Sunday, February 28, 2010

Great feedback from Jean Greig as to the way forward for St Mark's

The WA cake sale ... not much left to buy after tea in the A S Welsh Hall

Many of our members miss out on reading the daily Marksman Online, simply because they do not have access to computers. Nora McIlroy has a friend next door with access to the internet and she has an arrangement where she can pop in for an update every now and again. But this is not ideal. Jean Greig is one of those, who would like access to printed copies of our editorial content.

The current plan is to publish the Best of the Web in the quarterly printed Marksman, but this is not ideal as the daily ebb and flow of the news surrounding our community is not shared. The only other solution is draw up a list of those interested in hard copies of the Marksman Online and print off the key content for these for interested parties once a week for collection at church on Sundays. Alison Jackson is already supplying Jean. Thank you Alison..

Your thoughts on this matter would be appreciated.  Please use the "comment" button below to have your say. Remember you can access a slideshow of the weekend's pictures by clicking on the thumbnail photograph on the right of your screen lower down this website.

On a totally different tack Jean also informed your scribe that the curtains in the A S Welsh Hall could be repaired if they were taken down. Evidently the major challenge is simply that this represents a major challenge for potential seamstresses among us. Men for the Master take note. This must be an agenda item at Wednesday's executive meeting.

Jean, quite rightly, also feels that change is happening at breakneck speed without consulting those, who have given so many years of service to the church. Indeed it has caused distress to some. Jean this is noted and thank you so much for the input. It will be a priority to involve Session even to the level of getting the Marksman Online to all who are interested.  The wisdom of those who have gone before is needed as we build for the future.

The St Marks Editorial Team.


  1. Hi, Geoff - we have a similar problem at work, so the "editor" of our newsletter prints out a hard copy and pins it up on the notice board ... all 8+ pages of it, so that those without internet access are able to keep up with what's happening in our department.

    Regards - ValB

  2. Please can you let us know which articles you would like us to include in the Marksman?
