Friday, March 11, 2011

Make a stand

11 March 2011

James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

In the scheme of things and the world consequences we may feel that we do not have the power or the capacity to change anything, so we often stand by and do nothing. Yet we are all able to do many things that may change the world, and many of us do without even realising it. A word here, a kindness there, a reprimand or two, these we do without thinking and so people get to recognise us through these. So they respond.

Yet within our grasp there is a capacity to make a difference, we can be law abiding, keep to the speed limit, pay our taxes and be in advance on our utilities, we can change attitudes by not taking chances. We can make a stand against corruption by not allowing the environment for corruption to flourish, so we do not pay bribes and we do not tolerate over policing of minor offences while un-roadworthy taxis pass the policeman by. We can report fraudulent bills from local authorities to the police, and we can stand for justice and help others who have to face injustice, we can defend the widows and orphans, and to confront greed head on. We can pay our debts when they are due, and we do not take the blankets away from those who owe us something. You and I can change the world, but we first need to change ourselves.

This we cannot do unless we have a spiritual change first and this will only happen when we allow Jesus Christ to our guide and Lord.

Be encouraged today to make a difference.


Point to ponder: When good people are silent the wicked thrive.

Question to consider:  Do you make a difference?

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