Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nearer to God

8 March 2011

John 14:1 "Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me.

How often have we heard it said, “ I just wish I could feel nearer to God” and we hear this and just have no idea of how to answer the question. The question we should be asking is why does a person feel the need to be closer to God, what is it that is driving them to ask that question? Is it that they are insecure, do they feel inadequate, do they struggle with unbelief, are they wanting to come closer to God on their terms and not God’s? these questions need also to be asked in order for understanding to be revealed. Why can we not be content that God loves us and that we just need to accept this and believe this with all our hearts.

Our relationship with God should not be driven by our feelings, but by the facts revealed to us through His word to us, and then believing the Word, if we respond to our emotional need then our journey becomes a roller coaster ride of emotionalism. Very often people want to be close to God, but they cannot be close to their spouse or their children or their family, the Word tells us to first make your peace and then come to His altar of prayer.

The way to come close to God is to trust God and believe Him. God loves us, so trust in that. In this way we trust Him with everything, so we are able to give everything, when we have nothing but Him we are truly free.

Be encouraged today to trust God.


Point to ponder: God loves you.

Question to consider:  Do you rarely trust God?

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