Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Men for the Master will focus on the Spiritual life

The executive of Men for the Master ... standing is Samuel, Solomon, Roger and our smiling chairman Giyani.

The executive of the Men for the Master met at Geoff' and Marianne's home this week to finalise plans for the first three months of 2010.

Chaired by Giyani Matampi the Fellowship signed off on the following:

1. A Mission statement
2. Long term objectives, with the focus on enhancing the spiritual lives of the Men of St Mark's.
3. A short term implementation plan or to do list, which will take us to March next year..

The above will be presented to the full Men for the Master meeting  at 09h00 at St Mark's on Sunday morning.

We don't want to let the cat out of the bag, but Giyani, Samuel and Irvine will open a Group Account at Standard Bank on Saturday. We already have sufficient funds to achieve this.

Then we want to buy those nice smelling blocks for the men's loo and fix the pipe problem, which sees us having to dance away from the jets of water.. Fixing the church sign is high on the agenda and , having an official launch for the Men for the Master with a Men's Service and a Retreat are all on the to do list as we strive to build our spiritual lives.

And yes we want to build links with the Women's Association, so all of us at St Mark's work as one for the Lord.  God blessed our fellowship and we look forward to the challenges of 2010 with optimism.

The St Mark's Editorial team.

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