the word of the Lord together. Huntsville and St Mark’s are “twinned”, but we can take this to a new level in praising the Lord together by getting to know one another, albeit online. We have never ventured into this realm before and feedback from Huntsville would be most welcome. I also send greetings from Liz White and Val Brake.  I have copied you on our Blog site link, which we use for real time community news and drive optimism in these tough times. This growing along with our Facebook community and Twitter. I look forward to hearing from you..

God Bless,

Geoff van Heerden
St Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Yeoville."

1 comment:

  1. This would be fantastic. We know we have a twinning arrangement, but it would grand if we could worship together in some way.
