Sunday, December 20, 2009

Testimony of Glenice Fru after successful surgery

Glenice, her family and Solomon give thanks to God at tea after the Carol service. 

In early July of this year Glenice Fru experienced minor pains in her stomach, which lasted a few days. The pain subsided and she thought it was over and did not consider it serious. Three days later the pain returned and she thought it wise to consult her doctor, which she did on the 20th July this year. The doctor advised her immediately that she needed an operation, because of "ectopic" pregnancy. On the 22nd July she was went under the surgeon's knife at the Johannesburg Hospital.  The three hour procedure was considered a success.

But more was to come. Six weeks later she caught the flu, which was accompanied by diarrhea, and the stomach pains returned. She had sleepless nights for a further three days. She went back to her doctor in Sandton, who once again referred her for yet another surgical procedure at the Johannesburg Hospital.

But the Johannesburg Hospital theatre was fully booked until the 30th November. Her Sandton doctor  stressed that time was of the essence and raised the issue of the cost of the procedure if he was to perform it. But it was not negotiable and he went ahead and did the operation  The 5 hour procedure addressed the issue of endometriosis, otherwise known as endometrial growth in the uterine wall.

The operation was a complete success and on Sunday Glenice and her family came to witness to God and give thanks for her healing and successful sugery. We therefore join her and thefamily to say "thanks be to God."


Emmanuel Solomon Surwumwe

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