Sunday, December 13, 2009

Daniel, a story of hard choices

Christmas cheer and 30 young Sunday school learners listen to Solomon telling them about making hard choices for the Lord.

The Sunday school children were out in force today, although there was no official Sunday school scheduled for the 30 or so youngsters, who arrived at the service.

Solomon, who was preaching today, took this in his stride and in view of the lively nature of the youngsters took a stern line with his children's address. It was the story of Daniel in the lion's den. The children were enthralled when Solomon alluded to the dire consequences Daniel faced if he did not forsake his Lord. The choice was clear if Daniel stood by his God and refused to accept the divinity of King Darius, he faced death at the hands of hungry lions. If on the other hand he took the easy route and accepted the king as a God he would be saved.

We all know what happened next. Our class of 2009 when polled by Solomon agreed that they would die for the Lord, except one young pragmatic soul, who asked Solomon, "What if a lie?'  Solomon said that was not an option and our one doubter decided that he too would die for the Lord.

The bottom line is that we have a growing number of children coming to St Mark's, some are skeptical and others a true believers in the making molded by Norman and Colleen.

But the young ones are a handful and Donald had two little punching his head from behind. Your scribe watched all this with some amusement instead of intervening. Alison O'Neill on the other hand sprang into action and hoofed it into the front pew to give the little ones some stern direction. Thank you Alison. The scribe will be at your side next time.

The St Mark's Editorial team.

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