Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thank you all for a magnificent Service of 9 Lessons and Carols

Helene (organist) and Mike and the St Mark's Choir in full flight at the Carol Service on Sunday

Mac McTaggert, master of the count, was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the our fellow Christians, who streamed into the pews of St Mark's on Sunday, as we joined together for our annual Service of Nine Lessons and Carol. Mac said ruefully after the service he had lost count at 120, which is the first time that we as a congregation have topped the century mark in some time. Indeed Norman Mangena followed up with a count at tea where 115 of us had joined together in fellowship.

But what is more important is that we celebrated the Lord together, young and old, rich and poor, fat and thin and that the Choir was magnificent on the day. All the hard work, all the practice, all the preparation - and thank you Liz for the wonderful order of service booklet, that you compiled. - paid off in spades. To all the readers, those on door duty and those trying to hand out attendance stickers at the door in the windy conditions, thank you too. And let's not forget those on tea duty, Chris and Marianne. And the Henderson family for the incredible decorations. A Christmas at St Mark's would not be the same without them.

The Lord indeed blessed this day at St Mark's. Christmas is a time of joy and family as we Christians celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus. The smiles said it all on Sunday, this was indeed a celebration of our faith.

Scroll down the right side to see pictures of  the Sunday's service. Click on the thumbnail picture and all will be revealed - 8 pictures in all.

The St Mark's Editorial team.

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