Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year St Mark's

The smile of an Interim Moderator ... Moshe Rajuile has been a tower of strength in 2009.

We have to the end of another year. 2009 was a year of Global Challenges, with the Recession biting deep but our Christian Community of  St Mark's can look back with a feeling of satisfaction and with the knowledge that the Lord is touching us in Yeoville. The Editorial team has compiled a slideshow of pictures documenting the past 12 months and these visuals say, "yes we can." (See last paragraph on how to see them.)

True there were also moments of great sadness with the passing of Elders Ruth Gutsche and John Nixon, two giants, who have touched the lives of so many of us who had the privilege to know them. But they have left a legacy that will live on in new generations at our spiritual home.

But let's tick off the memories that we will cherish.

The licensing of Solomon, our Probationer. He has been a tower of strength in these testing times And let's not forget his mentor our Interim Moderator Moshe Rajuili, who has kindled the flame of optimism in our midst in preaching the Word. And yes Solomon and Perpetue are also expecting their first baby. It doesn't get better than that.Except for Elvis, who announced his engagement to Lilian Chenwi. Do we hear the sound of wedding bells in 2010?

The Men for the Master, after a slow start, has gone from strength to strength. The men are standing up to be counted ready and able to get involved in both the spiritual and practical needs of the church. What fun we had after the Nativity play buttering rolls for the hot dogs in our joint outreach programme with the Women's Association. Thank you Beate.

The Women's Association now has Sophia at the helm after the wonderful AGM at Jane's home. Jane your contributions over the years have been incredible. From starting the Christmas food parcels to mammoth task of putting up Christmas decorations. The Henderson family were out in force on Christmas Day and we are blessed to have them in our midst.

Margaret  has decided to give up packing food parcels after 18 selfless years, but can you believe we managed to put together 52 parcels this year, a record. It was originally 42 parcels, but unexpected cash contributions enabled a further 12 to be packed..

The Sunday school is growing. Norman and Colleen now have a group 30 children to minister to and what a job they did on the Nativity play. Improvisation was the name of the game with torches used as spotlights. This was really moving and there were tears in the pews.

The Carol service was special, Helene and Mike have our sincere thanks for a wonderful effort, Helene's son Marius, who is out on holiday, was also roped in. And our new choir is also up and running although on the lookout for new members.

Eight new Elders joined Session and the Elders Retreat gave many of us renewed spiritual vigour. Thank you Liz Kenyon, Moshe and Liz for facilitating this for us.

The list just goes on and on. Add anything your editorial team may have missed out. Oh yes, did we mention that we now have a web site with global reach? Hopefully this is where you will  get your  first  wishes for 2010. Happy New Year St Mark's. Things can only get better when we open our hearts to the Lord .
Scroll down to the thumbnail picture on the right and double click to see a slide show of the big moments of 2009.


The St Mark's Editorial Team.

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