Thursday, January 5, 2012

One in Christ Jesus

6 January 2012

Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

How often do we see and judge people by who they are and what they do, rather than see them as our brother and sister in Christ. We are all different, even though we live in the same family we are not the same, we are unique in every way. When we start to think of people in terms of stereotyping, it becomes part the standards that divide us and allows for all sorts of tensions to come about.

When we start to look at people no matter who they are as being one in Christ with us, we change how we see people and consequently how we react to them. An example of this is when the fuel pump attendant starts to attend your church, belongs to your bible study, and is no longer a nameless extension of the petrol pump, we see that person as part of us. Why must we wait for that person to first come to our church to be like us, why can’t we see each person with the eyes of faith?

It is never easy to do this, but who ever taught you that being a Christian was easy? When we have this approach every person we see, interact with becomes to us, what they are to Christ. He lived and died for each one that they may be saved and have eternal life. We are the light of Christ to all.

Be encouraged today to see all as your brother or sister in Christ.


Point to ponder: We are one in Christ. 

Question to consider: Are you one with Christ and one with each other?

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