Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Let's have another meeting

29 March 2011

Proverbs 23:9 Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words.

A meeting for a meeting sake is a drag on everyone involved except for those people who enjoy the meetings and those who love to moan about the meetings. Yet when a meeting is necessary it is beneficial for all who attend, selecting those that should be at the meeting is also important so that the right people are there to make the decisions needed and inform others of what is taking place. All meetings should have an agenda and the process should be transparent with no hidden motives for the meeting. If a meeting does not make a positive difference to solving the problem it has wasted every bodies time.

Some people are anti meetings because it for them is a waste of time, because they are not really included in the decisions and are there just to bolster the ego of a manager, managers just instruct anyway, even though they have no clue how to actually do the work. Very often this is true to them because experience has proved this.

Yet when meetings are properly set out, clear agendas and the right to change decisions, and the dignity of being heard by all, the become constructive ways of achieving goals. The purpose and goals must be clear, and each person should know how they will help in the process. These principles apply in business, in our homes and in our churches, as it through meetings that we record decisions and develop understanding of what is the issue and how to solve them. It is meetings that the wisdom and knowledge of others is tapped into and developed.

Be encouraged to use wisdom and knowledge correctly.


Point to ponder: Wisdom adds value.

Question to consider: Do you dislike meetings?

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