Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Humanity in Jesus Christ

9 January 2012

Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

It is interesting to note certain observations in life and how we find that certain attitudes are repeated throughout history. In being an observer of life, we see how in order to be superior to another we have to find grounds for our superiority, be it education, money, possessions, race, religion and whatever else we may find to help us to maintain our sense of superiority.  

So we find that the Romans enslaved people and nations and always considered themselves superior, in the same way we see modern propaganda causing opinions to be formed and generalisations made which de-humanises others. This we see taking place with regards to Islam, it happened with apartheid and is happening all around the world. If a person is not like us they do not deserve to be treated like us.

When we fell from grace and left the presence of God in the Garden of Eden, we became de-humanised and all our desires became focused on self. We lost our identity as humans and we continue to do so when see others as different to us. The only way this could be restored was for God to become human, so that we would be able to become truly human again. It is in this context that God enters into each person who accepts 

His divinity and humanity in the fullness of Jesus Christ, that we become truly human again. We then see the image of God in others rather than a comparison of self and in this way we see our enemies as friends of Jesus and love them accordingly.

Be encouraged today to be a human filled with the humanity of Jesus Christ for others.


Point to ponder: We are human only through Jesus Christ. 

 Question to consider: Did you realise that sin de-humanises you?

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